Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tarot – Talking Light, Busting Fear…

My name is Tiffany Crosara – which means “Epiphany from The Christian Faith” and I am a Tarot Reader! I am sure some christian’s will be turning in their grave at the supposed irony of my name. I say supposed – because really it’s not ironic at all.
The Tarot includes Christianity as well as Egyptian and Greek Mythology, Astrology, Numerology and Kabbalastic teachings in the symbology, and that’s the truth of the matter really! And that’s what I love about the Tarot – the pictures speak for themselves. On the occassions where a client says “i’m not sure I agree, can we do it again?” I say “yeah sure” – and once again the same cards come up and the look on their face is priceless. So much in the psychic field can’t be seen in the material world – but that doesn’t apply to Tarot.
So where does the fear come from? The fear is originally belongs to the church. The church’s fear was that people would find their own power through the Tarot and they managed to demonize the Tarot through it’s symbology of Death, The Devil and The Tower. But death only means release of the old and beginning of the new. And let’s take a look at The Devil, whose other name Lucifier means light bringer:
When The Devil comes up it doesn’t mean you are evil – just acting in an unconscious manner, but with that we are brought the opportunity to awaken, once we awaken we find ourselves in The Tower – which is the next card in the natural order of The Tarot. Most people fear The Tower so much that they subconsciously keep themselves stuck in the ignorance of The Devil. The quote I use in my book for The Tower is -
It is a great mystery that though the human heart longs for Truth,
in which alone it finds liberation and delight, the first reaction of
human beings to Truth is one of hostility and fear!
— Anthony De Mello
This is The Tower all over…. The Tower gives you a strike of enlightenment through your crown, a lightening bolt of truth waking you up and creating that of which you have secretly longed for. Maybe you moaned about being stuck in a dead end job and suddenly you are made redundant, or a relationship – that suddenly ends. Really its the beginning of the life you wanted. IF you can align yourself to it.
The next card in the natural order is The Star… Which everyone loves – overlooking that you actually need to have completely faced all your stuff, conquered your fears and decided to completely go for it in order to catch it sounds easy right?! Lol!
You have to make sure the restrictions of The Devil have been completely annihlated by The Tower so you can be that free to catch your Star. Mostly people just end up feeling completely overwhelmed by the lack of structure in their lives and just end up running back through The Tower to chain themselves to The Devil again – like just taking any job that comes along rather than following your wildest dreams, or getting back in a relationship because of the fear of going alone for example.
So hopefully from that little analogy you can start to see that there are no such things as good and bad cards. They all serve a purpose – of helping you on your way.
They are all little post it notes of the energy around for you to tap into for your empowerment – if you can remove the fear that has been so engrained. The fear of prediction is a big one, so lets look at that now.
The Tarot is a mirror. Humans are predictable beings. We follow our own little conditioned patterns. The Tarot reflects this back to us. That reflection can be used two ways:
1) The first way is to predict – which can be controversial and disempowering.
2) The second way is to reflect someone’s pattern back to them, as said earlier – the Tarot is little post it notes of proof. The same cards come up time and time again and people have to face the fact that their cards are laid out on the table right in front of their face. A good reader will help them see that this is just a mirror – and ask them if they feel they would like to change anything in the mirror and then work with the Tarot to help them gain information on different avenues so they can go home with an armful of x-rays about possible alternate ways of living, for them to feel clear and empowered in their choices.
There really is nothing to fear about the Tarot – apart from the person reading it. You want to make sure that person sees everything in life as working towards the highest good and is well trained in helping people to face what they need to, and also help them see the gift in the situation.
You will know when you have received a good reading as you will probably not have been told anything you don’t already know deep down, but you will feel so much clearer in yourself- as if someone just washed you clean of all the fear and confusion, and all you are left with is a feeling of confirmation an increased confidence in your own intuition. Now how empowering is that?
Tiffany Crosara
Author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot order your signed copy @ http://www.transcendentaltemple.co.uk
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For Courses http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk
For sessions http://transcendentaltemple.co.uk/
AstroTarotChannel: http://www.youtube.com/user/transcendentaltiff?feature=mhee
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