Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Transcendental News: WOW! The big week build up to 10.10.10 and Manifestation

You're Everywhere!!!

For those of you who have been regularly reading- no doubt you will be aware of the ongoing housing situation that me and my family have been facing. (for those who haven't a year ago we moved into a house that was a health and safety risk- little to our knowledge, loosing possessions and health along the way and rudely wakened by the lack of rights for tenants. Since March we have desperately been trying to find somewhere to live to no avail due to the severe housing shortage in far West Cornwall due to second and holiday homes, escaping homelessness narrowly twice)

This week we moved! :-)

Not far either!

My husband owns a van for the first time and for the first time the move was so close all we needed to move was a wheelbarrow!

So many times over the Summer I looked out the bedroom window and wondered where our next home would be- little did I know I was staring right at it....

Little did I know that when I did the Psychic Development Diploma Remote Viewing exercise in Cornwall, that the roof the students accurately saw and drew (as they were accurately remote viewing my husband's view out the same window) was going to be the roof of my next house-

WOW! Spirit- you really are something else.

But what a week leading up to it-

Not only have we been plagued with housing issues and ill health but we have also felt the effects of the recession really rather too close for comfort, which is probably an understatement- last week after another such blow my husband was being negative- which really isn't a characteristic of his at all, but is something we have all been tested by lately,

and I said to him-

When we move to the new place we have to make sure we have gotten out all the negativity of our recent experiences, so that we totally leave it behind and close the door on it, literally”

6am on the day we were due to move I wake up feeling nauseas and don't stop vomiting until 10pm whilst my husband is unable to get out of bed at all sweating and shaking profusely- doctor said we had the same “virus”, mine went to my stomach and his went to his lungs....

It reminds me (once again) that when we state with intention we have to be very VERY careful!

Another couple of squewif manifestations this month have been:

My step-daughter wanted us to get a brown leather sofa when we moved- we laughed!

Two days later we are offered a free leather brown sofa- just to find out its too big to get through our new door way!

I have been putting it out there to write for magazines and was thrilled when my first paid job came through amazingly quickly- only to be dashed when I realised there was something I couldn't do :-(

I must pay more attention to the clarification process- it seems even the universe has small print these days!

All this realisation of manifestations came to light a couple of Thursdays ago when I ended up doing a 'WOW' board as an activity in a workshop I was attending.

A “WOW” board is different to a vision Board in that once you have completed it you take it in and let it go trusting the universe is receiving it and in turn giving it to you, it keeps the flow going...

I sat there looking at the “normal magazines” in front of me and thought-

“I am never going to find anything for me in here!”

But as I turned the pages I got the best surprises, it really was as if the universe knew exactly what I was looking for and presented it with me, and not just pictures but whole phrases too! So I busily got to it and collaged it up so much the facilitator asked me if I needed more board! I felt there was a message in there about how we may think we are never going to find it- or that it's way off but it is all right under our noses- our new home was- literallly!

After that I went to London and saw a couple of friends separately- who both synchronistically started volunteering how they had looked back over their manifestation goals and how they had all come true- one even said that a friend had written down that she wanted a man between 5”11 and 6ft and thats what she got!- He had one leg shorter than the other!!

So now I feel even more aware at a much deeper level of the need to be conscious and clear with our thoughts- but have I had a minute to process?-

Or even realise that 10.10.10 was coming up? No!
It was thrust upon me as a big fat cherry whilst I was drowning in a mr whippy frenzy.... So I guess I just gotta hope my sub-conscious thoughts have been good ones! :-/

I have been far too busy throwing up and other pleasantries in between moving boxes and taking business calls to be doing conscious manifestations!

I managed to stay in our lovely new home for one night before I went off up to London, and no peace then either! -It is a very beautiful home and I mean home.

We know the last two lots of tenants that still miss it and see it as home and the letting agent has known the ninety year old landlady since he was a boy- in her hay day lived there with her family and allowed her children to run round the streets of Mousehole in their naked glory- once grown they lived in woods and became political activists, their somewhat free love vibe has soaked deeply into the walls that bend to embrace you as you duck down from the courtyard through the stable door into the low beamed ceilings (literally if you are more than 5”5!). Downstairs it is tiny, stone and quirky with amazing character, and some ship gangway steps that take you through a hatch to a vast tardis of an upstairs netloft.

The spirits of the house feel just as vast and lovely and the cats agree as they settle immediately and brim with purrs and head buffs- something we haven't seen them do for the last few months in the previous place.

Come bed time I am slightly unsettled and I wonder why. Is it just because I am in a new place? I doubt it! Wherever I lay my blackberry is my home for half the week when I pop off to London...

So as usual I try to put it to the back of my mind until I finally get off to sleep...

In my dreams, a friendly fisherman comes through the bedroom door and introduces himself telling me his name politely and stating that he is stuck, he asks me if I would help him over? I agree, and see a huge golden light growing brighter from the window reach him and over he goes.

I tell my husband this in the morning.

My husband spends the next day continuing the seemingly endless task of cleaning our old place whilst I get the train to London- still slightly nauseas, empty stomached and weak.

On the train I get a text from a weirded out husband saying he was clearing out the old place when a black cat just like our cat Mystic (Mystic is not just any black cat but incredibly small, smooth and Egyptian looking) came through the cat flap and began walking in and out the rooms, ignoring his calls, my husband thought she must have escaped the new house. Eventually she turned to look at him and he saw the eyes were different- the cat left and then came back with a younger looking version of our tabby cat Tom and they both proceeded to walk around the rooms!

I didn't receive the whole text at once so was waiting for it to complete and at the time it did the song everywhere was on my ipod:

“You're everywhere...

Everywhere I see your faces,

Every time you're not around doesn't matter coz you're everywhere to me

Everyone you've ever known counts on you, waits for you to come through

Don't you know you're gonna breakthrough

And everywhere you came and left you came in the name of love,

happiness, tenderness and sweet conflict,

You hang around, you come on down and it's on and on and on,

i'm calling your number”

(Remember I'm calling your number as it's important for later)

I text Richard this and then look up to see an Orange ad that says:

“Inspired by everything everywhere?”

'Spooky! We were about to say the same thing to you”

'Together, we can do more”

My husband tells me the next morning that when he went to bed, he turned the light out, thought about my dream and wondered if there was anything in the house, at that exact moment his phone went off with a message- “from home”.... (i'm calling your number?)

My time in London is crazy good and very manic as always- on Friday I saw ten clients, did a radio interview for my spirit radio and went on to teach a jam packed to the rafters Tarot masterclass in the evening- as I go off to sleep I realise that I am still doing a reading- for who I don't know! I tell them to bog off- that I am sleeping now- not reading! I go to sleep and dream that I am teaching Tarot instead! Gosh! I must have been wicked!

Saturday I teach a Psychic Development Diploma and then 10.10.10 is upon me and i am teaching Reiki Two- a lovely way to spend the day- then its back on the train for six hours to make the transitions back to Cornwall- where I am met by an almost crippled Husband- seems his what seemed long gone Sciatica has resurfaced- so it's more Reiki before bed. The next day he is fine. Thank god for Reiki.

So it is 11.10.10 before I get to do any research on 10.10.10 and here is what I found:

Holistic trinity of completion and new beginnings, mentally, spiritually, physically.


Re-appearances- visitiations from the old- friends, family, exes, stuck spirits, in order to be released.

Re-surfacing of old physical ailments in order to be released

Increased syncronicity as the DNA is prepared for higher activation for the new shift into the intergalactic gateway

Did you have any symptoms?

If you want to know more check out this youtube clip:

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