Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Living your Truth (In 2012?)- A preview of my second book.

I am not sure I should even be limiting the scope of this to 2012. Nor do I consider myself an expert on the predicted end of the world. Not in the head knowledge way anyway. So why have I included the ominous date here? For the same reason that I have to hop, skip and jump over my planned second book along to this one.

Do I even know what I am going to write? No. Do I need to know? My guides assure me not.

As my fingers tap away I can feel the flow and I am just as eager as you the reader, to see what appears.

I have learnt that spirit/guides work through injecting thoughts that appear from nothingness, and the feelings that grow until they spill forth into motivation or “in-spirit- ation”.

For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get on with my second book and it has felt like pushing my battered old car uphill. Now I have stopped. For a while I have been aware of a much smoother ride alongside me. Where it is heading? I don’t know. Nevertheless I have relinquished control and gone into the trust zone as my fingers type away.

I ask who the information is coming from and I am told that it doesn’t matter- what matters is that I get this out for 2012. I ask why 2012, isn’t the wisdom timeless?
“Yes, but you will see.” I am told.
I become aware that maybe I hadn’t relinquished as much control as I thought I had.

I don’t know who is more frustrated by my journey with spirit.
Me or them.
Is that a controversial thing to write?

I was told by a fellow reader two weeks ago that I would write things where people would gasp in shock and say “she can’t write that!” Is this the start? And so soon? There you have it, I have said it. Working with spirit can be damn right frustrating! Much to my holier than thou husband’s dismay I possess the audacity to scream and shout at the very highest guiding beings there are (look a gift horse in the mouth is an understatement). Very very occasionally I even wished they were in the physical so I could give them a good hiding! Yet, if I was a guide I think I would be stripped of my status and sent right back to earth with a big bump for blowing my top on a daily basis.

I guess that is why I am still here.

I remember the first time I was aware of my guide’s communication. I had been test read at London’s Mysteries, six weeks previously. Every week I had chased them up for a start date, and every week I got nowhere. After hanging the phone up for the sixth time I thought to myself, “thats it, no more”. Instantly a deep, powerful, strong male voice appeared in the right side of my head “You are, you are ringing on Friday.”

I was shocked at the clarity and strength. I looked up to my right, of course I couldn’t see anything. I thought it must be a guide, the clarity was something never before witnessed whilst going about my “normal” daily business. My logical side (yes I do have one) was completely thrown by the obscurity of what seemed like my head arguing with itself, immediately after being completely sure of my decision.

I reiterated to the voice that I would not be ringing again. “They” reiterated that I was ringing again, on Friday. I began to argue with them, but it was a short -lived argument as they didn’t reply. This I have found has become a pattern in communicating with my guides.

Friday came and I awoke and healthily stretched out – for my laptop! The first thing I saw was an email from my ex who as travelling in Thailand. In it he tells me he has been talking to a guy about keeping in contact with exes. It turns out this guy’s ex was called Tiffany, and she worked at Mysteries! Sat there dumbfounded, I think to myself “What day is it?????………. Friday!”
I can feel the smug silent smiles of my guides as I say to myself “I guess I am ringing after all!”
I reach for the phone straight away and am told that Tiffany is leaving, and would I, Tiffany like to take her place?!

Wow! I think to myself – this guide stuff is pretty cool :-)

Years on and working full time in the area, I sometimes wonder if its that I am tired, blocked, or so constantly attuned that I don’t notice it so much. I vow to myself to make time for guide communication as much as I can, but fast-paced daily demands and ipods don’t help!

I remember when I first got my ipod, I listened to it as much as I did when I got my first walkman. Indoors, outdoors, in the bath, in bed. Ridiculous. Every now and again I could hear my guides making an effort to be heard over the din…
“ You are not listening, you can’t hear us. Listen to ipod less and God more!”
“okay!’ I would say. “I promise I will listen less”

But I found it hard to put into practice. In fact I wore my earphones out! I should have stopped then, but I didn’t. I bought even better ones! And the quality was so good I listened even more! So then I lost them…I was gutted and pleaded to spirit to tell me where they were.
“Oh, okay then” came the reply “but you must start listening less”.
“Okay, I will” I promised with every good intention.
‘They are on the passenger seat of the car”.
Sure enough they were.
Sure enough I didn’t listen to less ipod and more to God.
So a few days later I lost my ipod! Rather than feeling gutted, I felt relieved and ecstatic to be connected to spirit again. In fact I was so grateful that a month later I got a phone call from someone who found it and I got my ipod back!

Time and trust are two themes that seem like a permanent work in progress when it comes to relationship with spirit- not just for me I am assured. It all boils down to belief. I am told.
Gosh, I think to myself. Looking back at all the times “they” have gone out their way to prove to me their existence, and still I struggle. Believe me I have gone through unbelievable things.

There was the time spirit told me the lottery numbers! Yes they actually did, hand on my heart. And because I couldn’t believe I had just been given them (this time in a ladies voice that appeared in the right side of my head with the same strength, quickness and clarity as the Mysteries incident). Even though I knew and should have known better. My human being could not believe it. I argued with them, telling them they couldn’t possibly be the lottery numbers because they were symmetrical. ( I knew I was talking s**t). They patiently told me lottery numbers could be symmetrical because they were random. I told them I would compromise with them by putting three numbers on one-line and three on another! Lol! Silly Tiffany!

“Tiffany! They are the lottery numbers! You don’t compromise with the lottery numbers!” Came the reply.“I haven’t got time to faff like this- I have a bus to catch” I reply, totally aware I am yet again spouting utter s**t.

Despite every cell in my being screaming ****WRONG**** in big flashing neon lights I put the ticket through and blocked the thoughts, I won a tenner on each line instead of 4.5 million!

After that I practiced listening like mad for the lottery numbers- they did not come! They still don’t come! But, I do know what it’s like to feel when it’s right.
A couple of months later I was changing some travellers checks to go on honeymoon and was given a ticket for an automatic drawer to get your money back. As soon as it was in my hand I knew it was the winner. I went up to my new husband and said. ‘This is the winning ticket, I know what a winning ticket feels like!”
Sure enough a few days into the trip we got a text notifying us of our £220 win, which we promptly lost by being ripped off by the Italian airport taxi man.
I felt I was being shown how I didn’t feel I deserved money, how I believed it wouldn’t stay around me, and like my trust in spirit it is an ongoing journey. Just like the lottery, which I do now and again and wonder why I am putting the ticket through when I know it’s not right?!

So after that I made a huge effort to trust spirit. Strong synchronicity begins to happen around going to Istanbul to work. The whole three week trip was horrific and disastrous. I was miserable and I wasn’t even busy. I just didn’t get it. Everyday I asked spirit why I was there, what was the point if I wasn’t being made any use of? No answer came. Until the point where I just gave up asking and just thought it despairingly to myself, “why am I here?”
‘Yes, why are you here Tiffany?” came the reply.
Relieved at finally receiving a response but frustrated with their ways I angrily told them they knew very well why I was here. I was here because I was following the strong synchronistic guidance given by them.
‘Yes, but you never wanted to come, did you?”
“No” I answered, my anger almost at boiling point. “Are you telling me you only want me to do what I want to do?”
“Of course!” came the reply “ Would you jump under a bus if we gave you the guidance?”

Well, I was infuriated! When I talk about the time I wanted to throttle spirit, that is the time that pops in my mind. You may think it should have been the lottery but to be honest I only have myself to blame on that one! On this one I had felt punished for over learning the most expensive psychic development class ever. The one that cost 4.5 million less twenty quid discount! This just took it too far. Hundreds of miles too far. Literally. Really, was it necessary to take me all the way from my home and my family and plonk me in a heartless, attacking environment that I found myself in? Apparently so- apparently that is how much I don’t listen! Thank God I didn’t have my ipod!
So like I said I don’t have a clue who it is more frustrating for, them or me!
Now I know they want me to write this, I know I must make time.
Only last week I was sat working away on the computer and I was told to go and connect with a rock on the seafront- so for once I listened, stopped my manic unstoppable work stream and walked down to the rock I felt guided to.

I had been feeling pretty stressed out from a previous month of work and personal difficulties. As well as a publisher’s decision hanging over my head about whether they were going to breathe life into my first book or not. The all important meeting was scheduled for a couple of days time.
As I sat on the rock, amazing feelings of happiness and all being right in the world flowed into me. I was told that all would be well, that the energies of 19th July were great and significant for my book.

I went back home and resumed my computer work, sending an updated book proposal to the publisher ready for the meeting in a couple of days. I got an immediate response stating that the meeting had been postponed until 19th July.

So, now I sit here, with the same channeled feelings of knowing I have to write this, whatever “this” is. That “this” is the connection now and once again I know I must still myself, wait for the guidance, listen, trust and write. But how long do I wait? If it is not there instantly, does it mean it’s not really from spirit?
The answer isn’t there, what does that mean? Are they proving a point?!

What about you, the reader? How can you trust a voice in my head? I ask the guides. Particularly when I’m not convinced I know who you are. How can they know “this” is from a trustworthy source? I am told its not for me to concern myself with such things. A typical guide answer indeed.
My job, I am reminded, is to write. Suddenly I feel like a secretary taking dictation and they smile that I have got it. But who are they? I can’t help but ask again? Now I feel their deflation.
I am told there is no time to go through this, it is not as important as the information that must come out now. I have a sense there are many and a sense “they” are a part of everything and everyone.
In the past I have sensed guides, their characters, appearances and have been told their names. But right now I am told to not take these past labels into this. I feel a collective council of some sort.

So I must get out the way and write about living your life and your truth in 2012. Yet my mind kicks in as I stare at a blank page and feel daunted about writing a book I know nothing about.


Dear ones,
Your planets energies are shifting. So much emphasis has been put on earth at this time, but there are more planets closer than you know and they are all yours. It is a human condition to not see the effect of connection all around you. To feel small and huge at once. To feel important and insignificant. To feel arrogant and insecure. But it is your lack of trust that causes the imbalance in your race. Yes you are one race, with many a different face. There is no blame here, as everything is the way it is supposed to be. The human race has been around for so long now and you carry all the weight of your ancestors burdens. We see your suffering and we must tell you how we know that your human time is one laden with heaviness, sadness, grief and despair. You are a special race, one that was put here at this time, of all colours and creeds to make up the rainbow. Some of you chose easily, others were reluctant volunteers who felt they had no choice, although that is never true. Still you have a mission. We have chosen to channel this message through the vehicle. Tiffany does not know of how connected she really is. In this case she is like many of you. Yet Tiffany does go on trying, very trying! We love her, like we love you. And in her struggles of awakening and trusting, she is the perfect example of each of you right now. Time is of the essence as of now July 2011. Shifts are happening, you can feel it all around you in your world as it is. In the Earth, the quakes, tsunami’s, pole shifts and banking crisis. Everything is shifting. You included. Shift you must. Shift must. Happen. We love you and all is as it is. Souls are going through a collective membrane of intense learning, going up to the seventh plane now. For many, many years. Souls have been working up through God’ s chakras. Now entering the first of the spiritual centres of the whole cosmos we name “God”. As you do so your connection to spirit is happening like a rocket going through an ozone layer. But your rocket has got stuck with the fear of the shifts you are sensing, and the human incapability of trust in the unknown. But you do know, you can feel it. It is time to trust, trust in what? I hear you say. In you we reply. We are you, you are we, you are me. You are the unknown. It is time to know thyself. Please don’t feel like more spiritual claptrap! We do love you and ask you to feel it in your bones. Be brave. Listen to your feelings. You have them for a reason you know.
Why is it that so many of you want to leave your work? Does it seem to you that more and more of you are desperately unhappy in your work yet feel pointless, hopeless, like there is no reason leaving because you will just need to get another pointless job to pay the bills? This is causing a great depression on the planet and is a reason for the rocket to get stuck. Each of you is gifted, unique and individual in your own right. Did we put you here to become clones of corporates? What is the point in that? Of course there is one, but now you are shifting, you are moving and you must listen. Each one of you has a purpose, this you must find. It is there, or you wouldn’t be there. Do not allow the world to make you feel purposeless. Everyday listen to your feelings. Great downloads of emotion is happening at this time, and in this fast-paced world it is important to make an effort to slow down. Listen and feel. It is time your work came out of love and not money. Purpose and not duty. Life has begun to be but slavery for the supposedly free. Yes I hear that slavery has always existed as has bondage. But in such disguise? In such lies? This is now about ascension. In ascension there must be truth, in ascension is intention. Intention must be set to gain freedom. We put you on this earth to serve a purpose, not a corporate. Mass employment has caused great unrest and disconnection, and now you wonder why the collapse is coming? Will you jump or be pushed? Either way, when you land you will see the bed of roses stretching as far as you can see. And of the thorns you shall be free. Listen, to me, I am yourself and only you can set you free. Practice listening to you.

What is this with this manifestation of money?! You are missing the point! We gave you the information of manifestation so you wouldn’t need it! Yet it has increased the fixation with the silly thing called “money!” money- money -mon-ey! Even a silly name don’t you think?!
Money is a symbol of man’s greed, greed is a symbol of man’s fear, man’s fear has got the rocket stuck. What are you going to do about it? Start trading in love. Love, love love, is that such a silly word? Trad-ing- a two syllable word is fitting here in the beautiful give and take. Remember we made the information on manifestation available for the mainstream so you could operate without money, not for the manifestation of it!

The System
This is becoming hard work for us to channel about as the vehicle now is going into fear. A valid fear in someways as her life has been ended in the past for blasphemy and this is being highly triggered by this section. Conspiracy abounds your planet, real or not it is all part of the illusion. The distraction. Yes there are dark energies at work. Your planet has always been one of polarity, But the polarity is shifting- literally. Your poles could even unify and your planet implode into a supernova. If this happens rest assured those of you that are human, there will be a proportionate piece of you that is at peace with the release, and lives on in long awaited bliss and happiness. This is too much for your mind to comprehend right now so don’t even try. “People” are messing with the Earth. People who think they are God and have more power than they know what to do with. This has happened many times on your planet before and continents have disappeared or suffered great tragedy because of this. Now it is on a larger worldwide scale. Your suffering cannot continue, shift has to happen one way or another. Again we whisper to you in the night to trust your feelings, and act in accordance to them, this way you shall be free, no-one can actually stop that, no matter the outside appearance.

The World
Love your mother, she is crying for you. Chant regularly around the world in healing mantras, harmonics must now be reborn again. For they harmonize the shifting energies acting as oil both for the rocket and the earth- the earth has been raped of her oil. Drilled, bored and sucked dry from deep within, she is cracking up quite literally. Plates crash against each other, earthquakes and tsunamis arise. Harmonics, harmonics, harmonics. Intoning harmonises. Do not underestimate the healing power of sound. Look at the power of your communication. If you do not know it then take a vow of silence and see how you get on. Please. It does not have to make sense. It does not need to mean anything to you. just let whatever comes out, out. We are working through each and every one of you to release sound, as this is where you rocket has got stuck on it’s ascension. In the throat. So many of you have become to afraid to speak. It is a big disconnection from truth. This is something the people from “God” who are not “God” know how to use to manipulate you and rob you of your power. Noting exists that isn’t said. The power of words can hurt or heal. They have been used to cause fear and separation and it has logged deeply into your solar, throat and heart chakras. However with the recent eclipses of June and July 2011 we worked hard on clearing your emotional centres to rise up to the throat, and yes it happened fast. Now WE RESIDE IN YOUR THROAT. Great out-spilling of uncontrollable words arise in your world and all is being released and realized. Use your throat, use it now…….ahhhhheeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeee. Aheo. Aheo…… to transform hurt in to heart. Do not worry what this means, do not see this as instruction if it does not feel right to you, use your own.

The Animals
Include the animals in your loving harmony, they need it, they feel sad at the disconnection all around. They want to re-connect with you in the way you used to share the planet. Beautifully, no matter what happened between you, the bond remained unspoken. This is something that exists that is unspoken. In matter. The bond is in the matter. Make the sounds of the animals. Animals use sounds to connect, you are one of them that is blessed to be able intone all their sounds, to connect with them all and connect them all together. You are the bridge for the animals to walk across. This is the new ark of ascension. Use it to harmonise the energies and support the bond for they will help you to your freedom. Time to care.

The Ascent of Humanity
13bc – 1600ad was the root, you can connect with the good energy at Mount Shasta.

14bc- 2300ad is the sacral, a work in progress, we need your love, peace, respect and harmonics at Lake Titicaca to rise, clear and harmonise the final vibrations.

17bc – 2400ad is the solar plexus – Drums at Uluru, will flow new life into you, strengthening your core through and through. The strength of the Aborigine and Australian is no mistake, the people lead by example. Strong and true mate. What you see is what you get. This is fate. If you are struggling with living your truth come here to help yourself activate your core strength. If you have found core strength come here to help replenish, strengthen and raise the shift of humanity. In sharing we strengthen.
19bc – 2430ad is the heart. The green green land of England, land of power, land of heart, land of the Lionheart. Brave and courageous, the Lion has lost it’s heart and it’s passion. It has been beaten and oppressed ’til weary and worn. We have been working at releasing the Lion, restoring it full of love. An intense period of this work was in June 2011. Intoning and singing is important to find the roar, the passion of the heart. Harmonic gatherings around the country, joining in sound all the same time will help to end the oppression and restriction of the heart. This is needed in England. Like the green green grass needs the rain. The heart is the very life force of being. England needs all the help it can get. Time to gather and sing your not so little hearts out. Link in with the Rainbow Serpent that connects Australia and England (St Michael’s Mount and Uluru), to increase the strength of the beat and emotional centres. Link in with each other wherever you are in the land. All at the same time, to harmonise your own harmonics and sing out your not so little truths from your not so little hearts. As you do this indigenous people from other countries will know and hear the call they have been waiting for and will join you in your path to liberating the heart.

1310ad -2012ad is the throat – the throat is Egypt. Liberation has begun and Egypt begun a wave of liberation that is being felt like ripples through the whole planet. This is the strength and power of the throat, of spoken expression. Ride the wave, feel the wave in your sound. Let the wave of change carry you. You do not need to be in Egypt to catch this wave. It is felt throughout the world. Egypt needs no physical help from you. By empowering itself it has began to empower the world. You do not need to be there. The power is helping you wherever you are. You can however send thoughts of love, gratitude, support and strength to Egypt for harmonic connection.

1694ad – 2100ad is the third eye, found within you. Wherever you are. Concentrate on Om, candle gazing and inner vision. Direct your vision up to liberation of Tibet, as this is when the shift and final ascension of humanity happens.

100-ad – 2900ad is the crown. For as long as Tibet remains restricted the ascent of humanity suffers. Heavy energies exist around Tibet, lower energies have seen the beauty, purity and ascension and their fear of being unworthy, that they cannot possible transcend into such light has meant they have caused oppression through fear of annihilation. See Tibet free to shine it’s pure light and amazing power. See it burst forth, unable to remain restricted. See it liberated.

Want to know how to develop your psychic self? Join Tiffany on her upcoming retreat: http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/retreats/tarot-psychic-pastlife-regression-therapy-retreat-cornwall.html

1 comment:

jason palmer said...

I sometimes dream the future,but never lottery numbers :(