Monday, 2 February 2009

When the student is ready the teacher appears alright!

I have just began teaching Reiki in Mysteries, which I am so happy about as since I shut my shop in London & moved to cornwall, teaching Reiki has been rather difficult.

I get an email last week asking if there was any spaces left on the up & coming Reiki course. I redirect them to Mysteries & ask if that is where I know them from.

They reply to say that her & her partner knew me from Namaste, they only came in once, but from that moment they knew they wanted to learn Reiki with me & then the shop shut & I disappeared.

She had searched to no avail & her partner told her not to worry, that they would find me when the time was right.

Three years later I start teaching Reiki at Mysteries & they happened to come in & discover the leaflet!

As they were relaying this story to the class on Sunday, another guy also clicked! It turns out he also had planned to do it with me then, but I had disappeared! Only he hadn't realised it was me!

He was there for the good of his relationship & after his attunement a book literally flew of the shelf behind him right at him, it was called "the history of love!"

Wow! I love you spirit! Thankyou!

You are so funny, as mercury turns direct it seems you are really communicating through printed words! (see also post below!)


Real life Joan of Arcadia

Has anyone seen Joan of Arcadia?

It is a tv programme about a girl called Joan who gets visited by god everyday. But in the guise of an ordinary person.

Now this can be a relatively normal phenomena for us everyday of our lives as you could say we are all part of god but I swear this really happened to me on Thursday...

Thursday! Oh god Thursday! I got hacked & a virus on Thursday & it spread to all my contacts- which in turn spread to all their contacts & so on. I should write a book- "How to loose friends & alienate people!"

It all happened because once again my self sabotage voice called mr Rush took over my self empowerment voice of miss intuition.

I was sat at a station kicking myself thinking "I still haven't learnt, not even after loosing 4.5 million on the lottery that time." When a lady smiling at me enigmatically & calmly came over to me, she had a compassionate feel. She didn't say a word, just handed me a newspaper & walked off! I look at the headline & it says "loss of 4.5 million"!

I couldn't work out why! As if I needed reminding! It had already occured to me! All I can think is that spirit have a wicked sense of humour! In more ways than one!