Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The official Mercury Retrograde period was from 18/4/10 until 11/5/10, however contrary to popular belief, the most powerful effects of these transits occur usually at the build up and end of the cycle, too add to that this Mercury Retrograde was in Taurus and as Taurus is to do with throat, issues of communication could last until the end of the month.

For this cycle that was blazingly obvious-quite literally- On 14/4/10, the Volcano eruption of Eyjafjallajokul happened, causing big effects on many peoples lives in the least economically.
To us here in the West the most obvious effect was the planes being grounded for at least a week. This is a huge build up and introduction for Mercury (the sky god).

That day also happened to a New Moon in Aries at 13:27- a Mars (explosive) governed sign, before the Moon moved into Taurus (an earth governed sign) at 23:53. We also had a Void of Course transit in between where the Moon does not occupy any sign, when this happens it means there can be unexpected results to what occurred- watch this space, even now.

Mercury Retrogrades are often met with sighs and poor old Mercury is often blamed for all those annoyingly frustrating delays and hiccups, but really the lesson here is to trust is that whatever is going on during these periods is for the higher good and also to know how to make the most of it.

They say that Mercury Retrograde periods aren't good for anything new such as moving, purchases, signing contracts, deals, new projects etc, but sometimes these things fall in these periods and if so what do we do?

Well forearmed is forewarned, rather than panicking that Mercury is in Retrograde, there may be a need to see the bigger picture.

When I was learning Astrology we were taught that the planets are more of a mirror rather than a cause, and to see with interest why certain dates fall at those times.

It maybe true that Mercury Retrograde is better for things with "re" in the title such as- re-visiting, re-decorating, re-viewing, re-searching, re-gression, re-doing etc... but if we go back far enough surely we can see that everything is a re-doing?!!

For instance in this Mercury Retrograde I saw that things in my life and my friends that came to the surface in quite dramatic ways last Mercury retrograde period (Dec/Jan) and had been stuck there ever since got sorted for once and for all as soon as Mercury went retrograde again.
To us this was a great relief and it was like a world had been lifted off our shoulders and for this Mercury I am truly grateful!

But other things came up in this period that were frustrating &bemusing:

Last Mercury Retrograde (Dec/Jan) we found out the reason I had been ill since we moved into our rented property on the first week of October (another Mercury Retrograde) was because the place was in a state of disrepair, the gutter was blocked so the walls were acting as the gutter and being mostly granite they retained all the water, the ones that were timber were literally rotting away exposing holes to the point there was no corner left in the hall above the alleyway!
There were holes in the roof where the rain was coming in and the wooden windows were so damp that we could not open them for ventilation, we got severely invaded by a case of black mould in every room. Being asthmatic I was particularly vulnerable and allergic to the attack.

When we bought it to the attention of the landlord he gave us notice. I checked out our legal rights and for those of you who are tenants be warned:

"There is no law that states that a landlord has to have his property habitable before a tenant moves in, the tenant has the right to enforce that the repairs are done once in the property"
(look out for freshly painted properties in particular)

However- you will probably find that all tenancies include a six month break cause and by the time you have moved in and become aware there is probably only a couple of months left on your tenancy so they will give you notice instead- that's what happened to us.

Now we live in one of the biggest tourist areas (if not the biggest) in the country, trying to find a landlord that wants to let to a local when they could get four times as much by letting to tourist is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I wrote to my local MP stating all of this and more- such as how there may be plenty of properties for sale but no-one wants to give my husband and I a mortgage as we are BOTH self-employed- the fact that we have paid rent every month on time for 15 years does not matter!!!!Therefore we could end up in council housing (lucky for us we have a dependent so they have to house us instead of making us homeless) when we can perfectly afford our own home- thus taking it away from someone who really needs it!

The reply I got was from an MP in parliament stating the need to protect Landlords from unpaying tenants!!!! Where was that an issue in our case I must ask?! (in fact the law has made sure that if we don't pay full rent getting any future housing would be made even harder, no matter that our health and safety is and has been compromised because of someone else's negligence! It leaves me wondering if we went through the floor above the alleyway if we would be sued?! I find it very hard to comprehend in a country that is so health and safety governed otherwise!- I think to my self I wonder how many MP's are Landords?!)
My local MP (from a different party) scribbled something at the end about how the situation was un-acceptable but no further comment!

To be honest it was what I expected and maybe that's why I got it- I just felt I had to alert them to what affects their decisions have on peoples lives, what more can I do?
I felt it was strange that the only time i write to an MP is so close to an election, almost as if the energy of politics gains so much in power at this time it even seeps in to my life! and I start to think that maybe just maybe this might give me enough faith to vote, of course the factor came back for me as faith: nil/nil all round.

So of course really I concentrate on focussing where my faith really lies, the real ruler of the world, god/spirit/ the universe.

In August a friend of mine came down from London for our wedding and she met someone from here (who wasn't at the wedding!) and began a relationship with him. It turned out that he lived just ten doors away from where we were moving too- she then moves down from London and we are neighbours! They then decide to buy a house, which means their rental property will become available.

Now I know it's Mercury Retrograde- but I also know we have to be out exactly one month after the retrograde period ends and being in a place where all the ads you see are for people wanting houses that is not a lot of time so I go ahead and make contact with the landlady- trusting! After a week of delayed communication and getting absolutely nowhere at all I push it even more because I hear she is going away for a month! I get a letter back with no answer and feel INCREDIBLY frustrated! She states she will no more on her return on May 30th!!! Not only does this reflect back to me what I already thought might happen due to Mercury in Taurus, but also due to that being date that Saturn goes direct (my Sun and Saturn are conjunct in Leo so it has been personally even more repressive than usual for me).

So I start to go into the Mercury panic and ask some psychic friends of mine for guidance and all I get back is wait!

So the world seems to be saying maybe this lady friend who you were born in the same hospital as and seem to have followed each other synchronistically through locations even when you didn't know her has the answer to your home but you will have to wait and see and trust us that whatever happens will be right! (at the last minute! I want to add!)

Then we progress to May 11th & the day Mercury goes direct- and who will govern is finally decided-

Funny that! Don't you think? That nothing could be decided upon until mercury goes direct?! Is that the planets making that happen? Or the government? Co-incidence or engineered? and if engineered, does that give rise of thought to how much more engineering goes on?

Hearing an old lady on the train this weekend say "Voting is a duty, a responsibility, people can't moan if they didn't vote, I believe people should get fined if they don't vote, I was Tory but I voted Labour last time because they said they were going to do some things I agreed with, but then they didn't do them!"

Yes! Exactly! And you still wonder why people don't vote?! I hoped she was telepathic and got the message! We don't stop you from voting your choice, in fact we may on some level admire your faith, but why stop us? Not voting is also a vote- for the hope of another party from the unknown- the party of faith!

In the words of someone close:

"How can I vote for something I don't agree with? If I ran for government they would kill me for the radical changes I would want to see, because it would mean the end of their unbalanced power and the illusion"

So lets see shall we.....What happens this time...Lets wait and see, because in the end, whatever happens,
it's still god who rules the world.

It has been a very strong Mercury retrograde where the happenings have seemed very apparent and i wonder if it is to do with Mercury being in such a physical sign as Taurus, you know even my period went missing during the Retrograde and as soon as Mercury went direct, so did that- two weeks late!- Gosh I am maybe so much more open than others may be! But I share because I hope it will help you to review the last three weeks for yourself and maybe have some more understanding of what it meant for you- sorry if that was a bit too much information!

The Taurus New Moon arrives this Friday at 2:03am. I think it is interesting that there has been so much emphasis on Taurus this month. Not only is the Sun in Taurus, but Mercury and now the New Moon arrives right at the end of the Mercury retrograde like a big full stop waving "the end!". I can almost see the big celebratory birthday party the universe is holding- The Moon LOVES being in Taurus and is at it's most comfortable there. After all the processing of the Mercury Retrograde I can hear a sigh of relief as if the universe is saying, right now's the time! Go put in to motion those things you have been waiting to do, now you have all the clarity from all the information we gave you from the past three weeks of hold ups, and don't forget to have a good time whilst you are at it! Spend between now and Friday reviewing what the retrograde meant for you and on Friday go plant those new seeds- Never better time to do that than in earthy fertile Taurus...



They say that Mercury Retrograde is a time good for Past Life "Re-gression" and I was lucky enough to be holding a class on Saturday where a regression was part of the syllabus. Now it is very hard to be in a room where regression is happening and not got regressed and what happened was very interesting indeed:

When I went through the door I saw myself in a life I knew about because I had been regressed to it before. But I was confused because the last time I visited it I was an eight year old girl in 1938 who killed herself by jumping off a bridge in to the Thames. This time I was her, but being told that I was thirteen, but I could see myself when I looked down and I was wearing the same clothes as when I was eight, and I could feel my body was an eight year old body- so I did what I do sometimes and argued with spirit- i should know better! (Particularly after the lottery incident!) But they were adamant that I was thirteen. Bemused I decided to let it go and carry on with the regression.

I went upstairs and saw who was my grandfather sat alone, I remember feeling so sad for him that he was all alone and I climbed on to his lap and then he passed, but he was still with me and we turned to see my spirit guide take us over to the light. Then it all made sense- I was an earthbound spirit around my grandfather and had been for five years, so in a way I was thirteen & eight!

I asked spirit why I was shown that life and they said:

"To show you how far you have come in this life- that was your last life, a life where you committed suicide at the first hardship and you were so scared to come back again, it took us forty human years of restoration for you to finally incarnate again, this is also why you have suffered many losses & hardships early on in this life."

I knew that my grandfather in that life was the man most like my father in this life, John passed on the build up to the grand cross that was on my birthday in 1999 (again, for details see last month's blog at ), which was only 15 months after my daughter died and three months after my marriage had split.

Before he died he bought a house and moved to Cornwall which was his life long dream, he was very lonely in that house and he died alone, I had a phone call one night from his wife who lived somewhere else saying that he wouldn't be coming to see me tonight as he had planned. I was going through a time in my life where all that mattered was drugs and having a good time (to blot out the pain of reality) and was acting unconsciously even when I was straight- hence has completely forgotten that one of my most loved people in the world was supposed to be coming and had arranged to go out and voiced that to her, to which she replied "don't worry he won't be coming because he is in hospital with pneumonia & heart problems, (what my daughter died of) but don't worry, we have just been down to visit him and he is improving."

He died before he even got my card and my guilt and grief was SO strong it ate me up for several years afterwards, and it kept him earthbound around me for sometime afterwards.
Now I understand why.

John is a Taurus, so I find that interesting too, that it should come up now and also with our home situation.

Three years ago, like him I move to Cornwall, with my now husband and his daughter (that happens to share the same birthday as him- a strong reminder to try to be to her as John was to me, even though we have our own individual dynamic to respect) In the regression I find myself in his home, then yesterday I hear him say:

"Go up into the loft and get down my poem, publish it in your newsletter."

So I send my lovely hubby up there instead! I stand at the bottom, fear and doubt taking over thinking what if I am imagining that message and I publish it and it was meant to be sacred? then he shouts out- is this it and hands me down a keepsake album of my daughter and John and as soon as I take it thousands of downloads of energy pass through my crown chakra and I know that is John/spirit confirming it is the right thing to do.

As I go through the album I see that it has started to be attacked by the mould and thank spirit for getting the message to me in time. I have a new empty album I just bought funnily enough!
So my new husband and I transfer everything over- we had just had the telly on to watch my colleague on the one show but for some reason it was showing a snow screen- not that we realized until it turned itself off!

"What was that about?"

I ask my husband who protests that he doesn't have the foggiest!
But then I turn over to a poem given to me when my daughter passed talking about how she has just gone on ahead but how sometimes her hand slips in to mine. I thought about how I hadn't felt that until recently, which has been a few times, and shared that with my husband as well as telling him that electrical equipment did a lot of uncanny things at the time of their passing, this triggered a memory for him of when i was in London a couple of weeks ago and he went to bed alone and felt himself being poked in the temple by what felt like a child but there was no-one there.

After we transferred it all we turned on the telly because we planned to watch a film we bought called "away we go". The telly turned on to channel 97- the year my daughter was born.

The film was about a couple, pregnant, and didn't know where to live, so they go on a journey looking all round but the answer was already there and they end up at her parents house that had been lying empty since they passed.the couple are uncannily representative of my husband and I and I wonder if I am supposed to track down John's house here in Cornwall.

I share this with my husband, but feel some resistance, and as I say "but don't you think it could be guidance?" he leans over to switch off the telly at the plug and knocks over a picture- we pick it up- it's of John holding my baby girl in his arms, the glass is split right between them- John and Lauren are often together on the other side, so what with that and the pregnant lady and missing period i wonder if I am indeed pregnant- but not since this morning!

My husband says there is something going on but that it has to be clearer than this for him to understand it! -Me too i'm afraid, so once again in the words of Robbie Williams Angels (Lauren's funeral song) "I sit and wait- does an angel- contemplate my fate?"

With that I leave you with the poem (and more that John wants to share) that John wrote a couple of years before he died, in honour of his amazing clear seeing, far visionary gift & the message he wants to bring over now.

Death cannot diminish me.
Nor do I need an epitaph on scroll or stone.
Their value lasts no longer than the minds of those who knew me.
Rather would I remain in your memory.
Do remember the things we have done and achieved together.
Those both great and small have been truly wonderful.
What reward may lay elsewhere I know not.
Life itself has been reward enough.
Even with it's trails and tribulations, love, joy and sorrows.
Life is still the most wondrous of all gifts.
Look for my joy in the sparkle of the sunshine after rain.
My faith has always been in the creation of beauty.
My hope you will see in the first snowdrop heralding a new beginning.
My charity will be in the answered call for mercy on a stormy night.
My love and high regard for you will be no less than it ever was.
The key to our very being.
Regardless the universe will continue to unfold like a flower.
Although we may not perceive it's purpose.
It, like all things, has one I am sure.
I am proud to have been part of it for a short while.
My own simple achievements are only a minute part of that beautiful blossom.
My belief in life itself as part of this does not waver.
Therefore do not mourn at my passing.
Nothing, however small or humble, is ever wasted.
Be happy for me, for I begin a new adventure.
My greatest hope is that our next meeting will be full of the joy of recognition.
Thank you for walking a while in my company.

But as I continue to read the funeral pamphlet more catches my attention than ever before, the following readings catch my eye, they are Lynonesse by Thomas Hardy, a Rosicrucian prayer a prayer by Kalal Gibran & a very final statement:

When I set out for Lyonesse.
A hundred miles away.
The rime was on the spray.
And starlight lit my loneliness.
When I set out for Lyonesse.
A hundred miles away.

Holy art thou, Lord of the universe
Holy art thou, whom nature have not formed
Holy art thou, the vast and mighty one
Lord of the light and the darkness

Inheritor of a dying world
We call to thee a living beauty
Wanderer in the wild darkness
We call thee to gentle light
Long hast though dwelt in darkness
Quit the night and seek the day

They drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout
But love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle that took them in.

"Those who have seen the beauty shall ride the great wave to the end of energy"

When I read this when I was twenty-two I was fixated on John's poem and nothing more spoke to me but now eleven years on, I see so much more, John was a prophet- that I always knew, so it was no surprise to me that he wrote about his passing in the last two years of his life- even though it was sudden.

But when I was twenty-two I didn't know what Lyonesse was, it was only when I moved to far west Cornwall that I found out that we had moved to it- Lyonesse is a sunken Cornish land famed to be King Arthur's resting place. Did John know his time was coming and decide move here to rest? He was a Celt after all and had a strong connection to this place.

Then the next prayer seems so pertinent to now, with the one after being a clue as what to do in these times if we are to "ride the great wave to the end of energy"

John has been clairaudiently communicating with me since his passing, acting as a guide, and I feel he knows now is the right time to pass on this message.

Value it as a guide to survival for the coming times, it is sent with love.


London Tarot Masterclass & The One Show Review
Deborah Winterbourne, the founder of The Academy Of Tarot and my colleague and co-teacher of the Masterclass, was on The one Show last night.
I have to say I was so very disapointed the media protrayed Tarot as the fortune teller's tool and wasted an opportunity to tap in to Debbie's profound knowledge of the art of the true gift of the Tarot which is how it can be used for great personal transformation.
Although Debbie and I teach in very different ways we are both staunchly the same in our beliefs about what the Tarot is, to come and see for yourself pop along to this weeks Masterclass:

The Academy Of Tarot, Quantum House, Euston, London, 7-9:30pm, £20

Co-taught with myself & my colleague Deborah Winterbourne founder of Quantum House, The Academy of Tarot & the Academy of Dreams, Debbie also teaches from The London College Of Psychic Studies. Debbie shares her infinite & profound knowledge on the Tarot & I show you how to connect with it psychically & intuitively. This class is a mixture of theory & practice.

To book please contact Debbie on 0207 2097179 or at
or see


Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, WC1, 7:15-9:45, £10

For those that are attuned to Reiki at any level & would like the chance to give & receive Reiki in a group setting.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688



(above- The Merry Maidens- Lamorna)

Tarot & Psychic Development Courses in Cornwall Special offer
Book both the workshops over one weekend save £50, or combine the
Tarot & Psychic Development workshops & Diplomas over two weekends (applicable in August & October & save £130!)

Between Penzance and Lands End, Rosemerrynwood lies nestles in the sheltered Lamorna Valley, a mile from the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Set in seven acres of woodland, which hold within a two thousand year old man made cave or temple, the Boleigh Fogou.

The Fogou was once part of an iron-age settlement; just one of numerous such Ancient Celtic sites to be found in the far west of Cornwall, but considered to be one of the best remaining monuments of its kind. Part of an iron-age site, this man made underground cave has survived pretty well intact for 2000 years. The word ‘fogou’ is derived from the Cornish word for cave – fogou - and indeed these fantastic constructions do not occur anywhere else in England. It is thought that birth and death rituals were carried out in the fogou, that it was used for initiation and spiritual ceremonies. The Fogou is well known for giving spiritual experiences for those that dare to enter!

Having once been cultivated, part of the wood is graced with beautiful camellias and azaleas, and huge rhododendrons.

Natural pathways, bordered by daffodils, bluebells and irises follow a stream that tumbles down through the valley to reach the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Off the beaten track, and yet close to both Penzance and St Ives, as well as some beautiful sandy beaches and coves, Rosemerrynwood and cottages offer the perfect holiday setting.
Bed & Breakfast is offered in the main house where the courses will run, Rosemerryn. Which is a former artist’s residence, built at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rosemerryn Cottage, separate from the main house, but within the grounds, and with its own private garden, is available as a
self catering holiday cottage (ideal for coming with family or friends.)

Rosemerryn Cottage
(weekly rentals only)
Low season - £300
Mid season - £400
High season - £560

Rosemerryn B & B
£30 per person per night
£35 for a room to oneself

Tarot Workshop (The Fool's Journey) £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sat 29th May
Sat 21st Aug
Sat 23rd Oct

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorough your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish


To book please see
or contact Tiffany at

To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Psychic Development Workshop £100
Lamorna, Cornwall-

Sun 30th May
Sun 22nd Aug
Sun 24th Oct

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important




Professional Tarot Diploma £150
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sat 24th Jul
Sat 28th Aug
Sat 30th Oct

*PRE REQUISITE FOR DIPLOMA: The ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the meanings of the cards without the aid of notes or book referral, if you are unable to be confident that you are at that level you will not be ready for the Diploma & should look at doing the workshop first.

1. Review on your journey so far
2. Training on how to give a reading in an ethical & empowering way (the three golden rules)
3. Storytelling with the Tarot (next level)
4. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Mediumship & other Psychic impressions
5. Learning how to let go & trust
6. Cleansing, grounding & protection
7. Reading for Challenging Clients
8. Professional practice- how to set yourself up as a Tarot Practitioner, the law, advertising, accreditation, insurance.
9. The pros & cons of each practice: private, phone lines, markets/festivals/gigs, skype, phone & online readings, shops & centres.
10. Dealing with the public: Speech, communication, responsibilities, boundaries


To book please see
or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Psychic Development Diploma £150
Lamorna, Cornwall-
Sun 25th July
Sun 29th Aug
Sun 31st Oct-Halloween (Perfect!)

*PRE-REQUISITE FOR DIPLOMA: Please note you must have a basic understanding of how to work psychically & with spirit for readings & healings, if you don't please see the workshop.

1. Review of your journey so far
2. Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, & Clairaudience
3. Intuitive Scanning
4. Psychic healing & surgery
5. Learning about Mediumship & how to do it
6. Learning about Remote viewing & how to do it
7. Different types of hauntings & psychic/paranormal activities
8. Earthbound spirit diagnosis & release
9. What "Entities" are, how they form, how attachments happen & how to release them
10. Training on Etheric Cords
11. Psychic Practice, ethics & the Law
12. How to set yourself up as a professional Psychic


To book please see
or contact Tiffany at

To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see

at Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, 10-4 both days, £120.

The beginning of the journey is Reiki first degree. Here we cover what Reiki is, the history, who Dr Usui was, how Reiki was brought to the West & the changes it went through in the process. We discover what an attunement is & learn about the cleansing process, Reiki strengthening meditations, self treatments, treatments for friends & family, plants, animals, food & crystals. We cover ethical practice, equal energy exchange, grounding, protection & the importance of "The Five Principles". Three western style attunements & one Reiju are received.
My lineage from William Lee Rand & Taggart King brings together the West & The East so you get both teachings...

This is a certified course & comes with a manual.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688


Summer Workshop Schedule

May 24th - Taking the Fear out of Anger. An experiential Anger Day - exploring anger and releasing healthy anger safely. Cost £45. Venue: Penzance.

June 19th/20th - Soul-stice Weekend. A weekend of exploration and celebration of all that we are and all that we want to be, ending with a ceremonial bonfire and ritual to release all that no longer serves us. Cost £90. Venue: tba.

July 10th/11th - Inner Child Workshop. A weekend of nurturing; a chance to rediscover the little person inside who often appears at inappropriate times. A chance to meet the child within and to find a way for the child and adult to work better together. Cost £90. Venue: tba.

Please call Ali or Lyn on 01736 786157 for more info or to book a place.

****************Simon on the Sofa!*****************

I met Simon through a friend who put us in contact- Simon is a man with a passion for truth & my first vision of this was his amazing website, a site like mine- unafraid of being transparent, even as far as dedicated to being transparent!

Simon interviewed me on the sofa which will be up at some point although some interviewed words of mine and others are already on his site, along with a lot more inspirational stuff,
below are some of his words...

Without self awareness there can be no consideration.

Have you felt unconditional love?
Is freedom from negativity and suffering possible?
Why isn't philosophy and nutrition taught in Schools?
Can you really love another if you don't love yourself?
Are we spiritual beings having a human experience?
How can we live a life free from fear?

It seems to me in this life we all want to know ourselves at a deeper level, to feel in-line with our true purpose, and to feel connected. Most of us are filled with excess thoughts, opinions, viewpoints, judgements and conditions. All this excess baggage is stressful and gets in the way of experiencing the present moment of life and the enormous potential that lies within and all around us. It stops us from just being. We are human beings not human doings.

Simon on the Sofa is an exploration of a new mind, a new paradigm. Simon is exploring unconditional love, truth and joy. Freedom from the mind, negativity and suffering through acceptance is the quest.

Ponder with Simon On the Sofa
Visit: www.SimonOntheSofa.Com

Simon's site is truly maybe even the most inspirational site I have ever come across and you are missing out if you don't hit on it- so do it now!!!!

& with those words I love you and leave you! I hope you have found inspiration in this newsletter- please forward on to anyone you feel the message is for!

One love...

Tiffany x

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