Monday, 12 April 2010

Greetings & Blessings to you all,

Welcome to April's Transcendental Temple Newsletter.

Over the years this newsletter has evolved into more than just a newsletter. It has taken the form of giving a few insights to what is going on in the ether & the way it maybe effecting you. I have received beautiful emails from you guys, sharing with me how much these insights have helped you at the time. It is always so lovely to hear that & I hope that I can continue to shed an understanding light on things that lessen the pain.

You may or may not have heard that we are in the midst of one of the most challenging years for some time, up until August we are being challenged to wake up, shape up & get to grips with reality, after August the challenges lessen.

The main reason for this is because of the Grand Cardinal Cross involving Saturn in Libra & Pluto in Capricorn who are opposing each other & have been since October 2009 & will continue to do so until September 2010. Both Saturn & Pluto are "Malefic" which means they are planets that challenge us.

Saturn urges us to face our karma, head on, see everything for what it is & work through it, as it is in Libra it is being expressed in our relationship with others.

Pluto also challenges us to look deep within our own shadow & face what we may not want to & destroy that what we need to, being in Capricorn this is about our practical concerns.

Saturn & Pluto are only making up one little view of the square, there are plenty of other planets lining up in the square off on 7th August that we are building up to now. Venus (grace) Mars (war) & Saturn (karma) in Libra ( relationship to the other & personal sacrifice) will oppose Jupiter (expansion) & Uranus (revolution) in Aries (the self) whilst squaring The Moon(emotions) in Cancer (emotions!) & Pluto (transformation) in Capricorn (reality).

Saturn and Uranus are each others antagonists: Saturn is conservative and consolidating. Uranus is radical & unpredictable. Yet, in the midst of challenges and questioning, there is optimism. Uranian forces of rebellion and revolution offer to liberate us from the past. Together with Jupiter, we feel a sense of purposeful mission and meaning within our reach. Somehow we feel inclined to persevere beyond our old restrictions and limits. Our belief in ourselves and higher truth and the joy of activating and using our innovative creativity propel us into the unknown future.

If we take the Saturn/Pluto high road - realistic, practical, honest, transparent, in integrity and responsible, we are going to feel empowered, not oppressed. Very important advice during this time - Do not over tax yourself. If you are going to resist anything, resist being in a stressful state as much as you possibly can, be gentle & patient with yourselves & others.

This square may well have a big long lasting effect on the world, you are a part of it & to find out how it affects you personally take your time of birth to an astrologer.

For example I am always affected by Saturn as my Sun was conjunct Saturn at the time of my birth which means I am literally sat on by Saturn! Although this is heavy, it is also strengthening. With this square occurring 4 days before my birthday & Saturn also being conjunct my birthday this is likely to make this square very personal for me, especially as Saturn (karma) is expressing itself in Libra, where my north node is (soul is heading) & especially as it is all involving the Moon in Cancer (where my Moon is /emotions are expressed) & involving my South Node in Aries (past karma). All affecting the houses of my communication, very root of self & path of service & soul evolution.

This for me feels like the time where I have to face up to my emotions & my karma in one big almighty way & yes I have been feeling it since as early as September last year. But I have lived through a grand cross before, as you all have...

Does anyone remember the solar eclipse of August 11th 1999? When the sky went like night in the middle of the day?

People flocked to be in certain parts of the country for that very special moment. Well that was a grand cross moment and smack bang on my birthday so it was very personal. I remember an astrologer saying to me "congratulations- although it probably doesn't feel like it right now" & sure enough I had recently gone through giving birth to a terminally ill daughter who needed special care & died at four months, my marriage had broken up & the only guy who had been like a father to me throughout my childhood had just died.

Grand crosses are very challenging, but life changing events, especially if we can face up to it, take it on the chin & learn enthusiastically what we need to. They offer the brave & hard working spiritual advancement like nothing else...

Bringing our attention back to more "instant" skies the emphasis is still on Self because not only is the Sun is in Aries but this Wednesday (14th) we have a new moon in Aries too. (New beginning in the self). A good time to set your goals and affirm your purpose & intentions.

This concludes the cycle of the Libra Full Moon on March 30th. Attention has been on revising and upgrading our attitudes in relationships. Our challenge is to use the right combination of inner harmony and clear boundaries (Aries) and grace and neutrality (Libra) to find and maintain a heart-centered state of inner stability and peace in all our interactions.

Mercury goes retrograde on 17th. (Saturday). Use Mercury Retroograde to re-visit, re-vise, re-examine, re-do, re-search, re-consolidate, anything with "re" in the title. Anything new you want to start? Try & do it before Saturday or put it off for six weeks!!! Things like communication, travel, purchases, new deals & contracts can all be trickier to handle whilst the trickster is up to it's old tricks...

Closer to home still here's whats happening on the course front this month:


USUI REIKI FIRST DEGREE MAY 2nd & 9th at Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, 10-4 both days, £120.

The beginning of the journey is Reiki first degree. Here we cover what Reiki is, the history, who Dr Usui was, how Reiki was brought to the West & the changes it went through in the process. We discover what an attunement is & learn about the cleansing process, Reiki strengthening meditations, self treatments, treatments for friends & family, plants, animals, food & crystals. We cover ethical practice, equal energy exchange, grounding, protection & the importance of "The Five Principles". Three western style attunements & one Reiju are received.
My lineage from William Lee Rand & Taggart King brings together the West & The East so you get both teachings...

This is a certified course & comes with a manual.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688

Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, WC1, 7:15-9:45, £10

For those that are attuned to Reiki at any level & would like the chance to give & receive Reiki in a group setting.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688

The Academy Of Tarot, Quantum House, Euston, London, 7-9:30pm, £20

Co-taught with myself & my colleague Deborah Winterbourne founder of Quantum House, The Academy of Tarot & the Academy of Dreams, Debbie also teaches from The London College Of Psychic Studies. Debbie shares her infinite & profound knowledge on the Tarot & I show you how to connect with it psychically & intuitively. This class is a mixture of theory & practice.

To book please contact Debbie on 0207 2097179 or at or see

at Mysteries, Covent Garden, Fri 30th April, 10:30- 4:30, £100

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorough your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish



Mysteries, Covent Garden, Sat 8th May, 11-5, £100

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important




(above- The Merry Maidens- Lamorna)

Tarot & Psychic Development Courses in Cornwall Special offer
Book both the workshops over one weekend save £50, or combine the
Tarot & Psychic Development workshops & Diplomas over two weekends (applicable in August & October & save £130!)

Between Penzance and Lands End, Rosemerrynwood lies nestles in the sheltered Lamorna Valley, a mile from the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Set in seven acres of woodland, which hold within a two thousand year old man made cave or temple, the Boleigh Fogou.

The Fogou was once part of an iron-age settlement; just one of numerous such Ancient Celtic sites to be found in the far west of Cornwall, but considered to be one of the best remaining monuments of its kind. Part of an iron-age site, this man made underground cave has survived pretty well intact for 2000 years. The word ‘fogou’ is derived from the Cornish word for cave – fogo - and indeed these fantastic constructions do not occur anywhere else in England. It is thought that birth and death rituals were carried out in the fogou, that it was used for initiation and spiritual ceremonies. The Fogou is well known for giving spiritual experiences for those that dare to enter!

Having once been cultivated, part of the wood is graced with beautiful camellias and azaleas, and huge rhododendrons.
Natural pathways, bordered by daffodils, bluebells and irises follow a stream that tumbles down through the valley to reach the sea at Lamorna Cove. Off the beaten track, and yet close to both Penzance and St Ives, as well as some beautiful sandy beaches and coves, Rosemerrynwood and cottages offer the perfect holiday setting.

Bed & Breakfast is offered in the main house where the courses will run, Rosemerryn. Which is a former artist’s residence, built at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rosemerryn Cottage, separate from the main house, but within the grounds, and with its own private garden, is available as a
self catering holiday cottage (ideal for coming with family or friends.)

Rosemerryn Cottage
(weekly rentals only)
Low season - £300
Mid season - £400
High season - £560

Rosemerryn B & B
£30 per person per night
£35 for a room to oneself


Tarot Workshop (The Fool's Journey) £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sat 29th May
Sat 21st Aug
Sat 23rd Oct

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorough your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see



Psychic Development Workshop £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sun 30th May
Sun 22nd Aug
Sun 24th Oct

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important




(above- The Merry Maidens- Lamorna)


Tarot & Psychic Development Courses in Cornwall Special offer
Book both the workshops over one weekend save £50, or combine the
Tarot & Psychic Development workshops & Diplomas over two weekends (applicable in August & October & save £130!)

Between Penzance and Lands End, Rosemerrynwood lies nestles in the sheltered Lamorna Valley, a mile from the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Set in seven acres of woodland, which hold within a two thousand year old man made cave or temple, the Boleigh Fogou.

The Fogou was once part of an iron-age settlement; just one of numerous such Ancient Celtic sites to be found in the far west of Cornwall, but considered to be one of the best remaining monuments of its kind. Part of an iron-age site, this man made underground cave has survived pretty well intact for 2000 years. The word ‘fogou’ is derived from the Cornish word for cave – fogo - and indeed these fantastic constructions do not occur anywhere else in England. It is thought that birth and death rituals were carried out in the fogou, that it was used for initiation and spiritual ceremonies. The Fogou is well known for giving spiritual experiences for those that dare to enter!

Having once been cultivated, part of the wood is graced with beautiful camellias and azaleas, and huge rhododendrons.
Natural pathways, bordered by daffodils, bluebells and irises follow a stream that tumbles down through the valley to reach the sea at Lamorna Cove. Off the beaten track, and yet close to both Penzance and St Ives, as well as some beautiful sandy beaches and coves, Rosemerrynwood and cottages offer the perfect holiday setting.

Bed & Breakfast is offered in the main house where the courses will run, Rosemerryn. Which is a former artist’s residence, built at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rosemerryn Cottage, separate from the main house, but within the grounds, and with its own private garden, is available as a
self catering holiday cottage (ideal for coming with family or friends.)

Rosemerryn Cottage
(weekly rentals only)
Low season - £300
Mid season - £400
High season - £560

Rosemerryn B & B
£30 per person per night
£35 for a room to oneself


Tarot Workshop (The Fool's Journey) £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sat 29th May
Sat 21st Aug
Sat 23rd Oct

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorough your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see



Psychic Development Workshop £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sun 30th May
Sun 22nd Aug
Sun 24th Oct

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity

2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important

To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Professional Tarot Diploma £150
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sat 24th Jul
Sat 28th Aug
Sat 30th Oct

*PRE REQUISITE FOR DIPLOMA: The ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the meanings of the cards without the aid of notes or book referral, if you are unable to be confident that you are at that level you will not be ready for the Diploma & should look at doing the workshop first.

1. Review on your journey so far
2. Training on how to give a reading in an ethical & empowering way (the three golden rules)
3. Storytelling with the Tarot (next level)
4. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Mediumship & other Psychic impressions
5. Learning how to let go & trust
6. Cleansing, grounding & protection
7. Reading for Challenging Clients
8. Professional practice- how to set yourself up as a Tarot Practitioner, the law, advertising, accreditation, insurance.
9. The pros & cons of each practice: private, phone lines, markets/festivals/gigs, skype, phone & online readings, shops & centres.
10. Dealing with the public: Speech, communication, responsibilities, boundaries


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see



Psychic Development Diploma £150
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sun 25th July
Sun 29th Aug
Sun 31st Oct-Halloween (Perfect!)

*PRE-REQUISITE FOR DIPLOMA: Please note you must have a basic understanding of how to work psychically & with spirit for readings & healings, if you don't please see the workshop.

1. Review of your journey so far
2. Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, & Clairaudience
3. Intuitive Scanning
4. Psychic healing & surgery
5. Learning about Mediumship & how to do it
6. Learning about Remote viewing & how to do it
7. Different types of hauntings & psychic/paranormal activities
8. Earthbound spirit diagnosis & release
9. What "Entities" are, how they form, how attachments happen & how to release them
10. Training on Etheric Cords
11. Psychic Practice, ethics & the Law
12. How to set yourself up as a professional Psychic


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Access your Past Lives, Spirit Guides & Chakras through your ipod! Get in touch to pre-order!.....

Until then may you be blessed with compassion, peace & an abundance of spiritual strength

Best wishes


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