Tuesday, 20 May 2008

Pluto in Capricorn (Judgement and The Devil)

An investment banker wanted to know my psychic outlook on the current climate of the economy. "I bet you get this question all the time?!" (He was serious). "Well actually, it makes a nice change from will he come back to me". I really love getting big businessmen as clients. One thing I am not is Academically minded, so I have to completely let go & trust my intuition and the results are usually astounding, but never more than this...

Out came four cards:

Judgement, followed by The Devil, then Ten of Pentacles and lastly Five of Pentacles..

I was GOBSMACKED. Astrologically speaking Pluto moved into Capricorn around the time of The Northen Rock crisis earlier this year. Pluto (planet of death & rebirth) rules Judgement, Capricorn (sign of earth, structure, economy) is assigned to The Devil, these two cards are Major Arcana (the forces behind the scenes which make things happen, may help to think of them as puppeteers), The Ten of Pentacles (a puppet) stands for the strongest economic structure there is, The Five of Pentacles (also a puppet) stands for complete destrcution & loss of that structure, so here it was as clear as day, literally spelt out.

The investment banker enquired "My colleagues say thing will improve in six months, whats your take?"

"The purpose of Pluto & Judgement is to Rebirth, but it has to completely excavate beforehand, Pluto is in Capricorn til 2024"

"Hmm, so it may take a while then, that's what I thought", he declared and went on his way!

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