Wednesday, 29 February 2012

AstroTarotChannel MARCH 2012

Welcome to the AstroTarotChannel for March 2012. I feel that March this year is harder to tune into than any others so far, so I find myself thinking about what March means to me…

This St Patricks Day (a few days before Mother’s day) will mark the 14th anniversary of my baby girl’s passing. The vicar read about apple blossoms falling from the tree because they were never meant to become apples. Yes, March has a clearing and purity energy about it. This leads me on to think about my dear father figure’s poem, written by his hands nearly two years before his passing in 1999. I feel he is asking me to share it with you and I will trust that, as he is one of my biggest spiritual teachers, both on and of the earth, as my daughter is too…

Death cannot diminish me.
Nor do I need an epitaph on scroll or stone.
Their value lasts no longer than the minds of those who knew me.
Rather would I remain in your memory.
Do remember the things we have done and achieved together.
These both great and small have been truly wonderful.
What reward may lie elsewhere I no not.
Life itself for me has been reward enough.
Even with its trials and tribulations, love, joy and sorrows.
Life is still the most wondrous of all gifts.
Look for my joy in the sparkle of the sunshine after the rain.
My faith has always been in the creation of beauty.
My hope you will see in the first snowdrop heralding a new beginning.
My charity will be in the answered call for mercy on a stormy night.
My love and high regard for you will be no less than it ever was.
The key to our very being.
Regardless the universe will continue to unfold like a flower.
Although we may not perceive it’s purpose,
It like all things has one I am sure.
I am proud to have been it for a short while.
My own simple acheivements are only a minute part of it’s blossom.
My belief in life itself as part f this does not waver.
Therefore do not mourn at my passing.
Nothing however small or humble is ever wasted.
Be happy for me for a begin a new adventure.
My greatest hope is that our next meeting will be full of the joy of recognition.
Thank you for walking a while in my company.
-John Waterman, 26th Oct 1996

Of course I had a good sob whilst typing this out, feeling how much I miss my loved ones in spirit. As my dear friend Krishna Surroy has said on his father’s passing in February: We may know we stay connected, but we mourn for the physical, as it has such a great power.

I feel nostalgic and I am aware that the Piscean New Moon today is very much apart of how I am feeling. But this blog is not about the Piscean New Moon on 21st Feb, but March.

For me March does feel like the cross over time, where the New Year becomes consolidated and those souls who aren’t meant to be a part of this year, well its around this time that they cross. March for me, feels like the end of the old and the beginning of the new and I feel that John’s poem catches the essence of that cyclical energy.

So if there was a Tarot card for March, personally I would assign it Death. With its clearing and making way for the change, the new spring to blossom.

See if it came up in the youtube tarot reading for this month

So are we going to need to be patient with our emotions this month? May we feel nostalgic?

Well Mercury (communication) and Mars (Will) and Saturn (Karma) are all retrograde throughout most of March. This could see us really going over all our thoughts and how they are the key to our actions, creating our lives and karma. Perhaps we may feel the weight of remorse, or regrets of our past actions. But it seems only in order to learn and progress for a better future.

Mercury is retrograde from 12th March to 4th April. People can get very fear –based about Mercury retrograde. Fearing travel, communications, signings and purchases, as all these things can go “wrong” during this time. Only last night in a class I was holding did someone speak about how a person wouldn’t have a certain conversation with them during the last Mercury retrograde! I need to point out here that doing this is a lack of trust in the harmony of the universe. Perhaps instead of rushing to get everything done by 12th this month, or panicking that you haven’t, instead of trying to control the universe (futile!) Try trusting that whatever happens in the natural flow and timing of the retrograde is meant to.

Yes retrogrades are perfect for reviewing and going back over the past. You may find that you hear from past friends, (which can be nice!) or that old communication patterns come back up, which can be not so nice if it leaves you feeling like you thought you had managed to clear a certain dynamic and its there in your face again. If this happens try seeing it as just a deeper layer coming up for excavation, not that you haven’t shifted at all, far from it.

Mercury goes retrograde 10 days after it entered Aries (Action –ruled by Mars), and after one day of being retrograde it re-enters Pisces. This in itself has a very similar message to that of the collective retrograde motion. It seems we have to act for a little, and then we are pulled back to review the spiritual and karmic retributions of our actions.

Mars (ruler of Aries) continues to be retrograde all the way through March. It is retrograde in the analytical sign of Virgo (ruled by Mercury!) showing the close links between our thoughts and actions.

Saturn continues to be retrograde in Libra (fairness and relationship) throughout March, to me Saturn feel’s linked to Virgo, although that is not recognised publicly. Saturn feels serious, dutiful and dedicated, like that of the Virgin.

So I see that the retrogrades are working together for a very powerful wake up shift in our consciousness about how we think and act in our lives. Which to be honest feels like a very strong theme generally this year so I am not surprised.I am however very interested to see how the sky giants are really pulling together for this.

On 8th we have full moon in Virgo, when we may get very heady and nostalgic indeed. Go easy on yourself and others.

The passage of the Sun mainly through Pisces and then into Aries on 20th is helping us to illuminate our spiritual consciousness, so we may act with awareness.

On 22nd the new moon is in Aries, this may feel like a welcome relief, like we are beginning to really break into the dawn of spring, this moon also marks the spring equinox.

So remember the darkest hour is before the dawn.

Chiron, Neptune and Uranus continue on the paths mentioned in previous AstroTarotChannel blogs and readings that can be accessed here: