Sunday, 27 May 2012

AstroTarotChannel June 2012

Wowzers! How was your darling month of May?
What with the Scorpionic Supermoon hailing the Retrograde of Venus and the solar eclipse in Gemini
It felt like we were having to go deep, deep within and confront all the rotting structures in our lives, in order to take a logical assessment of where our hearts lie, and what action we need to take to be the change we want to see! Phew!One thing is for sure, it feels to me as if the energies are stepping up and the unieverse has had enough of our self deceptions and dramas.
As eclipses always come in pairs we have the full lunar eclipse in Sagittarius at 12:11 on 4th.
Is this a time where what what was powerfully seeded by the combination of Gemini and Taurus at the solar eclipse on 21st really starts to make its presence seen and felt? Find out in this month’s youtube Tarot reading.

I think it is interesting that we have been given two bank holidays at this time – one of which being the Queen’s jubilee. I can’t help feeling that the deep and important change in our own inner structures from the solar eclipse ,will start to be exposed and mirrored by outer rotting structures starting to be seen to change around this time. Interestingly enough Neptune goes stationary to prepare a retrograde in its own sign of Pisces in 11th house of community, also at this time. This feels like an important “Hanged Man” message. The Hanged Man is the Tarot card associated to Pisces, where we are asked to look deeply at what needs to be sacrified in order to go forward, remember this is in the house of community -although this may affect personal friendships and communities,  this feels like society in general is also included.  Interestingly enough The Hanged Man makes his presence felt more than once in this month’s youtube Tarot reading.

Just in case we didn’t get the message on 4th, Chiron (The Wounded Healer) also makes a stationary stop in prepartion to go retrograde (also in Pisces) on the 11th at 11:11pm (Eastern time) in 12th house (Pisces own natural house). Chiron to me feels very similar to Pisces, all themes to do with karma and spirituality.I feel this is very signifcant, especially as it has so many elevens going on.  It seems we have to stand still enough to feel the pain, face our wounds and start clearing the karma.
On Tuesday 19th we have the new moon in Cancer at 16:02, somehow I feel relieved at this, like it will be heralding in an emotional clearance, but in a gentle soothing nurturing way. Not sure the Tarot Reading agrees with me on this one though!

On Thursday 21st the sun reaches its peek at the Summer solstice and the nights begin to draw in! Lol! I have to say I can count on my fingers how many sunny days I have witnessed this year. The seasons have felt merged to me, like a blanket of luke warm greyness. I can’t help but feel what with all thats going on that there is some kind of smokescreen and we are waiting for it to be revealed- will the solstice be the time?

On 25th slow moving Saturn in Libra goes direct, this takes place also in Libra’s own house of relationships. Maybe, just maybe we can start to feel like we might just be getting somewhere – albeit slowly – but surely.

Followed on 27th Venus goes direct after its very significant retrograde through Taurus/Gemini, after looking at past patterns in relationships and attachments to things we love, we should be able to start to see some change in our security patterns.

All in all I wonder if June will be a clearer time for us all. It feels to me as if we have been asked to a lot of deep work on ourselves, getting real, true and responsible, and now its time to start walking in the path that has cleared.
Walk well…
Tiffany Crosara
Author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot available for preorder at
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Tuesday, 8 May 2012

AstroTarotChannel for May 2012

“The month of May was come, when every lusty heart beginneth to blossom, and to bring forth fruit; for like as herbs and trees bring forth fruit and flourish in May, in likewise every lusty heart that is in any manner a lover, springeth and flourisheth in lusty deeds. For it giveth unto all lovers courage, that lusty month of May.”
– Sir Thomas Malory

Well it’s quite hard to feel lusty right now, with the gales and rains coming on harder than the firey passions of new life, even though only two days ago we were driving and my husband shouts out “he’s sh***ing her!”
“What?” Shocked at what he was saying and implying on the street in broad daylight!
‘The seagull!” He replied!

Which got me thinking – why is it that animals like gulls are only frisky at Beltane?! I voiced this and my hubby’s opinion is because they don’t have central heating! But it’s not exactly warm out! Answers on a back of a postcard please?!
Well this month’s Astro Tarot Channel is short and sweet :-) Really the Youtube reading for this month says it all so much better than I can here.
The highlight to concentrate on this month seems to be Monday 21st, when we have a Solar eclipse is in Gemini, with of course the Sun conjunct, but also part of a bigger line up with Jupiter and Gemini’s ruler Mercury all in conjunction but in Taurus. So this feels like a mega strong time for being able to not just have strong insights but actually plant them into the earth and watch them grow.
Venus is also in Gemini for this month showing a real love of ideas and communication and Mars is in Virgo – an earth sign but also ruled by Mercury, so again we have the energy to make these ideas a reality on the planet.
With Neptune and Chiron  continuing on in Pisces we are really getting to the heart of what hurts and helping it to heal, Saturn in Libra shows us working hard on relationships, Pluto shaking the foundations of our planet in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries – the revolution is here! What you waiting for?!! If you havent clicked the link for the Tarot reading for this month the time is now! …
This month of May sounds amazing, so do check out the video link to see just how much and have a great month of May :-)
BTW  you can now pre-order a signed copy of my book ‘The Transformational Truth of Tarot” at
Love and beltane blessings to you! x