Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel August 2012

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel August 2012

by Robert Burns-

It was on a Lammas night,
When corn rigs are bonie,
Beneath the moon’s unclouded light,
I held away to Annie:

The time flew by, wi tentless heed,
Till ‘tween the late and early;
Wi’ sma’ persuasion she agreed
To see me thro’ the barley.

The sky was blue, the wind was still,
The moon was shining clearly;
I set her down, wi’ right good will,
Amang the rigs o’barley

I ken’t her heart was a’ my ain;
I lov’d her most sincerely;
I kissed her owre and owre again,
Among the rig o’ barley.

I locked her in my fond embrace;
Her heart was beating rarely:
My blessings on that happy place,
Amang the rigs o’barley.

But by the moon and stars so bright,
That shone that hour so clearly!
She ay shall bless that happy night,
Amang the rigs o’barley.

I hae been blythe wi’ Comrades dear;
I hae been merry drinking;
I hae been joyfu’ gath’rin gear;
I hae been happy thinking:

But a’ the pleasures e’er I saw,
Tho three times doubl’d fairley
That happy night was worth then a’.
Among the rig’s o’ barley.

Corn rigs, an’ barley rigs,
An’ corn rigs are bonie:
I’ll ne’er forget that happy night,
Among the rigs wi’ Annie.
We start the month of August as always with Lammas on the 1st, Lammas is the ancient Pagan harvest festival.  it is a very powerful time to think of all that you have harvested so far this year, taking at least a moment to send out thanks to the universe, people and of course not forgetting to pat yourself on the back too. You may want to make that into your own thanksgiving ritual.
This year Lammas is particularly strong as the second half of Lammas which is called Lunar Lughnasadh which happens at the full moon falls on the very next day with a full moon in Aquarius on 2nd at 4:27am, conjunct the lion-taming Aestroid Cyrene. Cyrene is the lady pictured opening a Lion’s jaw in The Strength card in the Tarot. Strength/Cyrene relates to Aquarius’s opposite sign of Leo, which is the sign the Sun is in this month. Its a great beginning  for helping us to tame our impulsive instincts so that we may gain more freedom – one of life’s little paradoxes!  See more about this on this month\’s Tarot part on YouTube
We also see a nice trine happening between the Moon and Jupiter in Gemini, strengthening the feeling that we could accomplish anything we set our minds to right now, because its relatively easy to get any self destructive themes in check and  gain conscious clarity of our own evolutionary path. WOW! Sounds like the moment we have been waiting for doesn’t it?
A week later on 8th we have Venus entering Cancer emphasising that home really is where the heart is, spending time with our nearest and dearest should bring us feelings of empathic bonds and emotional fulfilment. Its a time to give to those we love freely and effortlesslyMercury also goes direct on 8th but it doesn’t mean we are out of the water yet! In fact everything may not completely align until 22nd August . So generally  for the first half of this August it seems that it’s best to concentrate on honing our heads and our hearts and leaving the action to the universe until later on.

The new moon in Leo on 17th could signify that you are all eager to get off the starting block with your new creations and projects and this feels like a great thing – not one to be suppressed from what I said above, just dont let arrogance, or pride or an assumption of perfection straight off hold you back. Allow it to be that what it is, young creations, young creations take on a life of their own and can’t always be controlled, try nurturing the growth instead. There is a feeling of whatever you do this month – do it properly. It seems there is no messing, just gentle taming, its got a beautiful feeling of healthy growth all around.

When the Sun enters Virgo on 22nd and  illuminates areas where we feel the need to do better in our lives, for perhaps what may be the first time this year,  the long awaited green light finally switches on, and we can actually finally start  putting our plans into action and getting on with the work – with clarity. This will be backed up by Mars entering Scorpio on 23rd helping  us to fire up our determination for transformation and really find the courage to commit to our convictions.

And we finish this month Blue Moon in Pisces on 31st and Mercury moving into its own sign of Virgo. A great mix for reflection. How perfect does this month feel?! Blue Moon is the name given to a moon whenever there is a second full moon in a month. This is a rare occurrence and great for self reflection. The fact that this one is in Pisces strengthens that quality somewhat, particularly when it comes to our spiritual development. I can’t think of a way more perfect to end such a month. A month that asks us to begin with reflections upon that which we have sown, then gives us all we need to grow our crops exactly as we desire and then asks us to reflect and reassess how well intune that is with our spiritual path.

The more I write about this month, the more excited I become, I don’t think I have felt such a beautiful benevolence about a month in such a long time, and definitely not in 2012. We need a break, and it seems the planets might just be giving us a well deserved one. Either ways its a just desserts month, make sure you made yours with love…

I will leave you with the wise words of Eva Cassidy

Made with love,
Tiffany Crosara

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