Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tiffany Crosara's Soul Contract Revelations Spread:

1) The soul purpose of the relationship (The Sun)

Then it splits in to two rows - A and B. decide who is A and who is B. 

2a) is what A thinks of B (Palace of Swords)

2b) is what B thinks of A (The Wheel)

3a) is the emotions that B stirs in A

3b) Is the emotions that A stirs in B (Queen of Cups)

4a) is what A projects onto B ( Seven of Cups)

4b) is what B projects onto A (The Moon)

5a) is the truth of the relationship for A (Five of Wands)

5b) is the truth if the relationship for B ( Ace of Cups)

6a) What A wants for the relationship (Six of Swords)

6b) What B wants for the relationship ( Four of Pentacles)

7) the best way forward ( Nine of Cups)

It is interesting to read the columns horizontally for each as well so you get to see very clearly what it's bringing up for each... Hope it helps!

Tiffany Crosara's Relationship To The World Spread

Cor dear me! Does anyone else feel like they are on a seasaw?! One day I'm feeling completely ecstatic the next I'm feeling floored! So I thought God how can today be The World?!       
But then I remembered the Astrotarotchannel said not giving a f*** was good for ascension and I can see I am ready to know the truth and I am totally done with any bulls***!!
So I adapted The World spread especially for relationships..

Top left is Friends and community - with mine you can see there is things here with communication being needed to clear projection ( Which is what I started at 3am this morn after deciding to send an email after a sleepless few hours).

Top right is relationships with intimate partners... (Looking really good for new level of growth based on the solid foundation we have built).

Bottom right is relationship with children or parents - there is a lot in mine about self worth and hard work on independence but emotions being self destructive.

Bottom left us relationships with clients - Cor! Lots of movement and business there- must take it one step at a time as not to get overwhelmed!

The middle is the current soul lesson - seems like its about being straight up, honest and kind. Awareness fell out so I put it there - this is The Chariot so The Chariot came out twice - which is my soul card.

This has been interesting. It's reflected what I already know... But I feel ready to look at each relationship in depth now to see the absolute truth and clear and let go of any past things that have been building up - so yes I guess that is The World for you! 
What does yours show? Anything you already know? Good to get confirmation?