Wednesday, 30 January 2013

A Recipe for a Graceful life...

Erm.... I think I might just be feeling Imbolc :)
Look what just popped out!...

1) Weigh up all you have.

2) Get real about what you can do, with what you have and where you are.

3) Bless what you have, and honour the creative alchemical process you are about to go through.

4) Start slowly, take a deep breath in and smell the flour, allow yourself to express whatever that experience sparks in you.

5) Rise up to the call of yeastoday.

6) Take a deep breath in, and as you breathe out apply your intention through your kneed - aligned for the highest good of all only.

7) Now trust that your daily bread is all well in your hands, that you know exactly what to do to make it rise.

8) Feel the chaos in creation, the pressure, the mixing up, the mess, allow yourself to get deep into it, enjoy getting your hands REALLY dirty.

9) Now clear the sticky mess of the past from your hands - gently. Analysing closely for any hangers on, and release - knowing that it's all just part of the journey.

10) Transfer your first process to a container, and place it in an incubator.

11) Set your intention of alchemy through heat and time.

12) Go and do something else, trusting the incubator knows exactly what to do (No peeking now - unless you want it to flop?).

13) Come back at the allotted time, and remove your first process from the incubator, seeing the transformation and allowing it time to stand, cool off and set. Go slowly, take a deep breath and...

14) Enjoy the aroma of your brand new transformation. Savour the moment.

15) Decorate with a generous, loving portion of Gentle sprinkles.

16) Share your creation with the ones you love, feel the deep inner nurturing in shared connection.

17) Next time throw away the recipe book and get creative, think outside the book, knowing you have all this within.

- Tiffany Crosara, Jan 2013.

Want more bread?

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel February 2013

Strength in vulnerability – to roll over and resign your soft underbelly to the universe, that to me is ….. true strength. Only then can you look up, and see the wonder and the miracle of the stars…

We start the month with Jupiter finally going direct in Gemini, giving this month a feeling of expansion and going forward much more easily with communication – well for a while – until Mercury revs up for its first retrograde of the year. So we have a window in the first week of February, a green light go ahead of full steam ahead. See more on the youtube Tarot reading for this month.
After 8th you may begin to feel Mercury preparing for its retrograde which actually kicks in on 23rd for three weeks. As Mercury is going retro through pisces, it has a deeper even more spiritual twist to it this time. You can expect even more de ja vu’s, and weird and wonderful dreams that have secret hidden messages from the past, than in the usual Mercury retrograde.
A new moon in Aquarius on the 10th feel’s like there may be something to celebrate – a free, happy social time with perhaps some long awaited news coming through for the highest good of humanity. This new moon also heralds in the year of the black water snake, This year is about working hard, being tenacious, determined and focussed on your target, but you will also need to use your intuition and think outside of the box…
Saturn turns retro in Scorpio on 19th – going back over the recent deep processes I think we have all been feeling – this time with more detachment and clearer processing.
A full Moon in Virgo on 25th may mean with all this Mercurical and retrograde energy we could get a little bit too over analytical, paranoid and self critical. Try to do something constructive to make you feel better, Virgo is all about health, service and duty. Pay attention to your body, home or work to stay grounded.
One love
Tiffany Crosara

Author of The Award Winning Transformational Truth of Tarot -
order your signed copy @
Join the group for free Tarot inspiration at -
For Twitter: transcendenttif

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Astro Tarot Channel January 2013

Tiffany has a look at the monthly energy in her AstroTarotChannel...
Not for prediction but for understanding.  If you would like to book her for a private reading you can do so here:

Tiffany is the author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot which you can get from Amazon which is cheaper than getting it from Tiffany's site but she can sign those ones! ;)

Tiffany is known as one of the best psychic and tarot teachers around - see all her courses here:

(Erm! I went a bit wonky in the last week! I meant Leo Full Moon - height of creation! And six of Wands not Swords!)