Wednesday, 27 February 2013

AstroTarotChannel March 2013

Phew! So if you are reading this then you lived through the roller-coaster that was February - Congratulations!

Mercury is still retrograde until the 17th and it looks like it goes direct with a firework finale! 

But we do have the energies gathering nicely for progression from the 11th, when we see the New Moon in Pisces and Mars entering Aries on 12th. Mars being action and Aries being it's ruler we should start feeling all fired up to progress and in a really positive creative way. This means that any finale from Mercury retrograde is only there to clear the decks so we can go forward unencumbered. 

As the month progresses we seem to be getting our confidence back, our friendships/relationships back on track and all the stronger for any upheavals, all the way through we seem to have a great steady progression for practicality, finances and security, although it might take you til the end of the month to realise it! 

Full Moon in Libra  on 27th ends the month with a highlight on relationships and balance and harmony, all together now - ahhhhhhhh :) 

Remember yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift - that's why they call it the present - 
I am not sure who wrote this quote - some say Joan Rivers, others say Eleanor Roosevelt, or Winnie The Pooh!