Thursday, 28 June 2012

AstroTarotChannel July 2012

Welcome to Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel for July.
So how was June for you? Wet?!Goodness me I have never known a June like it! Tough month! Not only weather wise but it felt as if there was an intense feeling of change going on that o finger could be put on…So much so I for one suffered from sleeplessness and when I was sleeping my dreams were incredibly prophetic, so I found it a really hard month to ground and my waking life became pretty chaotic as a result!
Funnily enough as soon as Pluto squared Uranus on 24th I managed to start to ground! This square is like a clash of the titans, perhaps I for one are better once the dreaded moment has actually arised. I would be very interested to know how it was for you – I don’t think I am the only one who has been suffering these symptoms?!
This month Mars enters Libra on 3rd of July giving a much needed energetic boost for relationships – this may also be a bit of a shake up but nevertheless progress, on the same day we have the Full Moon in Capricorn so you may find that the first day of Mars going direct could bring in issues about change, fear, goals and security. This month’s YouTube Tarot Reading discusses this further
Uranus in Aries starts to go retrograde on 13th, so we may find ourselves going back over the things that have shaken and waken us up over the last few weeks quite intensely, and the very next day Mercury follows suit!
Yes it’s time again for good ol’ Mercury Retrograde, this time in Leo. This will add to the energy going on in our heads about getting to the core of our purpose here in life, discovering our light and creating our life so it will shine. As Leo rules the heart and Mercury retrograde brings up things from the past we could also really see the heartstrings being tugged by past loves.
With all Mercury retrogrades there always seems to be a panic to get everything signed sealed and delivered before the deadline of it changing direction. And although it may well be good to be aware that that Mercury Retrograde can cause havoc when embarking on new projects, purchases or journeys I do think there needs to be a balance struck and the problem arises not with Mercury going retrograde but when we as a human race begin to panic and change our plans accordingly.
The universe isn’t there to be manipulated, its there to be trusted (and that trust means trusting it will give you what you need – not necessarily what you want). So if you have to sign that deal or make that journey then practice doing it whilst releasing expectation and bracing the adventure of the unknown rather than worry and dread (this maybe a particular practice for Londoners with The Olympic games brewing at this time too!)
Remember that retrogrades are great periods for reviewing – with Mercury we are going back over old thought processes and communications. Its a great time to connect in with old friends and to review any past works and research you have done. (Mercury turns direct on 8th August when it will be time to put all the learnings we gathered into practice).
New Moon in Cancer on July 18th shows a beautiful new beginning for our emotions, Cancer is ruled by the Moon so this feels like a powerful emotional clearing. Three days after that we have the Sun moving into Leo which is also it’s ruler, happy and hopefully sunny times abound whilst the Lion is in his Sunthrone, benevolent leadership and time to get out there and play!
All in all July feels to me as if there as some big shake up’s and reviews on the scene, but as we get to the end of it the Sun may well just come out – so remember if it all feels a bit like hard work – it will be worth it in the end.

Monday, 11 June 2012

What a Performance!

What a Performance!

The day I received an email request from Kim Arnold to speak at The UK Tarot Conference I was the heifer that jumped over the moon.
The day I received an email stating I would be speaking on the same day as Rachel Pollack and Juliette Sharman -Burke, I was cowering under my coffee table.
Some need for Buddhist philosophy I think. Come on Tiffany where’s your centre?
Well for a good few months it went on holiday and I wondered if it had bought a one-way ticket. You see what I know from Tarot I learnt through my own intuition and experience. Okay maybe there were a few books and courses, but they were very few and far between. Suddenly I found myself all too painfully aware, that what came along with such a strong platform to the Tarot community, was such a strong opening to be judged as under competent in my academic knowledge. I could be “exposed” and people might judge that I didn’t deserve to be there, that I was a fake.. Yadda Yadda Yadda….
People used to say to me I bet you have tons of Tarot books on your shelf – but no, I had three, until I was asked to do the conference and then they mysteriously multiplied like gremlins into twenty- three! My husband would groan at yet another daily amazon delivery, along with the floorboards under my bookcase.
I was desperately trying to swot up but trying it was, I couldn’t concentrate for love nor money. After months of struggling I realised the obvious, that I was not going to find what I was looking for in someone else’s connection!
Tired of feeling blocked and having an empty lesson plan, I shut the books and sat there with a blank piece of paper. I didn’t know what I was going to write but I just started writing, and like the hankies in The Magician’s hat it just kept coming and coming, seemingly from nowhere. Of course! How could I forget that this is what works for me?
Twenty minutes later there it was staring me in the face, fully formed. I had finally met the lesson and the message. The lesson was all about embodying The Fool, but to do that truly, the new kid in the block (moi) has to embody The Fool (and I mean literally).
The things channelled through to me are amazing, but throwing myself so far out of my comfort zone it would make the Olympic long jump winner look like a grasshopper. Not that I am being derogatory to grasshoppers, they are awesome in their grass hopping zenness. For all I know maybe they could maybe competently compete in the Olympics. So, I double-checked in with spirit and asked if they were serious and the response came back as … “DEADLY”
I told a performing author friend of mine all about it and said that it was risky. Her response: “Of course it’s risky- its The Fool! You have to step off the cliff!”
Me: “So I need to trust it then?”
Friend: “What? Trust that spirit know more than you Tiffany? Really?”
Me: “Okay, I get it, I need to have the balls”
Friend: “The ovaries darling, the ovaries”
I then shared this with my amazoned out husband who re-emphasised that if I got the message from inside/source the only risky thing was not trusting it! I responded that the audience might not like it and he said: “I am sure Jesus said that to God all the time!”
Okay, so that was me told for the third time, no getting out of that one then. Even if I do try to convince myself it’s just because he just doesn’t want to house anymore of Amazon’s castoffs!
I have had so many lessons around trusting spirit. One lesson cost me £20 under 4.5 million. Yes that was for compromising with spirit on the lottery numbers they gave me, by putting three on one line and three on another! It was just way too outrageous for me to believe that I had actually been given the numbers! I believe I was not meant to win, (although the friends trying to get me into a syndicate weren’t so sure!) It was about the lesson of trusting spirit, and still I wobble a lot, I guess that’s the training called life. But is this the moment the training is peaking for? It certainly feels that way.
Suddenly I realized, how could anyone expose me if I’m just being me? What would there be to expose?
In that I came home to myself. There was a knock at the door and I opened it… To my centre, who waltzed through it like nothing had happened…
So if you want to come and see what all the fuss was about then come and see me do my foolish thing and strut my foolish stuff right over that cliff!
You have two chances (well The Fool gets a second chance right?)
At in London on 13th October
Or in Torquay on 27th October, where Tiffany will be launching her book The Transformational Truth of Tarot and doing readings.
If you can’t make either you can pre-order a signed copy of her book at where you can also download a free copy of her Fool’s Journey MP3 (usually worth £8.95)
You can pop into Mysteries in Covent Garden (or ring 0207 2403688 to guarantee a slot) for a face-to face reading with Tiffany most Fridays or Saturdays or you can book a phone or skype session with her here:
You can group learn Tarot for free at her facebook group for The Transformational Truth of Tarot