Sunday, 13 June 2010

Greetings & Blessings to you all,

"It does not interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for and if you dare to dream your heart's longing.

"It does not interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dreams, for the adventure of being alive.

"It does not interest me what planet is squaring your moon. I want to know if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened by life's betrayals, or have become shriveled and closed from fear and further pain.

"I want to know if you can sit with pain, mine or your own, without moving to hide it, fade it or fix it.

"I want to know if you can be with joy, mine or your own, if you can dance with the wildness and let the ecstasy fill you to the tips of your fingers and toes without cautioning us to be careful, be realistic, or to remember the limitations of being human.

"It does not interest me if the story you are telling me is true. I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself, if you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.

"I want to know if you can be faithless and therefore be trustworthy.

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it is not pretty every day, and if you can source your life from God's presence.

"I want to know if you can live with failure, yours or mine, and still stand on the edge of a lake and shout to the silver of the moon, "Yes!"

"It does not interest me to know here you live or how much money you have. I want to know if you can get up after a night of grief and despair, weary and bruised to the bone, and do what needs to be done for the children.

"It does not interest me who you are, how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

"It does not interest me where or what or with whom you have studied. I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away.

"I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the quiet moments.

-- Oriah Mountain Dreamer

The month of May for me had a big shift of consciousness in store, for at least me...

It was as if the universe went out of it's way to wake me up-

these days people talk so much of being awakened like you either are or you aren't!

But in my eyes the process of awakening has many shades of grey as well as many dazzlingly beautiful spectrums of colour interspersed between, for me all the time we are here seeing colour and grey, all the time we are alive, we are still in the process.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on Friday May 28th encouraged us to wake up, look at our dreams, aim our arrows and shoot our arrows of intention right up into the universe- if there ever was a time for cosmic ordering it was then!- But mine had already begun without knowing I had awoken to shoot-

Ten days before the Full Moon I manifested a free Law of Attraction and Abundance Course!

Don't ask me how I did! - it just came in my life like the lotto hand and said “it's you!”

It was four sessions long and ended the day before the full moon- Perfect timing for manifestation!

It was a great course, nothing I didn't already know, but having that time to look at what keeps you closed and how to open was just fabulous- and for free too :-)

It was life changing.

But waking up and daring to look your dreams in the eyes & getting ready to shoot your arrow can be exasperatingly painful- the light (consciousness)can be too much to bear, especially if we have been in the dark (unconscious) for a long time.

It is shocking how the patterns and dynamics of unconsciousness creep into your life without realizing and keep you trapped and it's comfortable to stay there, just like being asleep.

But if we bare with the painful baby-steps what opens before us is truly amazing.

Often the Tarot clients I have dread the Tower card and love The Star card, which comes straight after the Tower in the natural order of the Tarot, and there's a reason for that.

First you have to wake up, shake up and be willing to let the old prison you've clung to for the illusion of safety fall away before you, so you can be free enough and light enough to catch that star, really these two cards are part of the same process if only people could see that!

And that's what happened for me this month. The Tower and Star all over...

So one night during this process when I was in particular pain about the damage my unconscious prison dynamics had done not only to me but also to others, I asked god what I should do...

Instantly my blackberry flashed and there was Oriah Mountain Dreamers poem that I opened with above. The message continued to come in through strong synchronistic communication over the next few days and I knew I had to open up, no matter how painful the process...

So on the night of the Full Moon I climbed high above Mousehole (the beautiful little cornish fishing village I live in) and sat on an old piece of sacred rugged ground gazing upon the full moon light twinkling over the midnight blue bay with St Michael's mount standing proud in the background, and like an Oyster that hadn't opened for centuries I began the process, slow and painful at first, eventually my pearl revelled in the moonlight and the Sagittarius centaur emerged and shot it's magical arrow.

As I sat there in complete awe (like The Star) that night of the height of the moon and the depth of the sea, I remembered that only hours before I had literally been literally fearing for my life because of those two very elements (just like The Tower).

On my way home from the last session of the law of attraction course I decided to walk the coastal path back to Mousehole, as the weather was totally glorious and I wanted to get as close to the clear turquiose sea as possible. I walked feeling full of elation and inspiration, basking in the glorious sun and sending out my appreciation to the world.

After sometime, the safe flat concrete path adjacent to the endless looking sea disappeared for a while and left an assault course of rock with the sea rising around it in front of me.

I am probably housed by the most un-atheletic un-flexible body I know so would normally turn back, but feeling so elated I felt on top of the world and laughed at it!

I saw it as the world saying “see- what challenged you before doesn't anymore!”

It looked relatively easy and I could see the concrete path peak at me over the other-side as if to say, “see- come on over!”.

So I did it and felt good about it, but didn't really savour the thought of doing it again- particularly with the tide coming in. So on I trundled for another 15 minutes feeling even happier with myself ...until...the path just literally ended!

There was only one way out- up a very steep bank- there was a worn path where people had obviously trod before but seriously, the foot holes that were vaguely there were not flat at all and definitely not secure. On top of that I had a summer dress and slip on sandals with no grip.

Oh f***! Now I love the universe's sense of humour but sometimes it is very sharp indeed!

Trapped between a rock and a high place and the sea to boot!

I don't have a safety line or a radio, so I tune into spirit and I ask “am I going to die today?”

I get the answer “no”- I know I have to trust.

So I tune into the foliage growth and ask if it will help me if I hold onto it for dear life like I was going to have to literally do and it tells me as long as I hold on to the right bits!

“How will I know?!” I ask

“Do it slowly and consciously!” is the answer- what a good test!

So I take one last look around and a deep breath in and out and limber up to attempt the near vertical climb above the sea in my slip on summer sandals & very long floaty dress!

I get half way to be faced with a near impossible increase in gradiant for about a metre, after which I can see more defined foot placings, so I know if I can make that I can make anything, it gets impossible and I slip slightly- luckily in the foliage there is a slight verge I can rest on- so I do- Fooling myself I am just taking in the beautiful scenery!

But after a few minutes I know it is only me who can get myself out of this situation and taking in the beautiful scenery isn't going to do it!

Looking down I don't think I can make it without falling and possibly ending up unconscious in the sea below, but looking up I am faced with this metre of what looks like pure impossibleness!

So I ring my poor old husband, whose miles away at work- he loved me for that!

I tell him I'm ok, “I just just want to bounce some thoughts off him!”- Last time I said that I was in a similar situation in Cornwall- In our little car going up a very steep icy hill with the sea behind I had my foot flat to the floor on the accelerator and I was staying in the same spot of the hill, not going up or down and the sea was below then too!

So he knows I am in a pickle.

“Only you could get yourself in such a pickle!” he says, quickly followed by:

“Now I am going to be worried about you all day”

and “I can't make this decision for you!”

I tell him I already think I know what I have to do and I just want him to tune into his intuition as I have seen how strong and clear it is and I need to look in strong clear mirror right now then I say- what's in your head right now- what does it say?

“UP!” he bravely says!

“OK!” I say!

I hang up and look at the crazy impossible high climb- tune back into the foliage- will you help me?


Am I going to die?


So I take another deep breath in and out and hold on to the foliage for my life as my feet bend upwards as far as possible.

I make the impossible metre and am relieved at that but remember not to be too cocky and only totally relax when I stumble out onto the road like a bush monster but I don't care!

(Strangely enough my step-daughter gets stuck in the same place 24hrs later)

Since then my relationships have improved no end, my work is full of beautiful people (but that has always been the case) and happenings that just keep coming, my savings are growing with purpose, and I have manifested two more free courses over the summer- one of which I was previously waiting until September to do and prepared to pay £330 for! It is now three months earlier and totally free!

& don't feel (if you do) that you missed the chance- the universe continues to gear us up for instant hikes in our consciousness:

Chiron (the wounded healer) has already shifted into Aries bringing a deep desire for fast instant motivated soul progression, the Gemini New Moon on Saturday 12th June brings a chance to communicate honestly, but with all this fast energy and the Gemini New Moon opening up the cycle culminating in the Capricorn Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 26th, remember to slow down, breathe, be conscious- don't fall. Gemini is double-sided, the solstice on 21st is double-sided.

Remain balanced.

The Eclipse which is only a few days after the solstice forms a cardinal (fast, impetuous, impulse) grand cross (grand point of tension). This is a major planetary aspect leading up to the main grand cross in August that I spoke about in a recent newsletter, which has a major affect for us all and our planet, although the challenges may step up a gear from 26th June, it is also gives us the perfect opportunity if used consciously for amazingly fast progression in consciousness, soul advancement and transformation for those that missed what I have said previously on this matter, click here :

and go to blog: MONDAY, 12 APRIL 2010

as a little reminder- last week I took my step-daughter shopping in my hubby's work van- we had to park in a multi story car park and I am great driving the thing but find it impossible to park in a cornish field, let alone a multi-story!

Anyway I get in and go right to the top level to find the most space, the ceiling inches away from the concrete overhead. I achieve that without a bump or scratch and feel proud of my consciousness.

On the way down I do fine too, feeling really proud and happy with myself once again, right at the exit I get out to put in my ticket (coz I can't reach it in the van!) The barrier lifts and I get in to drive forward- but...

I can't move-as I have the side of the van jammed against a post!

I manage to straighten up- (leaving some paint in the process) but as I go forward to leave the barrier comes down!!

There is no help button and I have to abandon the van, (with a queue behind it and my painfully embarrassed teenage step daughter in it!) to get help!

I guess like I said- there are many layers of consciousness!

Anyway- to help your consciousness in these challenging days feast your eyes over the “not so assault courses!”




@ Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, 10-4, both Sundays.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688

REIKI FIRST DEGREE: August 1st and 8th, £120
The beginning of the journey is Reiki first degree. Here we cover what Reiki is, the history, who Dr Usui was, how Reiki was brought to the West & the changes it went through in the process. We discover what an attunement is & learn about the cleansing process, Reiki strengthening meditations, self treatments, treatments for friends & family, plants, animals, food & crystals. We cover ethical practice, equal energy exchange, grounding, protection & the importance of "The Five Principles". Three western style attunements & one Reiju are recieved.
My lineage from William Lee Rand & Taggart King brings together the West & The East so you get both teachings...

This is a certified course & comes with a manual.

REIKI SECOND DEGREE: July 4th and 11th , £180

Reiki Second Degree Is for those who wish to go deeper on their journey with Reiki. Taken sometime after the first degree to allow time to become accustomed to Reiki.
In Okuden two further attunements & three Reiju empowerments are recieved so that more Reiki can be channeled.
Symbols & mantras called "KOTODAMA" are learnt in order to channel Reiki through time & distance & forcus the energy towards particular emotional,mental or physical ailments. We also cover treating others in a professional capacity & the laws, regulations & insurance pertaining to this.

REIKI SHARE, Friday 18th June

Mysteries, Covent Garden, London, WC1, 7:15-9:45, £10
For those that are attuned to Reiki at any level & would like the chance to give & receive Reiki in a group setting.

Tiffany also incorporates astrology and crystals to honour the individual energy of the time.

To book please call Mysteries on 0207 2403688


TAROT MASTERCLASS: Friday 11th June,

The Academy Of Tarot, Quantum House, Euston, London, 7-9:30pm, £20
Co-taught with myself & my colleague Deborah Winterbourne founder of Quantum House, The Academy of Tarot & the Academy of Dreams, Debbie also teaches from The London College Of Psychic Studies. Debbie shares her infinite & profound knowledge on the Tarot & I show you how to connect with the Tarot psychically & intuitively. This class is a mixture of theory & practice.

To book please contact Debbie on 0207 2097179 or at or see


@ Mysteries, Covent garden, 11-5, £150

What Certificate will I get?
The certificate you will get on the day of your training is a diploma practitioners certificate, this will allow you to gain insurance and use what you have learnt professionally with the general public and charge for your readings if you wish to do so. The insurance details will be given to you by your tutor on the day of your training and fully explained.

This is an accredited Psychic Development Course
You are able to gain insurance with 'the Spiritual Workers insurance' and become a member of the Spiritual Workers Association, details will be given to you on the day of training.

What your Professional Diploma in Psychic Development Includes:

  1. Review of your journey so far

  2. Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, & Clairaudience

3. Intuitive Scanning

4. Psychic healing & surgery

5. Learning about Mediumship & how to do it

6. Learning about Remote viewing & how to do it

7. Different types of hauntings & psychic/paranormal activities

8. Earthbound spirit diagnosis & release

9.What "Entities" are , how they form, how attachments happen & how to release them

10.Training on Etheric Cords

  1. Psychic Practice & the Law

    Psychic Development Diploma

The Diploma is the deepening stage of this fascinating journey. 

Once you are able to have attained some knowledge & personal experience of your own guides, soul evolution, & past lives, as well as some experience of reading & healing for friends & family. You may decide you would like to embark on this path a little more seriously. 

This Diploma will give you all the understanding you need across the very broad range of Psychic subjects & the clarity & structure to set yourself up as a Psychic Practitioner/Healer/Reader in whatever form you may wish to specialise in. 

There are so many different subjects on this course because working in the Psychic field is a very broad & diverse area. This course is a basic Diploma offering you the chance to find the niche that you may like to specialise in. Similarly the subjects covered here may well broaden & offer tools to any niches you may have already specialised in.

TAROT WORKSHOP ( THE FOOL'S JOURNEY), Sat 31st July or Sat 11th Sept,

Mysteries, Covent Garden, London , 11:00- 5:00, £100

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorugh your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish



Mysteries, Covent Garden, Fri 24th Sept, 10:30- 4:30, £100

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important


********************************************************************************SECONDLY, MAGICAL RETREATS IN BEAUTIFUL CORNWALL, SO WHY NOT.......



Tarot & Psychic Development Courses in Cornwall Special offer
Book both the workshops over one weekend save £50, or combine the
Tarot & Psychic Development workshops & Diplomas over two weekends (applicable in August & October & save £130!)

Tarot Workshop (The Fool's Journey) £100
Sat 21st Aug
Sat 23rd Oct

Psychic Development Workshop £100
Sun 22nd Aug
Sun 24th Oct

Professional Tarot Diploma £150
Sat 24th Jul
Sat 28th Aug
Sat 30th Oct

Psychic Development Diploma £150
Sun 25th July
Sun 29th Aug
Sun 31st Oct-Halloween (Perfect!)

Between Penzance and Lands End, Rosemerrynwood lies nestles in the sheltered Lamorna Valley, a mile from the sea at Lamorna Cove.

Set in seven acres of woodland, which hold within a two thousand year old man made cave or temple, the Boleigh Fogou.
The Fogou was once part of an iron-age settlement; just one of numerous such Ancient Celtic sites to be found in the far west of Cornwall, but considered to be one of the best remaining monuments of its kind. Part of an iron-age site, this man made underground cave has survived pretty well intact for 2000 years. The word ‘fogou’ is derived from the Cornish word for cave – fogo - and indeed these fantastic constructions do not occur anywhere else in England. It is thought that birth and death rituals were carried out in the fogou, that it was used for initiation and spiritual ceremonies. The Fogou is well known for giving spiritual experiences for those that dare to enter!

Having once been cultivated, part of the wood is graced with beautiful camellias and azaleas, and huge rhododendrons.
Natural pathways, bordered by daffodils, bluebells and irises follow a stream that tumbles down through the valley to reach the sea at Lamorna Cove. Off the beaten track, and yet close to both Penzance and St Ives, as well as some beautiful sandy beaches and coves, Rosemerrynwood and cottages offer the perfect holiday setting.

Bed & Breakfast is offered in the main house where the courses will run, Rosemerryn. Which is a former artist’s residence, built at the turn of the twentieth century.

Rosemerryn Cottage, separate from the main house, but within the grounds, and with its own private garden, is available as a
self catering holiday cottage (ideal for coming with family or friends.)

Rosemerryn Cottage
weekly rentals only)
Low season - £300
Mid season - £400
High season - £560

Rosemerryn B & B
£30 per person per night
£35 for a room to oneself


Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £100, or part of special offer discount

Sat 21st Aug
or Sat 23rd Oct

1. An introduction to the history of Tarot & what it actually is! This will facilitate deep understanding. It is so much more than most people think! With this type of understanding you will be able to come very much from the "right" place with Tarot right from the very beginning.

2. A deep guided journey & initiation into the Tarot where you will personally embody the Tarot & go on to meet all the characters/archetypes of the Major Arcana. This facilitates an "interweaving" between you & the Tarot, so you get to understand it thorugh your own feelings & therefore deeply intuitively.

3. Group exploration of the mythology & symbols present in both the Major & Minor, this will include references to the astrological & numerological influences. Group exploration of these archetypes in this way is a powerful expander of consciousness.

4. Story telling with the Tarot

5.Further ways to continue deepening your initiation into the Tarot. This will help you enormously with your understanding of yourself, your situations, others & life in general, as well as deepening your psychic sensitivity & preparing you fully to continue on to the Professional Diploma if you so wish


To book please see or contact Tiffany at
To book accommodation at Rosemerryn please see


Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £100 or part of special offer

Sun 22nd Aug
or Sun 24th Oct

1. Learning about Psychic Sensitivity
2. The Chakras & Auric body, & how to work with them
3. Learning about the Higher Self, Spirit Guides & Power Animals
4. Meeting & working with your Higher Self, Spirit Guide & Power Animal
5. Learning about Soul Evolution
6. Exploration of your own Past Lives
7. Using Psychometry & a variety of other tools to access Psychic information
8. Grounding, what it is, how to do it & why it is so important



Rosemerryn, Lamorna Cornwall, £150 or part of a special offer

Sunday 25th July

or Sunday 29th August

or Sunday 31st October.

What Certificate will I get?
The certificate you will get on the day of your training is a diploma practitioners certificate, this will allow you to gain insurance and use what you have learnt professionally with the general public and charge for your readings if you wish to do so. The insurance details will be given to you by your tutor on the day of your training and fully explained.

This is an accredited Psychic Development Course
You are able to gain insurance with 'the Spiritual Workers insurance' and become a member of the Spiritual Workers Association, details will be given to you on the day of training.

What your Professional Diploma in Psychic Development Includes:

  1. Review of your journey so far

  2. Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, & Clairaudience

3. Intuitive Scanning

4. Psychic healing & surgery

5. Learning about Mediumship & how to do it

6. Learning about Remote viewing & how to do it

7. Different types of hauntings & psychic/paranormal activities

8. Earthbound spirit diagnosis & release

9.What "Entities" are , how they form, how attachments happen & how to release them

10.Training on Etheric Cords

  1. Psychic Practice & the Law

    Psychic Development Diploma

The Diploma is the deepening stage of this fascinating journey. 

Once you are able to have attained some knowledge & personal experience of your own guides, soul evolution, & past lives, as well as some experience of reading & healing for friends & family. You may decide you would like to embark on this path a little more seriously. 

This Diploma will give you all the understanding you need across the very broad range of Psychic subjects & the clarity & structure to set yourself up as a Psychic Practitioner/Healer/Reader in whatever form you may wish to specialise in. 

There are so many different subjects on this course because working in the Psychic field is a very broad & diverse area. This course is a basic Diploma offering you the chance to find the niche that you may like to specialise in. Similarly the subjects covered here may well broaden & offer tools to any niches you may have already specialised in.



Rosemerryn, Lamorna, Cornwall, £150

Sat 24th July

or Sat 28th August
or Sat 30th October

Professional Diploma in Tarot

This course takes you on the next step deeper into your Tarot journey, one now that you can share professionally. Now that you have built a relationship with your cards & can read for yourself, family & friends, you may decide this is something you would like to do for a career.

Being a professional Tarot Reader brings with it a responsibility to yourself to be conscious around ethics, law & communication as well as having sound knowledge around the psychic realm, & how to look after yourself. This course will not only take you through this thoroughly but also provide you with all the practical information you need to embark on what can be an incredibly magical & very rewarding successful career as an empowering & accurate Tarot reader.

The prerequisite/requirements for attending this Diploma Course is the ability to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the meanings of the cards without the aid of notes or book referral, if you are unable to be confident that you are at that level you will not be ready for the Diploma & should look at doing the workshop first.

What Certificate will I get?

The certificate you will get on the day of your training is a diploma practitioners certificate, this will allow you to gain insurance and use what you have learnt professionally with the general public and charge for your readings if you wish to do so. The insurance details will be given to you by your tutor on the day of your training and fully explained.

This is an accredited Tarot Course

You are able to gain insurance with 'the Spiritual Workers insurance' as a Tarot Reader and become a member of The Spiritual Workers Association, details will be given to you on the day of training.

What your Professional Diploma in Tarot includes:

1. Review on your journey so far

2. Training on how to give a reading in an ethical & empowering way (the three golden rules)

3. Storytelling with the Tarot (next level)

4. Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Mediumship & other Psychic impressions

5. Learning how to let go & trust

6. Cleansing, grounding & protection

7. Learning a variety of spreads & putting them into practice- reading for eachother

8 Professional practice- how to set yourself up as a Tarot Practitioner, the law, advertising, accreditation, insurance.

9 The pros & cons of each practice: private, phone lines, markets/festivals/gigs, skype, phone & online readings, shops & centres.

10. Dealing with the public: Speech, communication, responsibilities, boundaries

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