Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Astro Tarot Channel for November

So we begin November as always with the Sun in mysterious Scorpio and on All Hallow’s Day, also known as All Saints Day it is a time to remember any higher spiritual beings and link in with our guides and ascended masters. On November the 2nd we have the waxing moon coinciding with All Soul’s Day, similar to All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) it is a day to remember the dearly departed souls that we know. As this waxing moon is in Aquarius we may indeed find ourselves wishing to be free of our earthly constraints and feel free. However on this day Venus also moves- into Scorpio which will whisper to us the need to go deep within ourselves and find the love instead of the escapism. Perfect for balancing out what could become quite floaty energy.

This I feel sets the tone for the month. Particularly in the lead up to 11.11.11, which many believe to be an important date for ascension on our planet. The Moon again takes part in ramping up the 11.11.11 energy as it reaches full on the night before at 20.16- in Taurus. The Moon is most comfortable in Taurus, so again we see the otherworldly easily shining down on earth, particularly as taurus is indeed an earth sign. Jupiter is also retrograde in Taurus, helping us to really keep our feet on the ground.

Back to 11.11.11 we see Mars shift that day out of Leo into Virgo. Another earth sign, one of purity and service. Mars in Leo can be quite passionate and all consuming! Mars in Virgo brings a bit of humility to our actions signalling another change in consciousness. Uranus is also retrograde, in Aries, which Mars rules. So once again keeping any erratic ungrounded outbursts of ego under control- one hopes! Neptune in Aquarius- also retrograde, making sure we don’t float off with our visions. Chiron is in Pisces- also retrograde, making sure the healing is done within and containing any victim/martyr complexes or once again escapist tendencies.

All in all this month it feels like we are being anchored deep into the earth and into our emotions whilst downloads of extremely high frequency spiritual shifts come through. In a way you could picture us all like trees this month. We need to have deep, deep roots if we are going to be able to reach up and out to the universe without toppling and it seems the universe is giving us the deep roots, the heart centre and the high receptive branches.

Saturn continues in Libra- long term lessons about fairness, justice and karma continue to resonate through our universe, as does Pluto remain in Capricorn for its long term stint in overhauling our material plane..

On 24th Mercury also turns retrograde (until 14th December). So if you have any deals to sign, travels or important communication to do, or expensive new things to do it may serve you well to try and get it completed before the famous god of communication and travel turns into the trickster. Just to make it clear it only becomes a trickster if we don’t understand how to work with it. Just remember retrogrades arent about doing anything new, they are about anything beginning with “re”: Research, rebirth, regress, renew, renovate, redecorate, re-do, review etc…. and as Mercury is about communication and journeys and re- means to go within this shift on 24th signifies a time for great inner messages and progresses, just like the new moon in Sagittarius echoes the on next day.

The Tarot video of this month’s reading can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/transcendentaltiff?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/dOFY0eISj0Y

Sessions and workshops to help with this process in November commences with Samaya Boutopolou’s meditation course, http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/psychic/6-week-meditation-course.html starting on the 2nd but late joiners can be accomodated. Followed by my talk on trusting the universe, at the Brighton centre of spirituality on 3rd November http://www.meetup.com/London-Initiation-Workshops-Mind-Body-Spirit-Meet-Up/events/33214312/

Samaya then holds a Magnified Healing course on 5th and 6th, perfect for these magnified times http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/healing/magnified-healing-weekend-workshop-attunement.html and I hold a Usui Reiki Second Degree at Mysteries beginning on the 6thhttp://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/healing/reiki-second-degree.htmlJust in time for 11.11.11 Hayley Rogers talks us through awakening ourselves at Mysteries on 10th,http://www.meetup.com/London-Initiation-Workshops-Mind-Body-Spirit-Meet-Up/events/33369372/On the evening of 11.11.11 I will holding a special Masterclass with Debbie Winterbourne so those budding Tarotists not in Egypt or Glastonbury we have a portal here! http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/psychic/tarot-masterclass.html

On 12th we go within with Cheryl-Lya as she shows us how the angels can help us with our relationships http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/healing/enhancing-relationships-with-help-of-angels.html And at the cornish psychic cafe this month we create our own portals through Mandalas on 15th http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/psychic/psychic-development-circle.html

On the Sagittarius new moon we have Al showing us all how to take it to the next angelic level with angelic reiki 3&4 http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/healing/angelic-reiki-3-and-4.html And Hayley Rogers finishes off nicely with Empower Thyself on 26th http://www.initiationworkshops.co.uk/healing/empower-thyself-and-adept-program.html

Love and blessings

Tiffany x

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