Hi all templars, and...
Welcome to my first bog or blog or blog even...
It took me a long time to work this thing out! How to get it on etc...
But thanks to the amazing Adam, my archangel web designer it has been sat here for weeks on end now just saying "Hi Adam!" So sorry if it has been about as enthralling as waiting for Adam to get his ant...
He obviously just needs to come and sit in our kitchen because we have been invaded by the things,( I think this is just another way of spirit telling me I am too busy)
For the last few months I have been working as a full time reader for five days a week, commuting between London & Cornwall on the other two & studying for my astrological course and NVQ in care and writing a book and creating my own Tarot deck on the journey between the two worlds- which believe me- is what it feels like. plus also trying to read the five books well meaning people all spontaniously decided to give me in the same week- God love em! :-/
While im in Cornwall i`m a full time step mum and while i'm in London i'm a full-time socialite.
I stay at different friend's each weekend- this weekend it was my tv addict friend.
She began talking to me about tv- which is a different language to me now.
I explained I hadn't watched it in years. "Good heavens!" she said. "Whatever do you do with your time?!" she asked! "Good lord" I replied, "how ever do you find the time?!" I replied.
I myself am a self confessed ex telly addict, I gave it up gradually, after a childhood confined to the thing. I last watched the tv in 2003. (Spirit had to blow a few tellys up for me to get the message- which brings me back to the ants!)
Last week was maybe one of my busiest weeks, trying to hold down my employment in London, and cope with family responsibilities whilst undertaking training 9-5 for an Autistism service I have begun working for in Cornwall, with a 90 minute drive there and back and a journey to London either end, a colony of ants invaded our kitchen. We reckon upto 800! Being non-killing beings we tried to mastic up the holes but still they break through... My phone decides it will only charge when it feels like it, when I feel dead, it dies! When I get going again, so does it! Hmm...
This came to a head this morning- I arrived back from London last night, my partner gave me my key & I thought to myself "I must not forget to put that on my keyring "whilst slipping it in my pocket. Taking my step daughter to school this morning, I stepped out, her behind me and low and behold I remember "THE KEY!" I turn round in slow motion, & a warped deep "nnnnnnooooooooo" comes from my mouth as she slams the door shut! Looking at it in sheer disbelief like this could have posibly happened ( a bit like when the fridge gets empty) I think to myself this wouldn't have been so bad, after all it is a lovely day and maybe I deserve a day off, Except, it is my 1st day working for Star Temple, and I need to get back in to log on!
My partner works an hour away and its less than an hour til I have to start,and he has to have his mobile switched off for work, - & I walked out with my mobile! But low and behld, for once my step daughter has hers- and for once he has his phone switched on- nothing short of two miracles in a very short space of time.
So I have to sit and wait, at the mercy of time (those who know me know this is a very big mercy for me!) hoping he will be my hero and arrive by 9am when I have to start.
I do fairly well :-)
I realise that spirit want me to just "be" just "sit" and "be" before my big day & as I had been so nervous, it was all I could do not to make the ants look laid back. For a psychic, I have a pretty hard time sitting and meditating and I know that spirit need to take drastic measures with me sometimes... Just sorry that my partner gets dragged into it too- but then again it must be in his soul contract- or at least I like to console myself with that thought :-)
I do okay for about 3 minutes and 45 seconds, and then I start weeding! Well- how is one supposed to meditate when weeds surround the external?! The whole point eh? Perhaps another communication- well i'm sorry- I have to work from the outside in! Even so, I am relatively peaceful (and tell myself its grounding, particulalry as its all around the Bay tree which is linked to Gaia!)- given the situation, particulalry as my hero has under an hour to rescue his damsell in distress before she turns into a sacked ol' crone, & I know that if his shiny metal modern day equivalant gets stuck behind a tractor he might be faster on horseback...
Like I say, spirit talk to me loud these days and I know why they did it, and I did communicate to them that I had got their message and asked that he arrive in time, but sit there and do nothing? Nope, still couldn't do it!
I can see the oven clock through the kitchen window and start to obsess about the time, so I divert my attention to my reflection and start to do my hair instead! At 8:57 I start to panick and try to open the door with my credit card, and then I slump deflated as the church bells chime 9, bang on call my hero arrives in his metal chariot and grants me access and I only turned half pumpkin.
As I arrive at my reading station, I find this laid on top:
I got up early one morning,
And rushed right into the day
I had so much to accomplish
That I didn't have time to pray
Problems just tumbled about me
And heavier came each task
"Why doesn't god help me?" I wondered
He answered. "You didn't ask"
I wanted to see joy and beauty
But the day toiled on grey and bleak
I wondered why god didn't show me
He said "but you didn't seek"
I tried to come into God's presence
I used all the keys at the lock
God gently and lovingly guided
"My child you didn't knock"
I woke up early this morning
And prayed before entering the day
I had so much to accomplish
That I had to take time to pray!
Wow! I love spirit!
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
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