Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tiffany Crosara's Soul Contract Revelations Spread:

1) The soul purpose of the relationship (The Sun)

Then it splits in to two rows - A and B. decide who is A and who is B. 

2a) is what A thinks of B (Palace of Swords)

2b) is what B thinks of A (The Wheel)

3a) is the emotions that B stirs in A

3b) Is the emotions that A stirs in B (Queen of Cups)

4a) is what A projects onto B ( Seven of Cups)

4b) is what B projects onto A (The Moon)

5a) is the truth of the relationship for A (Five of Wands)

5b) is the truth if the relationship for B ( Ace of Cups)

6a) What A wants for the relationship (Six of Swords)

6b) What B wants for the relationship ( Four of Pentacles)

7) the best way forward ( Nine of Cups)

It is interesting to read the columns horizontally for each as well so you get to see very clearly what it's bringing up for each... Hope it helps!

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