Sunday, 14 February 2010

Dear all knights Templars & welcome to the day where St Valentine has joined Avatar on the crusade to save Pandora on the back of his trusty (not rusty!) metal tiger & under the watchful gaze of the Aquarius New Moon.

You probably think I have well & truly lost the plot now- if you didn't think that before- & especially if you have not treated yourself to the amazing teaching that is Avatar yet.

So let me explain:

Today is St Valentine's day, St Valentine was believed to have been a priest during the reign of the Roman Emperor Claudius II, during that time Claudius was defending his empire from the enemies but as the battles continued men that wanted to be soldiers waned preferring to stay in their marriages, so Claudius passed a law stating there would be no more marriage ceremonies performed.

St Valentine did not agree with the law & continued to marry couples in secret, he was found out & thrown into prison, where the emperor developed a soft spot for him but still valentine would not renounce & the Emperor finally had him beaten with clubs & beheaded on 14th February 270.

Many amazing miraculous stories have been heard about Valentine but maybe the most heart touching was about Valentine's jailer who brought his blind daughter to Valentine for education & healing, it is said that her sight was restored just before his execution & he wrote her a note thanking her for friendship & urging her to stay close to God & signed it "your Valentine"

That heart rendering tale is relived through us all every February 14th. In the words of Avatar "I see you."

For those of you who have not seen Avatar I urge you to see it, it is an incredible 3D visual sight full of spiritual teachings showing us how we must learn to re-connect spiritually if we are going to cease doing damage to our planet.

In Avatar we humans invade the planet Pandora which is a planet of extreme beauty & spiritual connection, some humans see this & try to stop the others from ruining Pandora including the destruction of The World Tree & Tree of Souls all for the priceless material resource underneath. Humans invade Pandora with their metal technology but the human hero manages to use it against them.

The day I went to see Avatar I didn't even know I was going to see it & I synchronistically had a conversation where someone told me they had heard that we as a human race were so destructive we were sending negative waves throughout the entire universe, beings from other planets visited & were horrified at our lack of awareness & what we are doing to each other as well as our planet that they pleaded with god to destruct us & our planet, but our planet is the planet of soul evolution, where would that take place?

So god has pulled out the heavy duty clean up mob & we can really see it the stars this year- which started with a huge line up in Aquarius of Chiron (The Wounded Healer), Neptune (Spirituality) & Jupiter (Expansion & Oppurtunity) It is no mistake that Avatar came out at that time & has become the huge Box office hit it has.

This dramatic star line-up sets the tone for the rest of the year- not that I know the finer details of it yet but I will be keeping you informed as we go through them.

So in Avatar, we ride in on metal machines for the destruction of Pandora, but during the journey some wake up & manage to use the metal machines against the humans that won't repent.

Today is not only Valentine's day but also The Chinese New Year of the METAL tiger, here Neptune, Chiron & Jupiter are still in conjunction working their magic, but also along with the Sun & the New Moon ALL in Aquarius. Like I said God has got the heavy duty mob on the case:

Aquarius is all about loving the wider circle, working for evolution of all, so here see Valentine awakened with his cosmos army right behind him, riding in on the Metal Tiger urging us to wake up, expand our consciousness & work towards saving our planet, restoring, healing & connecting deeply, when you see Avatar, you will see there is no other way to live, or love...

I see you...

Continuing on with the theme of synchronistic conversations & alien films. I was teaching a Tarot class on Friday night & the theme was five, when I arrived back to the friend's house I was staying at, he was saying that Friday is also the fifth day & the film The Fifth Element was on channel five now.

I shared with my friend that the moment in that film where the alien sings her heart out so beautifully was one of my most treasured memories as I remember being woken up by that when I had my four month old daughter in my arms & I woke up to see her bless me with the most magical smile i had ever recieved- just before she passed with heart failure.

I sat there for a moment whilst this feeling that that particular scene was on, eventually I resisted no more stating what I was feeling, asking my friend to turn it on- we turned it on just as the alien had finished singing & was taking her bow- & got shot. My friend stated "i can't believe it"

In the film the Fifth Element the alien Lilu gives up on us when she sees the destruction we do on a t.v, it breaks her heart so much it nearly kills her, Bruce Willis is in love with her & begs her to live & save humanity- she replies "what is the point of saving life when I see what you do with it" he manages to save her & humanity by showing her the power of love...

So here's to the power of love...

I see you...