It seems we are all about to pop after a heck of a lot of repression that has been erupting at times since last November, but now it feels like its all about to really rock. It feels like we have been living with the threat of a volcanic eruption in and around us for quite a few months now, and now with the actual final eruption there is a sense of relief. A sense that living with the threat has become much worse than the actual eruption.
A place of getting past caring can be a very empowering place indeed. Why do you think monks practiced lying on beds of nails? Through intense suffering we can finally find release, transcend samsara and find ourselves in nirvana…
I think this is why this time of year is so apt like that. Having the movement of the planets from Pisces to Aries charts that very happening, going from victimhood and maytrdom, working through the karma, developing spiritually and finally knowing who we are and what we must to to break out of co-dependency and stand firm in our own skins.
When I did the youtube reading for this month the first two weeks of April felt like the final eruptions, and the third week feels like Nirvana! This could be due to the fact that the full moon in Libra on 27th March felt very powerful in illuminating the places where we may be out of balance in our relationship dynamics, and that we need the two weeks in between that and the new moon in Aries to really look and see what we need to do to go forward in a much healthier fashion.
Therefore the first two weeks feel very powerful for change, particularly in our relationships, and its likely to be a bit like spagetti junction as we may feel we are going round in circles until we finally arrive. That arrival seems to be heralded by the new moon in Aries on 10th, but still it may take a few days to feel it. Pluto stations in Capricorn in 12th – so the lord of transformation takes a break, maybe then we start to feel the change of gear.
Communication gets loud and active from 14th when Mercury enters Aries, but thankfully with the Sun, Mars and Venus all entering Taurus in the third week it should begin to feel a lot more grounded and constructive, perhaps even nurturing! This is the time to mend any bridges that may have got burnt in the first two weeks – but make sure you use new designs and materials and you aren’t tempted to go back to the old ways that will no longer sustain.
In the fourth week we have the years first eclipse. In Scorpio. There has been a lot of deep karmic processes going on in Scorpio – a lot of transformation o a very, very deep level. With this eclipse we really start to see the beginning of that very deep change start to take hold.
A powerful month. Work with it wisely and you should come out a lot more realised, and much happier!!!!
Wishing you an awesome april.
One love

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