Monday, 19 July 2010

If you will but turn to look the other way with force, you will but get a pain in your neck.

Yet you only feel the pain when we turn you round once more.

Down the road there is twists and turns and we are here to keep you on track.

Just focus on where you are now and you will feel to be going straight.

If you are still, there, there will be stillness in your every turn.

A peace will resonate through the world in your butterfly wings.

Focusing down the road, trying to make it straight, is a lot more work.

Roadworks are noisy, disruptive, attention seeking statements,

that seem only necessary to humans.

They are things we do not understand, things that cause us pain.

Nature has it's own balance, human nature overcompensates for nothing,

nature always re-balances.

Be gentle like the breeze, allow the unseen to gently guide you down the path and all will become clear in time.

All will just simply be.

Destruction, creation, recreation, it all comes down to balance,

Balance yourself and balance the world.

-Running Wolf, Thurs 1st July 2010

Black cat sat on the mat,

Bird high in the tree,

Eat me, meet me,

Whatever way you can,

We are all connected,

We are all one,

Whatever way it's done,

We are all one.

-Running Wolf, Sat 10th July 2010

Poised at a large wooden table in front of a majestic bay window welcoming in the late summer sun, I cast my eyes out over the contrast of acres of heavenly kept gardens and prim roses with their perfectionist borders, to the seemingly insufficient wall whispering a separation from the heavenly to the wild, unkept haunting field space where the old Standstead Hall once stood before it was burned, as if nothing will ever dare stand there again. Hmm “Stand-stead” I think! How interesting!

I hear the tutor's voice vaguely in the background call me back into focus on the task at hand, to jot down some pointers to help us do an improvised inspirational speech and I bring my attention back inside to the real stately home, the one that stands in good stead (for now at least).

I worry that I am unable to “jot down pointers” and “not write solid sentences” as was instructed, that to me seems a harder task than any automatic writing, and sure enough what flowed from my pen was not random pointers, but random sentences that I could not break down if I tried, this emerged into a non-stop flow of communication through one of my guides, Running Wolf.

This was the first time I have ever received written channellings from this guide, although I have been aware of him for seven years my connection with him has been so very faint, to the point that I wondered if he was the equivalent of Forrest Gump to the spirit world and had run off somewhere!

So I make this sweeping statement that this piece of writing is from Running Wolf and not from the deep recess of myself, and how do I know?

I know because his pieces are not how I write.

In both pieces nature is a very strong point of reference, nature is not something I would “naturally” write about!

I know because when I realised it is not my style I asked who are you? And he replied “Running Wolf”

I know, like never before, I trust like never before, that we are all one anyway, and to trust that that one has many different faces, and to trust the one that is shown to you, even if all else can't see it.

I had evidence time and time again during my week at the world famous top college for psychic sciences, where spirit went out of their way to prove their existence to me time and time again, of which in this reference I will include bits of that evidence but first...

I wonder, I ponder on what Running Wolf is trying to say to us and I can't help feeling that he is trying to convey a feeling of reassurance, a message of how to be in what may just be increasingly turbulent times.

A message of surrender, a message of non-judgement so for me to label down the road as increasing in it's turbulence, feels like a label that I need to peel away.

There is a strong message of everything just is. That nothing is good, nor bad, that we are all one, whatever way it is done, it is nature that is behind everything and sometimes nature can seem so heartbreakingly cruel when we can't see the bigger picture, (which is most of the time!)

I feel Running Wolf has come through to try and reassure us that when we don't understand something it's ok, we just have to trust instead. Understanding and pain are inextricably linked. The more we don't understand a situation, the more pain we put ourselves through, the more understanding there is the less pain there is, but maybe it is time to practice not putting ourselves through the pain, maybe it's time to step up the trust...

As I write this paragraph I am listening to my ipod on random and a song comes on, the lyrics say:

like the ticking of a clock two hearts beat as one but I will never understand the way it's done, love moves in mysterious ways”

I take much notice of this because the song was one of three played at my daughter's funeral, this is then re-confirmed to me by the next song:

every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you, that is how I know you go on, far across the distance and spaces between us, you have come to show you go on.”

The second of the three songs played at my daughter's funeral. (Seeming I have 419 songs on my ipod the chances of that happening are slim!)

The communications from Running Wolf came in-between the two recent eclipses we have just had, the lunar eclipse in Capricorn on Saturday 26th June (the day I entered the Arthur Findlay College) and the solar eclipse in Cancer (hailed as the most auspicious and powerful day of the year) on Sunday 11th July. (Sunday just gone.)

There has been much attention on these recent celestial happenings, astrologers talk of the activation of the grand cross that comes into exact alignment in August. A grand cross is a point of tension- planets having confrontation and square-offs in the sky, such moments have a sweeping effect on all of us, but particularly those who have personal planets and signs that are implicated. For instance the people getting it the strongest as the moment are those who have strong Cancer or Capricorn in their chart, then the other cardinals, Aries and Libra, but even so the whole world is feeling the tension.

People spoke of the recession last year, but I never saw the impact, however I have become all too accutely aware of it in-between these eclipses, now I see it happening. For me it feels as if security is falling away from us, or being exposed more and more for the illusion that it is, and so is the power games, the control of the world and the question is poised “so what if you don't have security? What then? So what if you don't meet your bills, what then? So what if you don't buy into it? What then?”

The future is uncertain, with predictions of solar flare up's from the sun causing black outs, tidal waves from the sea, polar icecaps melting (interesting how the second song is from the film Titanic), prophetic dreams happening all over the place (every night in my dreams, I see you I feel you...)

The other day I dreamt the sea water in Cornwall was warming up, that morning and for two weeks after that we were invaded by what seemed like literally swarms of jellyfish, people could no longer swim, and you couldn't walk more than ten paces along the beach without coming across lines of washed up jellies- and the reason? The water was warming up.

The main consensus seems to be that the tension point stepped up on 26th June, culminating early August and calming down by September, some say that what happens in this time period is a preview of what 2012 has in store for us. So what do you see? Is it the beginning of the end?

I see exaggerated power games in nature and man-kind and feel that some drastic re-balancing is being summoned. I see a lot of destruction, personally speaking, everything is literally hanging in the balance by just a thread, but if someone cuts that thread, then what?

“It's not over yet”

Is now playing on my ipod.

Personally I have never been in such a materially uncertain time in all my life, and I have never ever been so freed up and light in my thinking, I have never felt such peace in my feeling, in my being, it is as if spirit have given me a general anaesthetic whilst they operate and I am only way to grateful to hand it all over to them whilst I just enjoy the deep peace of non-attachment.

I note that watching all fall away gives me more peace and serenity than having security, having security is hard work. I am moving from hard time into soft time. People speak of this being a hard time, but if you understand it, or even forget trying to understand it and just trust it, it becomes pure soft time.

Maybe it's time to say okay, maybe we don't understand what is happening, maybe the future is unknown, maybe there is a lot of seemingly injustice in the world, maybe we are making too much of a drama out of it with our noisy road works, maybe we are causing our own pains in the neck with our forceful control, maybe we just need to trust that it's okay not to understand, and relinquish the pain of judgement & misjudgement, nature knows best even if we don't understand it and maybe we just need to listen to the words of Running Wolf....

'We can fight our desires
But when we start making fires
We get ever so hot
Whether we like it or not
They say we can love who we trust
But what is love without lust?
Two hearts with accurate devotions
And what are feelings without emotions?

I'm going in for the kill
Not doing it for a thrill
Oh I'm hoping you'll understand
And not let go of my hand

I hang my hopes out on the line
Will they be ready for you in time
If you leave them out too long
They'll be withered by the sun
Full stops and exclamation marks
My words stumble before I start
How far can you send emotions?
Can this bridge cross the ocean?

I'm going in for the kill
Not doing it for a thrill
Oh I'm hoping you'll understand
And not let go of my hand

I hope in darkness
We can see
And you're not blinded by the light from me'

-Larroo- Playing on my ipod!

So this brings me neatly on to trust, spirit have done many things to help me trust them, they have gone many many measures to show me how I still lack in trust, they have sent me thousands of miles to get their point across as well as given me the lottery numbers! Time and time again I am blessed with amazing happenings and time and time again I fail to trust.

I trust my life, I trust that all that happens is for the highest good, that I am at peace with.

But trusting that I am a good medium, that I am a very good psychic and that I am a great channel, that I really am receiving correct information and it is not my imagination, that has been a journey of blood sweat and tears and one I still find so hard.

Even when clear distinct voices tell me clear distinct information that is totally correct, I still wobble, so I walk this path of trust like a tightrope, sometimes falling off, but always getting back on, determined to perfect the art, to succeed one day, and not get angry with myself when I fall off due to my complacency, or rushing (causing me to split the lottery numbers I was told and winning two tenners instead of 4.5million!- always was about the lesson- never the money- I tell myself!!!)

So this is one of the reasons why I book myself on a course at The Arthur Findlay College.

After being kept awake by spirit one night, totally frustrated and a bit ruffled as to why they were there and what they wanted I got up at 2am and thought that's it! I am booking myself in!

On my return to bed my husband said in his sleep:

“What you doing bringing all these people in here?”

“What people?” I interrogated his sub-conscious!

“It's like you have an entourage, staff, a team, all looking after you”

That was it, I knew I was going there to meet my team....

I enter The Stately Home and feel immediately at home, but then with my past lives that really is no surprise.

One of the tutors reconfirm to me- “it's like you have arrived home, you and your guide”

She confirms to me my main guide his name funnily enough is “Arthur” I know Arthur well and his second name is not Findlay!

This tutor's name is Helen which is very fitting , I tell her about a strong experience of physical mediumship that happened to me when I was four, and explain that I had researched Helen Duncan and believe that it was ectoplasm that I manifested. Which was also why I had come, to understand that more. I then realise her name is also Helen, as she sits there telling me that she also has researched Helen Duncan as she comes from where Helen did most her work- Portsmouth, which also happens to be my birthplace. The synchronicity is strong and she shares with me that the great rare physical mediums all had a similar experiences when they were that age and then like me nothing for years. She says I should sit for trance.

A couple of nights later I sit for trance.

The tutor instructs us to call forward our healing control and a man appears, I can see his face clear as day, as if he has his face as close up to mine as he possibly could without kissing me! (Thank god- he was a bit old for me.)

I was so in awe and had gone so deep into trance that I could not begin to channel communication. I had had impression of guides before but had always found it so hard to get their faces and here I was literally face to face. I could hear the other students channeling communication in their trance a mish-mash of overlaid voices whispering spiritual offerings of wisdom, the atmosphere was a little eerie.

For me though, my head was turned to one side, resting on my left shoulder, I felt I couldn't move if I tried and the tickles I felt so often on my skin that I normally brush away I couldn't reach up to brush away.

The tickles turned to a “gloopiness' in the corner of my eyes, a bit like the feeling of sleepy-dust and it felt as if my nose began to run and my mouth began to dribble. My rational mind still present was saying all normal feelings when one is so so relaxed, but then the tutor called in our inspirational control and here I was right up face to face with this very beautiful native american guide, yet again in complete awe that I forgot to communicate with her as I felt the tickle from my right ear turn into something trickle from my right ear and run down my jaw.

This was truly one of the most awe-inspiring moments of my life and believe me I am blessed enough to have many.

When the trance has finished , I still feel the substance on my face and seek out a friend I made who I know sits for physical and has seen ectoplasm, it feel's so there to me, that I don't believe that it could not be visible, he looks where I point at my eyes, nose and mouth and says he can't see anything, so then I tip my head to show him around my right ear- “yes, that's it” he says-”but it's very very little and faint.”

Little and faint is not how it feels on my skin, so I go to the mirror and look to see absolutely nothing, not even from my ear. “Bizarre” I think to myself, still able to feel every drop.

I feel totally exhausted I accidentally walk past the museum for the first time on my way to bed, black and white old time photos of mediums producing ectoplasm accompany me to my room no matter how much I try to block it out, it's literally in my face!

As I walk up to my room I realise it's directly above the museum-Another thought that I try to block!

On the phone to my husband, he tells me he was given a picture of a famous cornish woman that has now passed over by his friend because his friend wondered if I was related to her- he said he can see why, he reckoned I would look like her when I was older. I ask him to text it and he tells me I am impatient but texts it anyway.

The picture doesn't come through until I am drifting of to sleep and had completely forgotten about it. The beep rouses me from my sleep and I see my husband's name and think “aw he has text me a kiss goodnight” and then this picture flashes up on the screen and gives me the shock of my life!

(If I look grumpy I am just trying to have the same expression as the photo so you can see the likeness!)

Not only was I roused from my sleep by what looks like me in 40 years time but a picture that is in the exact same style as the photos at the museum of the mediums producing ectoplasm AND what's that coming out of my arm!!!! Yikes! I throw my phone down quickly and dive under the covers!...

Spirit man! They have some very funny, extreme and amazing ways of getting their message across and a very funny sense of humour! Ha ha!...

The next day we did an exercise where the tutor took photos of us when we said we were without spirit and when we were:

This is me without:

Me with spirit:

If I look not very happy it's because I am in meditation- really I am a very smiley person!:-)

The very interesting thing about this exercise is that when I saw the second photo it mirrored exactly what I felt.

On my left I felt a beautiful kind, loving male spirit, he was taking me for a walk around the gardens and showing me what he loved and I loved being in his company, he was very peaceful, and at the same time I had pretty much the opposite feeling from a younger male spirit who was very troubled and controlling, coming in on my right above my head, the further this session went on the more I leant towards the green and away from red.

Another interesting point was that no-one recognised the descriptions of the spirits I gave,but the photo showed me that they existed and that we have to trust in what we feel above and beyond what anyone else says...

During the week I had many messages from loved ones and friends on the other side, different mediums picked up the same people, one came through four times through four different mediums all repeating the same information some of which I knew, but even the information I couldn't verify came through four times, another experience for me showing that just because we can't validate doesn't mean it doesn't exist.....

So trust my loves, in your own essence and in spirit that you will be looked after on the path,

til next time here are some juicy offers and courses, starting with:

The Fool's Journey, also reviewed in this month's Prediction Magazine, available from WHSmiths and all good newsagents!!!!!!!!! (page 80)




@ Mysteries, Covent Garden, London ,Sat 31st July, 11:00- 5:00, WAS £100, NOW £75

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorugh your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish




@ Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, 1st and 8th August 10-4, both Sundays.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688
The beginning of the journey is Reiki first degree. Here we cover what Reiki is, the history, who Dr Usui was, how Reiki was brought to the West & the changes it went through in the process. We discover what an attunement is & learn about the cleansing process, Reiki strengthening meditations, self treatments, treatments for friends & family, plants, animals, food & crystals. We cover ethical practice, equal energy exchange, grounding, protection & the importance of "The Five Principles". Three western style attunements & one Reiju are recieved.
My lineage from William Lee Rand & Taggart King brings together the West & The East so you get both teachings...

This is a certified course & comes with a manual.


@ Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, Fri 16th July, 7:15-9:45, £10

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688
For those that are attuned to Reiki at any level & would like the chance to give & receive Reiki in a group setting.
Tiffany also incorporates astrology and crystals to honour the individual energy of the time.


@The Academy Of Tarot, Quantum House, Euston, London, Fri 13th Aug, 7-9:30pm, £20
To book please contact Debbie on 0207 2097179 or at or see

Co-taught with myself & my colleague Deborah Winterbourne founder of Quantum House, The Academy of Tarot & the Academy of Dreams, Debbie also teaches from The London College Of Psychic Studies. Debbie shares her infinite & profound knowledge on the Tarot & I show you how to connect with the Tarot psychically & intuitively. This class is a mixture of theory & practice.


Mysteries, Covent Garden, Fri 24th Sept, 10:30- 4:30, £100

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity

2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important






Tarot & Psychic Development Courses in Cornwall Special offer
Book both the workshops over one weekend save £50, or combine the
Tarot & Psychic Development workshops & Diplomas over two weekends (applicable in August & October & save £130!)

Tarot Workshop (The Fool's Journey) £100
Sat 21st Aug
Sat 23rd Oct

Psychic Development Workshop £100
Sun 22nd Aug
Sun 24th Oct

Professional Tarot Diploma £150
Sat 24th Jul
Sat 28th Aug
Sat 30th Oct

Psychic Development Diploma £150
Sun 25th July
Sun 29th Aug
Sun 31st Oct-Halloween (Perfect!)

Between Penzance and Lands End, Rosemerrynwood lies nestles in the sheltered Lamorna Valley, a mile from the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Set in seven acres of woodland, which hold within a two thousand year old man made cave or temple, the Boleigh Fogou.
The Fogou was once part of an iron-age settlement; just one of numerous such Ancient Celtic sites to be found in the far west of Cornwall, but considered to be one of the best remaining monuments of its kind. Part of an iron-age site, this man made underground cave has survived pretty well intact for 2000 years. The word ‘fogou’ is derived from the Cornish word for cave – fogo - and indeed these fantastic constructions do not occur anywhere else in England. It is thought that birth and death rituals were carried out in the fogou, that it was used for initiation and spiritual ceremonies. The Fogou is well known for giving spiritual experiences for those that dare to enter!

Having once been cultivated, part of the wood is graced with beautiful camellias and azaleas, and huge rhododendrons.
Natural pathways, bordered by daffodils, bluebells and irises follow a stream that tumbles down through the valley to reach the sea at Lamorna Cove. Off the beaten track, and yet close to both Penzance and St Ives, as well as some beautiful sandy beaches and coves, Rosemerrynwood and cottages offer the perfect holiday setting.

Bed & Breakfast is offered in the main house where the courses will run, Rosemerryn. Which is a former artist’s residence, built at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rosemerryn Cottage, separate from the main house, but within the grounds, and with its own private garden, is available as a
self catering holiday cottage (ideal for coming with family or friends.)

Rosemerryn Cottage
(weekly rentals only)
Low season - £300
Mid season - £400
High season - £560

Rosemerryn B & B
£30 per person per night
£35 for a room to oneself


Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £100, or part of special offer discount

Sat 21st Aug
or Sat 23rd Oct


1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorugh your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £100 or part of special offer

Sun 22nd Aug
or Sun 24th Oct

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important




Rosemerryn, Lamorna Cornwall, £150 or part of a special offer

Sunday 25th July
or Sunday 29th August
or Sunday 31st October.

What Certificate will I get?
The certificate you will get on the day of your training is a diploma practitioners certificate, this will allow you to gain insurance and use what you have learnt professionally with the general public and charge for your readings if you wish to do so. The insurance details will be given to you by your tutor on the day of your training and fully explained.

This is an accredited Psychic Development CourseYou are able to gain insurance with 'the Spiritual Workers insurance' and become a member of the Spiritual Workers Association, details will be given to you on the day of training.

What your Professional Diploma in Psychic Development Includes:

Review of your journey so far

Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, & Clairaudience

3. Intuitive Scanning

4. Psychic healing & surgery

5. Learning about Mediumship & how to do it

6. Learning about Remote viewing & how to do it

7. Different types of hauntings & psychic/paranormal activities

8. Earthbound spirit diagnosis & release

9.What "Entities" are , how they form, how attachments happen & how to release them

10.Training on Etheric Cords

Psychic Practice & the Law

The Diploma is the deepening stage of this fascinating journey.

Once you are able to have attained some knowledge & personal experience of your own guides, soul evolution, & past lives, as well as some experience of reading & healing for friends & family. You may decide you would like to embark on this path a little more seriously. 

This Diploma will give you all the understanding you need across the very broad range of Psychic subjects & the clarity & structure to set yourself up as a Psychic Practitioner/Healer/Reader in whatever form you may wish to specialise in. 

There are so many different subjects on this course because working in the Psychic field is a very broad & diverse area. This course is a basic Diploma offering you the chance to find the niche that you may like to specialise in. Similarly the subjects covered here may well broaden & offer tools to any niches you may have already specialised in.


Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £150

Sat 24th July
or Sat 28th August
or Sat 30th October

This Diploma takes you on the next step deeper into your Tarot journey, one now that you can share professionally. Now that you have built a relationship with your cards & can read for yourself, family & friends, you may decide this is something you would like to do for a career.

Being a professional Tarot Reader brings with it a responsibility to yourself to be conscious around ethics, law & communication as well as having sound knowledge around the psychic realm, & how to look after yourself. This course will not only take you through this thoroughly but also provide you with all the practical information you need to embark on what can be an incredibly magical & very rewarding successful career as an empowering & accurate Tarot reader.

The prerequisite/requirements for attending this Diploma Course is the ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the meanings of the cards without the aid of notes or book referral, if you are unable to be confident that you are at that level you will not be ready for the Diploma & should look at doing the workshop first.

What Certificate will I get?
The certificate you will get on the day of your training is a diploma practitioners certificate, this will allow you to gain insurance and use what you have learnt professionally with the general public and charge for your readings if you wish to do so. The insurance details will be given to you by your tutor on the day of your training and fully explained.

This is an accredited Tarot Course
You are able to gain insurance with 'the Spiritual Workers insurance' as a Tarot Reader and become a member of The Spiritual Workers Association, details will be given to you on the day of training.

What your Professional Diploma in Tarot includes:

1. Review on your journey so far
2. Training on how to give a reading in an ethical & empowering way (the three golden rules)
3. Storytelling with the Tarot (next level)
4. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Mediumship & other Psychic impressions
5. Learning how to let go & trust
6. Cleansing, grounding & protection
7. Learning a variety of spreads & putting them into practice- reading for eachother
8 Professional practice- how to set yourself up as a Tarot Practitioner, the law, advertising, accreditation, insurance.
9 The pros & cons of each practice: private, phone lines, markets/festivals/gigs, skype, phone & online readings, shops & centres.
10. Dealing with the public: Speech, communication, responsibilities, boundaries



FREE Relationship Guidance and Couples Counselling

Deborah Winterbourne is a psychotherapist and currently runs couples counselling sessions jointly with her partner in central London.

To begin with, we're offering up to three free one hour consultations per couple, with no obligation for them to continue after this unless they wish to. Neither is there any obligation to attend all three sessions, although we feel this would be the minimum number required to make some useful progress.

Our counselling programme is based upon some simple exercises that are designed to provide an insight into the needs of each partner that are going unmet within their relationship. Unmet needs are at the root of most relationship issues and if they are not identified and expressed safely, they can lead to resentment and anger. Sometimes it's surprising to learn exactly what it is that truly makes our partner feel loved.

We believe that all relationships can be improved with better communication and a deeper understanding, so we're inviting couples to try our service even if they're not experiencing serious difficulties.

Please contact us should you have any further questions on 07952 593201 or email:


Come to this amazing dreams workshop and learn tips and techniques for how to have a lucid dream! Cost is £60. For further information, please email



A 2 hour Evening Workshop in Vauxhall:

The Spring, 100 Vauxhall Walk, Vauxhall, London, SE11 5EL

Join Simon and take a journey within; Free yourself from conditioned mind patterns and habitual cycles: Don't stay stuck in life!

Truly Love Yourself and Start Your New JourneyExplore Yourself at a Guided Workshop with 2 hours of Direct Approach Personal Mind Training; in a fun, active environment.

Make a Commitment to Yourself – You Are So Worth It!

7pm – 9pm Every Wednesday (Starts promptly at 7).

Drop in after work, Limited spaces available.

£5 low earners - £15 High earners or anywhere in between.

Call Simon on: 07976064999

Bring a note book, comfortable clothing and bottle of water!