Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Happy New Year one & all,

I stress "one & all" as with the amount of celestial activity going on collectively you maybe finding it harder not to react to others behaviours, this maybe because we are all feeling the bumpy ride but the secret it is in there, we are all in the same boat together.
All we need to do is change "react" to "reconcile" but if you are finding this hard to do externally, take heart, be gentle with yourself & look within to find the parts in yourself that need reconciling first.

The year started with Mercury- planet of communication & Mars- planet of action both retrograde- signifying a very inward time, to add to this external paralysation on New Years Eve there was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, which had the affect of keeping us unable to move & bringing all our emotional darkness into the light, we had nowhere to run, we had to face it.
On top of that we also had a powerful conjunction (new beginning) between Neptune- spirituality, Chiron- wounded healer & Jupiter- opportunity. So all in all the year opened grandly, with us being asked collectively to look deep within & heal.

Last week, there were many more important dances going on in the cosmos as the first chapter closes & we get deeper into the story of 2010.

Firstly, on Wednesday 13th January Saturn turned retrograde, as if to "add weight" to the end of the Mercury retrograde.In our collective consciousness we may be feeling like we are completing the first chapter & as humans we have a tendency to be on the next page before we finished the last. It is a well known fact that in conversation, when one is speaking & the other listening the person who is listening will about two thirds of the way through be already thinking about their response & quite often don't hear the end. Here Saturn is asking us to slow down, listen & don't miss a thing.

My teaching role in classes has really stepped up a gear already this year & the communication aspect has really come under the microscope. I am seeing clearer than ever before how everyone interoperates differently, how some people just don't hear something, no matter how many times it is said, how our defences can waste our precious time & energy trying to protect what we already know & how new learning can challenge that, so we often come to classes with our glasses already full & even though we have paid to learn we simply cannot contain anymore & how everyone's own use of language is very personal & means something completely unique to them! It makes me wonder how we manage to communicate anything at all!

So whilst we maybe feeling like we are fast approaching the end of deep internalisation around communication (Mercury) Saturn has turned retrograde for the last two days, urging us to slow down & not skip over the ending as that is where the hidden gems lie.

On Friday 15th January not only does Mercury turn direct but we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn so once again we have a Mercury-Saturn tango flavour here.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is so paradoxical to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer that it is as if we have come full circle. In the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer our hidden self (Cancer) was illuminated by the Lunar Eclipse. In the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn we are being asked to go deep within our shadow side (Capricorn). So even though Cancer & Capricorn are opposite signs the opposites of the Solar & Lunar Eclipses seem to be highlighting the same thing, our inner depths.

This may continue to be the theme for the next few months as both Saturn & Mars will be retrograde until May. We are being asked to go back over what we have learnt & face our fears so we can be open to the process of learning more, resistance will be futile & painful!!!

It is a great time to be open to new ways of thinking. learning & being, as long as you have asked yourself are you really ready there really is no better time to get on the healing path whether thats through counselling, learning healing arts for yourself or just going for regular therapy of one kind or another, just to be kind to yourself.

Even though Mercury shifts this week, the two "malefic" planets are really making their presence felt.
2010 is going to be one hell of an empowering year, but in order to be empowered we need to do the work. The universe is literally presenting us with a fantastic opportunity to make the most of ourselves & be the best we can be & it helps those that help themselves.

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