Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Autism- Entrapment or Freedom?

Today, I had a reading come through on the phone...

A voice said "I want to know about my youngest son"

I laid out the cards...The Fool, The King of Swords, The Moon, The Hanged Man, The Tower, The World, Strength, Ace of Wands...

I Said that I picked up on a soul that was without boundaries, that didn't fit in to the norm, that had a lot of compliations

She asked, "will he get better?"

Well looking at the cards, the answer seemed so strongly positive, but my guides warned me that the recovery or the outcome is positive for the soul, it is not the sort of "getting better" the mum meant. So this I explained to her,
to which she replied "What do you mean?"

I said the Soul had chosen this incarnation as it is,

At which point the lady angrily interrupted "My son has Autism, how can you say he chose that?"

To which I calmly continued " I understand your pain, it is uncanny you have come through to me, as I have many years experience working with people with Autism and I know the pain of seeing your child struggle with life, I lost my own special needs child. Your son is an old soul, he has had so many lives he does not have a lot left to choose from, yet the natural purpose of the soul is to evolve, this is one of the last experiences to live through."

"But will he get better?" She protested

I answered " A lot can be done especially as he is still young, but you and I both know there is no cure for Autism"

To which she professed there was

I did not argue but said "well okay, but I have already given you the guidance that came through about that, before I knew your child had Autism, I was speaking Clairvoyantly, not as a proffesional in Autism at that point"

She replied "I hate the thought of him being trapped"

At that, I looked down at the cards and had a profound insight, these were not the cards of a trapped individual, these were the cards of an individual who would not live the life of the normal trappings we fall into...

"I understand why it would seem that he is trapped to you, for me it has always seemed the same too, but we only see it from the outside, you have given me a profound insight today as I sit here with the cards I have never seen such a free soul, a soul that will not conform to what we say, is truly free, I know you want him to recover, but have you ever considered that asking him to recover is like asking him to recover from his personality?"

She put the phone down, I could hear her tears...

I know that my words can cut deep, but I have to trust that spirit sent her to me for those words. She was hanging on to the hope of a cure, you may think who was I to take that away from her? I may think the same to myself. But it wasn't me speaking, my guides blantantly stopped me reading the cards, stepped in and explained.

The more something is not accepted, the more painful it becomes,
the more it is hung onto, the more difficult it is for it to free flow towards you.

I remember when the doctors told me my one week old daughter would not live.
The nurses asked me to come and see her and I ran to my hospital room & hid.
It was a dark December day and the darkness in that room enveloped me so tightly in my denial it nearly squeezed the life out of me. It was such an intense heaviness, it pushed me right out of that room and right into my daughters ward. I held her in my arms and sobbed...

The nurse said to me empathically "You must be thinking why me?" To which I replied, "I am thinking why not me?" I was grateful for having my period of resistance speeded up...

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