Wednesday, 31 July 2013

AstroTarotChannel 2013

The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.  Thucydides quotes
(Ancient Greek historians and author, 460-404bc)

Welcome to August and an incredibly powerful month it seems!

The heavens are doing a funky chicken dance, with some mass tangos and mangos! In other words we have some big planetary alignments, namely not one but two grand trines (big blessings) and one grand cross (big challenge).

We start the month by weighing up and addressing what we have in a practical and down to earth manor, one mirrored back to us by the festival of Lammas (Loaf -mass). How are we going to make our daily bread? There is a feeling of a lot of communications around deals and partnerships, but no arrival as yet. This is because of a feeling of something not being got yet.

Realizations come pouring in around the 6th -8th due to the Leo New Moon, Mercury entering Leo and Jupiter opposing Pluto, the lesson seems to be in letting go of something we are attached too and striking a fair balance. More about this in this months youtube Tarot reading.

The third week feels full of reflection as we build up to the Aquarius full moon on 21st. Lots of deep soul searching as the realizations continue and we dig deep to find the courage to face whatever we need to face. Come the 21st the energies have built up to a crescendo and they are let out of the starting gate at full speed ahead. The energies of change, revolution, wake up, clarity, change and intitiation, and this gets even more fired up when Mars enters Leo on 28th.

August seems to be asking us to think big, be bold, brave, stand up for what is right, but most of all  be honest with ourselves about what is right first and foremost!

Brave blessings

Tiffany Crosara
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Sunday, 21 July 2013

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel July 2013

Hello and welcome to the written part of July’s AstroTarotChannel.
We kick off July with Mercury retrograde in Cancer. When Mercury is retrograde past patternings come into play, and there is no other sign about that past like Cancer is. Therefore you can see that the energy of the past is around and playing out strong. A peak time for this being the 7th, when we dark moon and Saturn making a station in Scoprio before it goes direct the next day. This signifies a great day for becoming so still we can let all settle and allow the past to come up and process it’s way out. Still waters run deep.
On the  8th we have a new moon in Cancer and Saturn turns direct in Scorpio,  the theme is still very much on emotions, but hopefully you managed to clear out a layer of the past yesterday, and now it’s a great time to alow yourself to feel what you wish to create in your life, particularly emotionally, personally and on the home and family front.
It feels pretty dreamy for most of this month – with so much emphasis in the water signs, not only the above but there are two trines playing out in the water signs, this is helping us to get really connected to our inner compass through our emotions and intution. With the water trines, and  Mercury and Uranus retrograde (in Arise from 17th) there is a very passive, dreamy feel hanging around, one of deep reflection. We may find the whole world actualy manages to chill out a bit and can stop pushing their agendas! It’s almost as if we are being anaesthetised by the universe whilst it works on restoring our faith. We may find there are messages of support that happen to us, that we are unable to ignore, and especially in our dreams. I know for one that I have been experiencing that since Mercury went retrograde.
The month fires up a little bit from  20th July when Mercury goes direct , helping us to now know how we feel, and freeing us to go forward a little more. This gets stepped up when Mars conjuncts Jupiter two days later, still in Cancer this could have us feeling a bit protective and fire us up to stand up for what we feel is right, it’s an ambitious and tenacious energy. Which although emotional , if you use the passion wisely it could be very productive indeed. Also that day we have the Sun moving into its most powerful place, Leo, spotlighting your ability to create. Venus leaves Leo and enters Virgo, helping us to calm down any dramatic emotions and get practical about our service to humanity. Beautifully tying into the climax of that in the full Moon in Aquarius also that day – the emotional spotlight tunring away from our deeper personal needs, to how do we now put that in action for the highest good of all?
I think that’s a great question to leave you on!
Wishing you a deep, insightful, beautiful, harmonistic July
Tiffany Crosara
Author of  The Award Winning Transformational Truth of Tarot  -
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