Happy birthday Gemini and Cancer!
This month we are gifted with new ideas flooding in from Gemini, filtering down into our intuition more and more as the month goes on. This month has great potential for the heart and the head to really work together.
In the last month/six weeks we were hit by a triple eclipse cycle. Lots of full on dreams and seeds being planted of change, as we work towards letting go of the past, which is a big demand of us right now. But the energies are supporting us in doing just that - as if a mass wave has risen up and forced us to let go of our boat, as it washes us up anew on an unexlpored shore. Now we are left alone, to explore our new horizons in the beautiful summer Sun. In the autumn the next eclipse cycle hits, which will help us see with hindsight what this new, current journey has all been about.
On 2nd we get our first intuitive shift as Venus, the planet of Love, moves into Cancer opening up our intuitive faculties and begins to tune us into the emotional needs of ourselves and others. On the 7th, Neptune, the planet of visions and Intuition turns retrograde in its home sign of Pisces.
Expect an increase in dreams about past karmic connections, both in day and night. It heralds a deep, spiritual revisiting in order to leap forward again in November.
The new moon in Gemini on June 8th brings us lots of new ideas, for two days either side as well as this day, get prepared for lots of great inspiration - keep a pen and paper with you at all times to keep overwhelm at bay!
On the 16th by Chiron (the wounded healer) also turns retrograde - also in Pisces. Hammering home the message of needing to revisit past hurts and martyrdom/saviour/victim themes in order to free ourselves from the past come the winter.
The Sun is in the intellectually stimulating and social sign of Gemini until the 20th, encouraging lots of communications, connections, social contacts and parties! Buzz, buzz buzz, all around, inside and outside!
On 21st we Summer Solstice our way into strength, energy and clarity, a beautiful time for realising our potential and aligning with creation for manifestation. With The full moon in its ruling sign of Cancer two days after we also get a heightened magical, intuitive spell of silver interlaced with the gleaming gold of the Sun. WOW! What an amazing time to work with the natural rhythms of life and co-creation!
On June 26th Jupiter, the planet of optimism, hope, faith and overdoing moves for the first time in 12 years. Jupiter finishes up in Gemini and moves into Cancer bringing a big almighty wave of new people into our lives, just as it leaves for home! The theme of media, publishing, communications and travels takes a back seat, and home, family intuition and feeling takes precedence for the next 12 years.
Mercury also retrogrades in Cancer on the 26th, a great time to slow down and really take time to connect with our intuition. Listen to what it has been trying to tell us lately, but be warned a quick pace of trying to put that into action may well back fire. Really give yourself the month to go back over and reassess where you are coming from.
On the 27th the heart gets even more open as the love goddess Venus moves into the passionate heart centred sign of Leo, we are moving away from the head, and creating more from our feelings, intuition and heart. With these types of alignment this month is absolutely golden - go live it well!

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