Friday, 25 November 2011

“The Christmas Angel can fly because she took herself lightly during the Mercury Retrograde and didn’t have three christmas dinners”

Happy Christmas one and all!

Phew! I don’t know what this week (beginning 20th) has been like for you guys but I certainly felt Mercury revving up for its pending illusion of moving backwards through the universe/ Yes Mercury went on it’s retrograde rampage on 23rd, when (by the evening) I personally felt some sense of order and sanity start to come back in. Mercury continues on its backwards drill until 14th December. But I don’t expect to see improvements until 20th. For two reasons:

1) Mercury goes into ‘storm” for a few days either side of changing direction. This storm is like an intense introduction and exit from the flavour of the retrograde. Most people think phew! Mercury retrograde ends on 14th and I can just relax and go forward- sorry guys, best to take it slowly for a few days after.

2) Venus goes direct in Aquarius on 20th helping us all to restore some harmony to humanity!

Oh dear, I do sound like the bearer of bad news don’t I?! Let me explain a bit more. Mercury is the planet of communication, it rules that motion of backwards and forwards, so things like travel also come under Mercury. Mercury goes retrograde three times a year for three weeks. This is when Mercury “appears” to be moving backwards through the sky.

This means forward motions here on the daily planet can seem like they are going against the flow and yes, they are! So go with the flow- that flow is the inner form of communication. Communication is turning back on itself. You may find that things that lie beneath the surface, or that you thought were over aren’t as they rear up again. This can make us feel quite deflated. If this happens to you, please take heart. All that’s happening is that a time to go even deeper and do another level of healing on past issues is being presented. Mercury is known as the cosmic joker and it can be challenging to keep your sense of humour in a retrograde- but the message there is not to forget the brighter side of life, try anything you can to laugh at what’s going on- as long as you are heading the message and working through it you deserve to have fun along the way.

So just to clarify- Mercury retrograde is not a good time for starting anything new, signing contracts, starting new jobs, travels, buying houses/cars etc…
Please don’t panic if you need to do these things in this period. We are not meant to manipulate our life to live our life. Astrology reflects the natural order and flow of life, the information is to help us understand why things might be happening at a certain time. Take comfort in that there will be a message/gift in the experience in this time for you.

The best things to focus on during Mercury Retrograde are things beginning with “re”: Research, review, renovate, regressions and general going back over things. The outcome of which should be a clearer, crisper way forward.

Particularly this month as Mercury is retrograde in it’s ruling sign Gemini. This gives the flavour a double scoop of communication ice cream. If that’s not enough we also see a full Moon lunar eclipse in Gemini on 10th- and Uranus (the planet of sudden insights and in Aries – the fastest sign in the zodiac!) also turning forward ont that date PHEW! Expect a lot of things to come to light. This eclipse seems to be the pinnacle of the retrograde, reaching the depths and coming up with the best catches to bring to the surface ready for the beginning of the forward motion on 14th…

On a lighter note Jupiter the happy-go-lucky planet of indulgence turns direct in Taurus (which also loves indulgence!) on Christmas day! It seems all this spiritual, mental and mental work should pay off for a very hearty feast of celebration on a lot of fronts just in time for christmas- just watch that waistline! -note to self!

For December tarot reading click here: Astro Tarot Channel For December

If you would like to understand more about astrology you can learn it with Tiffany in person …..
or online…….

Or if you need some help during the retrograde why not take a look at our healing pages here……

Have a beautiful christmas

Tiffany x

Monday, 7 November 2011

11.11.11- To Change Your World Change Your Thoughts

"Change your thoughts, and you change your world" -Norman Vincent Peale

Happy 11.11.11 everyone!

What is all this talk about 11.11.11 anyway?

Well we could be here all day couldn't we if we go into that! So that's what I am going to attempt to do in a very brief straightforward manner!

Eleven is a master number of re-alignment. So it is no accident that Strength used to be number eleven in the tarot. When the Rider-Waite deck was published the new association came for eleven and that was Justice. Strength and Justice swapped places of number eleven and eight. So you can see that there is a very strong intercorrelation with Strength and Justice. The need to be strong enough to stand for something- or you will fall for anything.

We also see what looks like 11 in The High Priestess but it is actually two 1's as The High Priestess is number 2. Nevertheless joining in the dance of Strength and Justice is The High Priestess- asking us to have the strength to listen to our intuition and trust it.

My birthday is on the 11th of the 8th, so I have very strong Strength and Justice energy- I also have a Cancer Moon which gives me very strong High Priestess energy. Before this year I did not have any feeling about 2012 apart from the feeling of nothing changing. But this year the High Priestess has been talking to me through a series of meditational insights and dreams that tell me different. They talk of the pole shifts mainly, we even see this in the last card of Tarot- The World pictured above. The world card is number 22 (a higher octive of eleven) but it is numbered 21, in this I keep seeing the shift between the year 2011 and 2012.

Some say that October 28th was the real end of the Mayan Calendar, all say that all underworld stages or waves of it are at least now complete. A couple of weeks before this date I had three nights of dreams. The first night spirit gave me a reading. They used cards and one I drew was "Inifinity reversed" The infinity symbol looks like an eight, so doesn't look any different reversed. It seems this was the message, if you look closely and get caught up in the object it all looks the same but if you take a step back the frame thats holding everything together (in this case the card) it tells you if its reversed.

Symbol of Infinity- associated with Strength and LeoSo I said to them "Inifinity reversed? What does that mean?" and they replied that Humanity was infinity and next year humanity was going to shift and I had to work very very hard!

The next night I dreamt I was about to make it to my dream retreat, I was so close to it and couldnt wait to get in the car but I was being held back by people asking for help and then the same disembodied voice came "you are going to have to help a lot more people first"

The third night I was told I needed to get a 'Piscean Aura Spray for 2012" Very very precise! I went into a specialised aura spray shop like you do and the lady said to me "are you pregnant?" "I hope not!" was my knee-jerk reply. She continued...."Oh well even loosing a baby can be fun if you come at it from the right perspective!"
I was shocked!

I woke up and thought about Pisces, we are leaving the Piscean age and entering the Aquarian one, this is a big time on our planet, it only happens every 26000 years give or take a few either side!

In the Tarot Pisces is The Hanged Man, which is directly opposite The World and is the number 12. If we see The World as the polar shift she is actually freely dancing with it in complete harmony and protection of The World. If we look at the Hanged Man he is hung up on something unable to move forward until something shifts- this shift is his perspective. What the lady said in the dream suddenly made sense. If we were to stay in knee jerking fear we would manifest our own losses at lightening speed. The theme of reversing, shifting and changing our outlook and the way we do things was being repeated. In my waking life I still can't comprehend how exactly this is going to take place but those three nights felt llike three visitations not just three dreams. It was so strong in fact that my boobs grew so much they felt fit to burst! My hubby and I marvelled at my ever growing pair, but my hubby couldn't go near my pair unless he wanted a pair (of black eyes). For a week we were utterly convinced I was pregnant. But then spirit kept me awake all night channeling a whole new healing system to me until 5am in the morning! It encorporates Tarot, Astrology and Kabbalah- after that my period came and my breasts went back to their normal uneven weirdness!

They weren't joking that they wanted me to work hard were they?! Last month I was working until midnight each night and still they got me out of bed to work until 5am one of those nights. When asked about our busy stressful lives I am told that again that is a "perspective" that will be shifting!

I look at The Hanged Man card I drew and see it is indeed all hung up on The Tree of Life and I know that next year is about this healing system, so more updates will come through when this space...and remember the message that is coming through is that very simple but powerful one- to change the world, change your thoughts....

There is more on this on the e-book that was channelled through me about Living Your Truth in 2012, you can get a copy here:

And just to let you know (if we make it through the shift!) then my first book 'The Transformational Truth of Tarot" is due to be published by O Books next summer....

If you feel you need some of your own personal guidance then we have an updated and improved Spirit Guide Journey mp3

And another bit of guidance for this month in particular which also talks about 11.11.11 is my AstroTarotChannel blog and Tarot Video for November which can be accessed here: AstroTarotChannel for November 2011

In the meantime if you are in London for 11.11.11 and you know about Tarot and Chakras then come along to:

11.11.11 Ascension Masterclass at Quantum House! Says it all really! We will be looking at the amazing significance of 11 in the Tarot and the messages it holds for now- wow the tarot is so timeless and amazing- like the book of akashic records. We will also be doing Sola Solara An-Ra's 11.11.11 meditation and doing a chakra spread for before and after so we can see our own ascension! Happy 11.11.11! :-), book here:

Or if that's a no go and you have been attuned to Reiki for two years and Reiki Two for the last six months then there is an ascension to Reiki Masters at Mysteries next month, click here for details:

Or to book a skype reading with Tiffany click here: Skype or phone readings with Tiffany.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Astro Tarot Channel for November

So we begin November as always with the Sun in mysterious Scorpio and on All Hallow’s Day, also known as All Saints Day it is a time to remember any higher spiritual beings and link in with our guides and ascended masters. On November the 2nd we have the waxing moon coinciding with All Soul’s Day, similar to All Hallow’s Eve (Halloween) it is a day to remember the dearly departed souls that we know. As this waxing moon is in Aquarius we may indeed find ourselves wishing to be free of our earthly constraints and feel free. However on this day Venus also moves- into Scorpio which will whisper to us the need to go deep within ourselves and find the love instead of the escapism. Perfect for balancing out what could become quite floaty energy.

This I feel sets the tone for the month. Particularly in the lead up to 11.11.11, which many believe to be an important date for ascension on our planet. The Moon again takes part in ramping up the 11.11.11 energy as it reaches full on the night before at 20.16- in Taurus. The Moon is most comfortable in Taurus, so again we see the otherworldly easily shining down on earth, particularly as taurus is indeed an earth sign. Jupiter is also retrograde in Taurus, helping us to really keep our feet on the ground.

Back to 11.11.11 we see Mars shift that day out of Leo into Virgo. Another earth sign, one of purity and service. Mars in Leo can be quite passionate and all consuming! Mars in Virgo brings a bit of humility to our actions signalling another change in consciousness. Uranus is also retrograde, in Aries, which Mars rules. So once again keeping any erratic ungrounded outbursts of ego under control- one hopes! Neptune in Aquarius- also retrograde, making sure we don’t float off with our visions. Chiron is in Pisces- also retrograde, making sure the healing is done within and containing any victim/martyr complexes or once again escapist tendencies.

All in all this month it feels like we are being anchored deep into the earth and into our emotions whilst downloads of extremely high frequency spiritual shifts come through. In a way you could picture us all like trees this month. We need to have deep, deep roots if we are going to be able to reach up and out to the universe without toppling and it seems the universe is giving us the deep roots, the heart centre and the high receptive branches.

Saturn continues in Libra- long term lessons about fairness, justice and karma continue to resonate through our universe, as does Pluto remain in Capricorn for its long term stint in overhauling our material plane..

On 24th Mercury also turns retrograde (until 14th December). So if you have any deals to sign, travels or important communication to do, or expensive new things to do it may serve you well to try and get it completed before the famous god of communication and travel turns into the trickster. Just to make it clear it only becomes a trickster if we don’t understand how to work with it. Just remember retrogrades arent about doing anything new, they are about anything beginning with “re”: Research, rebirth, regress, renew, renovate, redecorate, re-do, review etc…. and as Mercury is about communication and journeys and re- means to go within this shift on 24th signifies a time for great inner messages and progresses, just like the new moon in Sagittarius echoes the on next day.

The Tarot video of this month’s reading can be found here:

Sessions and workshops to help with this process in November commences with Samaya Boutopolou’s meditation course, starting on the 2nd but late joiners can be accomodated. Followed by my talk on trusting the universe, at the Brighton centre of spirituality on 3rd November

Samaya then holds a Magnified Healing course on 5th and 6th, perfect for these magnified times and I hold a Usui Reiki Second Degree at Mysteries beginning on the 6th in time for 11.11.11 Hayley Rogers talks us through awakening ourselves at Mysteries on 10th, the evening of 11.11.11 I will holding a special Masterclass with Debbie Winterbourne so those budding Tarotists not in Egypt or Glastonbury we have a portal here!

On 12th we go within with Cheryl-Lya as she shows us how the angels can help us with our relationships And at the cornish psychic cafe this month we create our own portals through Mandalas on 15th

On the Sagittarius new moon we have Al showing us all how to take it to the next angelic level with angelic reiki 3&4 And Hayley Rogers finishes off nicely with Empower Thyself on 26th

Love and blessings

Tiffany x

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Dairy of an anti yoga detox hippy...

Have they sent you a pre detox diet? My friend the fitness instructor enquires, as I indulge in yet another pepsi max and maltesers session..

I hesitate for a second, pondering whether to lie or tell the truth? Damn and blast it I never could lie...

“Errr yes” I sheepishly say under my breath...

“Well why aren't you following it then?”

“Because I am not on retreat yet of course! -I booked on it because I need an almighty shove up the posterior, it's not something I can kick on my own- too many years of chocolate addiction are in the way”

'Tiffany, you need to do it, if you don't you wont get your money's worth and you will be ill”

Damn and blast it again. I knew she was right....

So one week to go and I reluctantly decide to try and behave myself. Cutting out chocolate, pepsi, dairy, wheat and sugar had to be done.

Oh my gosh! Headache central here I am - and I have six karmic astrology charts to do and a psychic retreat to run...Can't do it. Freddo to the rescue!

I cut down- not out.

Arriving into Turkish Passport Control, I look at a line of brits at a desk not marked passport control whilst passport control is empty. Silly brits! I think and off I march right up to the desk, handing him my passport. He flicks backwards and forwards through my passport tutting away as if he is enacting me with my fridge. Finally he looks up and gives me a mouthful in Turkish. I look at him dumbfunded and say “no comprehende ,anglais” (Shit isn't that french or italian or both? I think)

He slams my passport down with one word “VISA”

Then it all floods back to me.... the dreaded visa. That's why the brits are all queuing up with their tenner and passport. I have no excuse seeming I have been to Turkey twice, the last time being only two years ago. Is my memory really failing me that much? It certainly didn't cross my mind at all.

So I am the only brit queueing up with a passport and visa for my visa as I have no cash. Knowing they won't accept it, how stupid is that, not accepting visa or visa? but I can't see a cashpoint so I will just have to use my feminine charms. It didn't work. Passport slammed down on desk a second time “Exchange”.

So off I go to the exchange hut next door where I am told I am stupid for coming to another country with no cash and they can't help me. “Well what kind of airport doesn't have a cash machine?' - I say in not so many words. “It's round the front of the airport” Is the reply. 'So how do you propose I get there without a visa then?!” “Official” and my passport is slammed down a third time.

So now I turn on the waterworks as my heart breaks for my bag left all on it's own on its lifeless belt and my transfer drives away. A scary official takes me under her Arnie-wing and escorts me to the cashpoint machine, handing my passport in at control (bypassing all the queues) and taking me through staff security. I fantasise to myself that this must be what it feels like to be a VIP. I could get really used to this, until I ask her if this happens often and she replies a firm and confident 'NO”

Oh- really? I am perplexed/embarrassed.

An hour or so later and my ordeal is over and I am shoved onto a minibus with a strange mix of people, but its all good. I'm on my way and I love this part of Turkey, it's my favourite. I Travelled Turkey twelve years ago. The harbour-market town of Fetihye and blue lagoon of Oludeniz with one of the best paragliding centres in the world holds a very special place in my heart. Yes, I am happy to see the golden rocks along the roadside and the clear blue sky once again.

I am shoved in between the driver and an english tour guide. She asks me where I am going. 'Faralya Hotel” I reply. Her face looks shocked, “Faralya?” she says, 'You know its some type of commune?” she whispers, I smile, this amuses me. Why would any brit want to come on holiday to have a pure time? 'Kate Moss went there you know” she whispers in a gossipy way. I raise my eyebrows and make a “oo” noise, No more is said, my amused smile stays.

Once in Oludeniz I am met by Bulant. I like him straight away. He is small and smilely- definitely on my wavelength and height. In the car he drives me in zigzag fashion up on of the incredible mountainsides that cradle Oludeniz. The views are breathtaking for two reasons- incredible beauty and incredible fear. In Turkey they drive on the right side of the road, and there is no fence here, lots of corners and two way traffic- I make a mental note, “hold on tight and squeeze up eyes- peaking at the beauty every now and then- oh god that boulder is magnificent but looks like it could go any minute”

'Tiffarnee, look down there it's butterfly walley” Says Bulant, as he looks and points down a deep breathtakingly beautiful ridgeway. 'Beautiful, its so beautiful..... but I don't like heights” I say. He laughs all relaxed. Half of me relaxes and half of me still tense looks like I may have just suffered a mini stroke, thank god I haven't. Thank god we are still alive as we make it up the mountain - of course. I am met by sweet faced Murat, manager of Faralya hotel (who takes my bag to my room) and Lauren Manning, the lady who is running this detox. Well as I said earlier I can't lie. I have known lauren for many years and she holds a very special place in my heart. It is lovely to see her, we hug and laugh about my visa ordeal.

The hotel is right up my “butterfly walley” rustic, natural, hammocky, al frescoy, pooly, with a great view over the mountains and bays of Oludeniz. We settle for our last supper- well half of us, as the other half are staying on another week and have broth, whilst we have soup and spelt.

In the morning we start at 7:45 with hot water and lemon juice. You mean a.m? Actually you mean in UK time 5:45am? What was it I said about Lauren occupying a special place in my heart? (Only joking ;-))

Followed by yoga at 8am. Then juice at 10am. Well this sounds like a great way to start the day and sure enough it is. Sipping hot water and lemon juice al fresco stylee, with nothing but mountains, sea and the sounds of nature (secadas) all around. Then on to yoga. There are a few reasons I have come on this retreat and they go like this in order of importance:

  1. To kick me into healthy eating and find that I actually WANT to do it and LIKE it
  2. To kick my pepsi max and chocolate addiction (maybe this should be called 1b)
  3. To make the die hard butcher's granddaughter vegetarian
  4. To make miss can't even sit cross legged or get my butt off the floor- ow yoga kills into miss ooo yeahhh baby that stretch feels ssooooooo gggggoooodddd

Well, it was a lovely gentle yoga session, Lauren for me has amazing energy in all her teachings, full of love, softness and acceptance, if anyone can WD40 my joints with that she can and I think to myself maybe I can achieve number 4 after all.

So here we go. Juice. I have geared myself up for veggie juice as I thought we wouldn't have fruit because of the sugar. I say gear myself as if there was ever a carnivore it was me. Why do vegetarians think it is okay to kill vegetables but not animals if in the spiritual world everything is alive? I don't get it and to be honest I just find vegetables a bit weird. But I would like to be vegetarian for sure. The days have changed so much since my granddad's butchery where ethics and organics were just a given part of a well respected trade. Now I can taste that things aren't right and it makes me sad. I want to like vegetables! So here I go, all geared up, but no it's fruit! And bloody delicious at that, Lauren tells us we have it to provide some variety in the menu, but warns us that there'll be plenty of vegetable juices too. We have it after the sweeping clay sillium - not so delicious, but necessary if we want to feel full and start the cleaning of our colons. A new meaning to the word “chimney sweep” I think.

Then it's time for tasty pills :-/ and a coffee enema. Apparently that can give you a buzz- I am quite excited that I am about to experience my first ever coffee high. I have never been able to ingest it, ever since I was in my avid coffee drinking mum's belly, even the smell made her sick- that has stayed with me through life. My Italian father in law is always trying to give me a shot and now I have found a way- gosh he will be so proud of me.

This is quite good fun I think to myself all buzzed up in my bedroom, all ready to go to the pool, reaching the door- oh god instant loo call. Feel like I wanna die. Two seconds later back to pure buzz relief.

Juice at 1pm is Grape, Lemon and Ginger....mmmmmm........then oh dear I feel intensely sick, then it passes just as quick as it comes and then back just as quick and gone, just as quick. I read in Lauren's detox handout that apparently meat eaters get this as toxic mucoid plaque falls away from the colon wall and temporarily floods the system with toxins. Apparently most people feel better the next day. I hope so. I think to myself. Gosh why do I have to find meat so delicious? I am not craving pepsi or chocolate much to my amazement, but I think I have an entity attachment called “roast dinner”.

More juice at four – this time I am caught unawares- just when I thought the coast was clear on the vegetable front- Zucchini- “what's that?”


Can't be that bad , I love courgettes......errrr but not mangled raw courgette juice it seems. Only over cooked in salt please. So all the nutrients are gone and my ankles swell up.

Nevertheless I finish it off and I feel proud of my not so little meat eating self.

More yoga at 6pm, again this is alright, my hips are screaming “what the hell are you doing? You know we don't sit like this” all the way through but that's okay- I am observing, and as Lauren says, it's not about trying to get anywhere. We all have different bodies and its about listening to it and working with it not pushing against it, as we relax, more space comes and we move further. Can I do this yet....mmmm.. I understand what she means! The yoga hut is amazing special in its cedarwood octagon, especially in the evening when we are blessed with the backdrop of the blazing red sun setting over the cool blue sea.

After yoga it's broth. I never thought in a million years I would be looking forward to boiled vegetable water for tea so much, but I am! Yes! Boiled veggie water yahoo! After a day full of pills, expressos up the bum and random juices you can't go wrong with good old reliable veggie broth. Add a dash of garlic water, lemon juice and paprika and yehah we nearly have a curry, and with this curry you can have as much as you like. Why can't we do this with all curries I start to think that maybe life just really isn't fair. We chat and laugh together as the sun goes down and then we retire to bed with our herbal enemas for a good nights sleep and sleep well I do. Lauren speaks of us maybe not sleeping well or having detox dreams but I am dead to the world and it feels good.

This continues every night until halfway through when I dream I am about to give an important esoteric address at a very large, very packed glamourous London Church and I realize I have arrived without a dress- I am in my satin nightie. I manage to manifest a bag and shoes from somewhere to make it look like a dress and think to myself well if I can do that why not manifest myself a dress?! - What that was about I can only hazard a guess that it maybe to do with changing.

On my last night ,when I awake to an intense dream of an addict throwing themselves off a building and landing right in front of me, dead. At first I screamed and cried and pleaded for them to live, ringing 999 I kept dialling the wrong number and then they put me on hold. I lifted her up and she turned into a doll, of which the head fell off. I then realized there was no point and walked away. I woke up to a core blimey governor, that was a bit strong. But I knew what this one meant. Finally I had let go of the addict.

Reasons for my detox:

    1) To kick me into healthy eating and find that I actually WANT to do it and LIKE it

    2) To kick my pepsi max and chocolate addiction (maybe this should be called 1b)

    3) To make the die hard butchers granddaughter vegetarian

    4)To make miss can't even sit cross legged or get my butt off the floor- ow yoga kills into miss ooo yeahhh baby that stretch feels ssooooooo gggggoooodddd

So when I leave, I leave with a full hearted knowing that 1 and 1b/2 have been fully achieved and that point 3 and 4 haven't yet. But they would have been bonuses for me anyway. I got what I came for alright. An initiation into a healthy way of being. At times I got more than I bargained for, like a mouthful of carrot, pepper and chilli juice. Or the scrawny man at hammam weighing me and looking at me in shock and then getting on after to show me I weighed two stone heavier than him. 'Yes” I wanted to say. “But who does that say more about? You better watch out coz I am all woman and could beat up to a pulp in a second mr Hammam” but as I looked at him and thought “are you Turkish or chinese” I just couldn't even attempt the language confusion. so marched indignantly into the steam room where I remark to my new found detox buddies instead. It turns out he did a similar thing to one of them. This was about as gossipy as the week got I am pleased to say. (The air at Faralya hotel was that of kindness, softness and acceptance in everything and it was a beauty to be in, not just because of it's surroundings.) The little Turknese man came and got us only after a few minutes and shoved us in what could only be described as an incredibly ornate decadent marble mausoleum, ordering us to lie down on the hot marble slab and closed the door.

He comes in a few mins later and begins to rub me down with a loofah. It feels quite nice, but I am feeling still slighted and very very self conscious, as I am without those remarks anyhow and now he is rubbing me down, all over with this loofah and spinning me round on this marble slab. Let go and enjoy I think, who gives a f*** what he thinks. Then I find every time I see his face he is looking at my face, smiling and nodding his head in quite an endearing manner. Telphone rings and he leaves me there half way through treatment to answer it! He comes back and says to me 'hate telefone” this exact sequence happens twice more. After loofah he start to wash the dead skin away by chucking buckets of cold water over me and my new friends, he finds it very funny, and actually so do we, as we warm to him. He has personality and its refreshing not to be bound by prim and proper english regulations for once.

He then takes us to the freezing cold swimming pool and goes to push us in! One by one we decide to jump ourselves- did I say it was refreshing not to be bound by english regulations I think as I cough and splutter my way up to the surface.

Then it's back to the marble mausoleum to be attacked by a pillow case of soap suds as we lie on the marble meat slabs- wow this is amazing....the bubbles are massaged deeply all over us and oh- here comes the buckets of cold water again....Finishing with a oil massage in a treatment room. Oh Why oh why do we not have marble mausoleums in England?

All in all the whole detox was an amazing experience. Notoriously they say day three and four are the worst and I have to agree. Morning of day three I gave up in yoga completely and just lay there. Lauren says to me afterwards- 'Tiffany, are you okay?' 'I thought I was” I laugh “ I'm sorry to discover you are not” she responds also laughing and as we laugh- the laugh turns into tears. Shit where on earth did this come from? Lauren is kneeling next to me saying all the right things. You know when someone says that and you think shit stop it!

I feel like I can't face the group at breakfast and go the backway to my room. As soon as I am there I think I don't want to spend my time in hear you twat! And make my way to brekkie where my hammam pals are talking about going to the local beach. That sounds good and I immediately feel better. Amazing warm sea water washes all my crap away and I am reborn again.

Wednesday evening I go to yoga and attempt a few postures, each one produces a dizzy lightheaded feeling, so I quickly give up and lie there thinking that I haven't felt so weak in a long long time. So I just allow myself to feel it and be. That was a beautiful present to myself, made possible my the loving accepting ambience that Lauren creates. I don't know how many yoga classes I could go to and just lie down in here without a teacher getting into some kind of issue with it. At the end of the class the group sings beautiful chants and songs about floating down a river. My mat is blue and I allow the sounds to wash over me and feel thank you for this moment of being....

So now it is 23:03. I have been making my way home from the waving smiles and love of Faralya since 7 this morn and don't arrive until 12:40 tomorrow but as you can see I have a new lease of life and would I do it again- you betcha- Lauren' where's those dates for next year?

Here they are:

Oh and colonic irrigation here I come :-/

AstroTarotChannel For October

“The giving of love is an education in itself.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

With the Sun in Libra this month the spotlight is on relationships, and in particular that very fine balance of give and take. The fact that Saturn is also in Libra tells us that we are likely to get a karmic whollop if we don’t manage to perfect that balance. If this happens to you just remember that that whallop is about helping you to maintain your balance. Saturn is known as the hard taskmaster, but also the lord of dreams if we put the work in. So there is no shirking off or cutting corners this month, particularly in the areas of communication, legality, relationships and decision making. But most of all in the relationship with yourself. We can only be right and true in all our actions if we are being right and true with ourselves, so lets get this the right way round. Put in time to yourself, to know truthfully where your head is at and why, and then make sure you are conscious with all your interactions.

This theme is echoed by the full moon in Aries on 12th. Aries being the opposite sign of Libra the emphasis is on the self and not relationships so if you havent mastered the art of empowering yourself so you can then empower others you may find your emotions get the better of you around this time. Aim to work on the above paragraph but if you get caught by the Aries fullmoon try to listen to what your emotions are telling you rather than impulsively reacting and getting a big saturanian boot up the backside!

Mercury is also in Libra until after the full moon on 12th, the third confirmation that the theme is on communication and relationships. The need to perfect our communictaion with others really is paramount this month. From 13th Mercury moves into Scorpio, signifying a deeper analysis or layer of subconscious communication being entered. The new moon dances with this by bursting into Scorpio on 26th when revelations may suddenly surface and surprises may be in store, it may be yourself that surprises you, or others.

Guess what? Libra’s ruler Venus is in Libra and transits into Scorpio (on the 9th) too! So here we are seeing the theme once more. The desire for harmony in relationships is strong right now, but be careful of papering over the cracks as they are sure to be revealed as the month goes on. Avoiding confrontation will not wash. Instead work on opening and improving channels of communication.

Mars is in Leo all through the month is giving us courage of heart and a lot of passion to see through our desires with, this is a good sign for being able to bounce back up again with any setbacks that may occour this month.

So all in all a very personal theme this month. There is a lot of retrogrades going on in the outer planets so it seems like the themes of community and collective consciousness have the pause button on whilst we concentrate on bringing our attention closer to home. Give yourself permission to use this energy wisely. There is no point arranging a carnival on christmas day if all are at home with the turkey! I was told once, if you want to know how you are doing with your spiritual practice then look at how your relationship is with your family, and I have never forgot it.

And of course lets not forget Halloween/Samhain on 31st, the day when the veil of the unconscious/subconscious is at its thinest. With so many planets in Scorpio at that time and the Scorpio new moon a few days before it really feels like we may just access our darkest deepest truths this month, it is there that we access the treasure trove of transformation. Wow! What an amazing month of self discovery – if we can own the work……

As also seen in the Tarot this month…

Blessed be

Tiffany x

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Living your Truth (In 2012?)- A preview of my second book.

I am not sure I should even be limiting the scope of this to 2012. Nor do I consider myself an expert on the predicted end of the world. Not in the head knowledge way anyway. So why have I included the ominous date here? For the same reason that I have to hop, skip and jump over my planned second book along to this one.

Do I even know what I am going to write? No. Do I need to know? My guides assure me not.

As my fingers tap away I can feel the flow and I am just as eager as you the reader, to see what appears.

I have learnt that spirit/guides work through injecting thoughts that appear from nothingness, and the feelings that grow until they spill forth into motivation or “in-spirit- ation”.

For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get on with my second book and it has felt like pushing my battered old car uphill. Now I have stopped. For a while I have been aware of a much smoother ride alongside me. Where it is heading? I don’t know. Nevertheless I have relinquished control and gone into the trust zone as my fingers type away.

I ask who the information is coming from and I am told that it doesn’t matter- what matters is that I get this out for 2012. I ask why 2012, isn’t the wisdom timeless?
“Yes, but you will see.” I am told.
I become aware that maybe I hadn’t relinquished as much control as I thought I had.

I don’t know who is more frustrated by my journey with spirit.
Me or them.
Is that a controversial thing to write?

I was told by a fellow reader two weeks ago that I would write things where people would gasp in shock and say “she can’t write that!” Is this the start? And so soon? There you have it, I have said it. Working with spirit can be damn right frustrating! Much to my holier than thou husband’s dismay I possess the audacity to scream and shout at the very highest guiding beings there are (look a gift horse in the mouth is an understatement). Very very occasionally I even wished they were in the physical so I could give them a good hiding! Yet, if I was a guide I think I would be stripped of my status and sent right back to earth with a big bump for blowing my top on a daily basis.

I guess that is why I am still here.

I remember the first time I was aware of my guide’s communication. I had been test read at London’s Mysteries, six weeks previously. Every week I had chased them up for a start date, and every week I got nowhere. After hanging the phone up for the sixth time I thought to myself, “thats it, no more”. Instantly a deep, powerful, strong male voice appeared in the right side of my head “You are, you are ringing on Friday.”

I was shocked at the clarity and strength. I looked up to my right, of course I couldn’t see anything. I thought it must be a guide, the clarity was something never before witnessed whilst going about my “normal” daily business. My logical side (yes I do have one) was completely thrown by the obscurity of what seemed like my head arguing with itself, immediately after being completely sure of my decision.

I reiterated to the voice that I would not be ringing again. “They” reiterated that I was ringing again, on Friday. I began to argue with them, but it was a short -lived argument as they didn’t reply. This I have found has become a pattern in communicating with my guides.

Friday came and I awoke and healthily stretched out – for my laptop! The first thing I saw was an email from my ex who as travelling in Thailand. In it he tells me he has been talking to a guy about keeping in contact with exes. It turns out this guy’s ex was called Tiffany, and she worked at Mysteries! Sat there dumbfounded, I think to myself “What day is it?????………. Friday!”
I can feel the smug silent smiles of my guides as I say to myself “I guess I am ringing after all!”
I reach for the phone straight away and am told that Tiffany is leaving, and would I, Tiffany like to take her place?!

Wow! I think to myself – this guide stuff is pretty cool :-)

Years on and working full time in the area, I sometimes wonder if its that I am tired, blocked, or so constantly attuned that I don’t notice it so much. I vow to myself to make time for guide communication as much as I can, but fast-paced daily demands and ipods don’t help!

I remember when I first got my ipod, I listened to it as much as I did when I got my first walkman. Indoors, outdoors, in the bath, in bed. Ridiculous. Every now and again I could hear my guides making an effort to be heard over the din…
“ You are not listening, you can’t hear us. Listen to ipod less and God more!”
“okay!’ I would say. “I promise I will listen less”

But I found it hard to put into practice. In fact I wore my earphones out! I should have stopped then, but I didn’t. I bought even better ones! And the quality was so good I listened even more! So then I lost them…I was gutted and pleaded to spirit to tell me where they were.
“Oh, okay then” came the reply “but you must start listening less”.
“Okay, I will” I promised with every good intention.
‘They are on the passenger seat of the car”.
Sure enough they were.
Sure enough I didn’t listen to less ipod and more to God.
So a few days later I lost my ipod! Rather than feeling gutted, I felt relieved and ecstatic to be connected to spirit again. In fact I was so grateful that a month later I got a phone call from someone who found it and I got my ipod back!

Time and trust are two themes that seem like a permanent work in progress when it comes to relationship with spirit- not just for me I am assured. It all boils down to belief. I am told.
Gosh, I think to myself. Looking back at all the times “they” have gone out their way to prove to me their existence, and still I struggle. Believe me I have gone through unbelievable things.

There was the time spirit told me the lottery numbers! Yes they actually did, hand on my heart. And because I couldn’t believe I had just been given them (this time in a ladies voice that appeared in the right side of my head with the same strength, quickness and clarity as the Mysteries incident). Even though I knew and should have known better. My human being could not believe it. I argued with them, telling them they couldn’t possibly be the lottery numbers because they were symmetrical. ( I knew I was talking s**t). They patiently told me lottery numbers could be symmetrical because they were random. I told them I would compromise with them by putting three numbers on one-line and three on another! Lol! Silly Tiffany!

“Tiffany! They are the lottery numbers! You don’t compromise with the lottery numbers!” Came the reply.“I haven’t got time to faff like this- I have a bus to catch” I reply, totally aware I am yet again spouting utter s**t.

Despite every cell in my being screaming ****WRONG**** in big flashing neon lights I put the ticket through and blocked the thoughts, I won a tenner on each line instead of 4.5 million!

After that I practiced listening like mad for the lottery numbers- they did not come! They still don’t come! But, I do know what it’s like to feel when it’s right.
A couple of months later I was changing some travellers checks to go on honeymoon and was given a ticket for an automatic drawer to get your money back. As soon as it was in my hand I knew it was the winner. I went up to my new husband and said. ‘This is the winning ticket, I know what a winning ticket feels like!”
Sure enough a few days into the trip we got a text notifying us of our £220 win, which we promptly lost by being ripped off by the Italian airport taxi man.
I felt I was being shown how I didn’t feel I deserved money, how I believed it wouldn’t stay around me, and like my trust in spirit it is an ongoing journey. Just like the lottery, which I do now and again and wonder why I am putting the ticket through when I know it’s not right?!

So after that I made a huge effort to trust spirit. Strong synchronicity begins to happen around going to Istanbul to work. The whole three week trip was horrific and disastrous. I was miserable and I wasn’t even busy. I just didn’t get it. Everyday I asked spirit why I was there, what was the point if I wasn’t being made any use of? No answer came. Until the point where I just gave up asking and just thought it despairingly to myself, “why am I here?”
‘Yes, why are you here Tiffany?” came the reply.
Relieved at finally receiving a response but frustrated with their ways I angrily told them they knew very well why I was here. I was here because I was following the strong synchronistic guidance given by them.
‘Yes, but you never wanted to come, did you?”
“No” I answered, my anger almost at boiling point. “Are you telling me you only want me to do what I want to do?”
“Of course!” came the reply “ Would you jump under a bus if we gave you the guidance?”

Well, I was infuriated! When I talk about the time I wanted to throttle spirit, that is the time that pops in my mind. You may think it should have been the lottery but to be honest I only have myself to blame on that one! On this one I had felt punished for over learning the most expensive psychic development class ever. The one that cost 4.5 million less twenty quid discount! This just took it too far. Hundreds of miles too far. Literally. Really, was it necessary to take me all the way from my home and my family and plonk me in a heartless, attacking environment that I found myself in? Apparently so- apparently that is how much I don’t listen! Thank God I didn’t have my ipod!
So like I said I don’t have a clue who it is more frustrating for, them or me!
Now I know they want me to write this, I know I must make time.
Only last week I was sat working away on the computer and I was told to go and connect with a rock on the seafront- so for once I listened, stopped my manic unstoppable work stream and walked down to the rock I felt guided to.

I had been feeling pretty stressed out from a previous month of work and personal difficulties. As well as a publisher’s decision hanging over my head about whether they were going to breathe life into my first book or not. The all important meeting was scheduled for a couple of days time.
As I sat on the rock, amazing feelings of happiness and all being right in the world flowed into me. I was told that all would be well, that the energies of 19th July were great and significant for my book.

I went back home and resumed my computer work, sending an updated book proposal to the publisher ready for the meeting in a couple of days. I got an immediate response stating that the meeting had been postponed until 19th July.

So, now I sit here, with the same channeled feelings of knowing I have to write this, whatever “this” is. That “this” is the connection now and once again I know I must still myself, wait for the guidance, listen, trust and write. But how long do I wait? If it is not there instantly, does it mean it’s not really from spirit?
The answer isn’t there, what does that mean? Are they proving a point?!

What about you, the reader? How can you trust a voice in my head? I ask the guides. Particularly when I’m not convinced I know who you are. How can they know “this” is from a trustworthy source? I am told its not for me to concern myself with such things. A typical guide answer indeed.
My job, I am reminded, is to write. Suddenly I feel like a secretary taking dictation and they smile that I have got it. But who are they? I can’t help but ask again? Now I feel their deflation.
I am told there is no time to go through this, it is not as important as the information that must come out now. I have a sense there are many and a sense “they” are a part of everything and everyone.
In the past I have sensed guides, their characters, appearances and have been told their names. But right now I am told to not take these past labels into this. I feel a collective council of some sort.

So I must get out the way and write about living your life and your truth in 2012. Yet my mind kicks in as I stare at a blank page and feel daunted about writing a book I know nothing about.


Dear ones,
Your planets energies are shifting. So much emphasis has been put on earth at this time, but there are more planets closer than you know and they are all yours. It is a human condition to not see the effect of connection all around you. To feel small and huge at once. To feel important and insignificant. To feel arrogant and insecure. But it is your lack of trust that causes the imbalance in your race. Yes you are one race, with many a different face. There is no blame here, as everything is the way it is supposed to be. The human race has been around for so long now and you carry all the weight of your ancestors burdens. We see your suffering and we must tell you how we know that your human time is one laden with heaviness, sadness, grief and despair. You are a special race, one that was put here at this time, of all colours and creeds to make up the rainbow. Some of you chose easily, others were reluctant volunteers who felt they had no choice, although that is never true. Still you have a mission. We have chosen to channel this message through the vehicle. Tiffany does not know of how connected she really is. In this case she is like many of you. Yet Tiffany does go on trying, very trying! We love her, like we love you. And in her struggles of awakening and trusting, she is the perfect example of each of you right now. Time is of the essence as of now July 2011. Shifts are happening, you can feel it all around you in your world as it is. In the Earth, the quakes, tsunami’s, pole shifts and banking crisis. Everything is shifting. You included. Shift you must. Shift must. Happen. We love you and all is as it is. Souls are going through a collective membrane of intense learning, going up to the seventh plane now. For many, many years. Souls have been working up through God’ s chakras. Now entering the first of the spiritual centres of the whole cosmos we name “God”. As you do so your connection to spirit is happening like a rocket going through an ozone layer. But your rocket has got stuck with the fear of the shifts you are sensing, and the human incapability of trust in the unknown. But you do know, you can feel it. It is time to trust, trust in what? I hear you say. In you we reply. We are you, you are we, you are me. You are the unknown. It is time to know thyself. Please don’t feel like more spiritual claptrap! We do love you and ask you to feel it in your bones. Be brave. Listen to your feelings. You have them for a reason you know.
Why is it that so many of you want to leave your work? Does it seem to you that more and more of you are desperately unhappy in your work yet feel pointless, hopeless, like there is no reason leaving because you will just need to get another pointless job to pay the bills? This is causing a great depression on the planet and is a reason for the rocket to get stuck. Each of you is gifted, unique and individual in your own right. Did we put you here to become clones of corporates? What is the point in that? Of course there is one, but now you are shifting, you are moving and you must listen. Each one of you has a purpose, this you must find. It is there, or you wouldn’t be there. Do not allow the world to make you feel purposeless. Everyday listen to your feelings. Great downloads of emotion is happening at this time, and in this fast-paced world it is important to make an effort to slow down. Listen and feel. It is time your work came out of love and not money. Purpose and not duty. Life has begun to be but slavery for the supposedly free. Yes I hear that slavery has always existed as has bondage. But in such disguise? In such lies? This is now about ascension. In ascension there must be truth, in ascension is intention. Intention must be set to gain freedom. We put you on this earth to serve a purpose, not a corporate. Mass employment has caused great unrest and disconnection, and now you wonder why the collapse is coming? Will you jump or be pushed? Either way, when you land you will see the bed of roses stretching as far as you can see. And of the thorns you shall be free. Listen, to me, I am yourself and only you can set you free. Practice listening to you.

What is this with this manifestation of money?! You are missing the point! We gave you the information of manifestation so you wouldn’t need it! Yet it has increased the fixation with the silly thing called “money!” money- money -mon-ey! Even a silly name don’t you think?!
Money is a symbol of man’s greed, greed is a symbol of man’s fear, man’s fear has got the rocket stuck. What are you going to do about it? Start trading in love. Love, love love, is that such a silly word? Trad-ing- a two syllable word is fitting here in the beautiful give and take. Remember we made the information on manifestation available for the mainstream so you could operate without money, not for the manifestation of it!

The System
This is becoming hard work for us to channel about as the vehicle now is going into fear. A valid fear in someways as her life has been ended in the past for blasphemy and this is being highly triggered by this section. Conspiracy abounds your planet, real or not it is all part of the illusion. The distraction. Yes there are dark energies at work. Your planet has always been one of polarity, But the polarity is shifting- literally. Your poles could even unify and your planet implode into a supernova. If this happens rest assured those of you that are human, there will be a proportionate piece of you that is at peace with the release, and lives on in long awaited bliss and happiness. This is too much for your mind to comprehend right now so don’t even try. “People” are messing with the Earth. People who think they are God and have more power than they know what to do with. This has happened many times on your planet before and continents have disappeared or suffered great tragedy because of this. Now it is on a larger worldwide scale. Your suffering cannot continue, shift has to happen one way or another. Again we whisper to you in the night to trust your feelings, and act in accordance to them, this way you shall be free, no-one can actually stop that, no matter the outside appearance.

The World
Love your mother, she is crying for you. Chant regularly around the world in healing mantras, harmonics must now be reborn again. For they harmonize the shifting energies acting as oil both for the rocket and the earth- the earth has been raped of her oil. Drilled, bored and sucked dry from deep within, she is cracking up quite literally. Plates crash against each other, earthquakes and tsunamis arise. Harmonics, harmonics, harmonics. Intoning harmonises. Do not underestimate the healing power of sound. Look at the power of your communication. If you do not know it then take a vow of silence and see how you get on. Please. It does not have to make sense. It does not need to mean anything to you. just let whatever comes out, out. We are working through each and every one of you to release sound, as this is where you rocket has got stuck on it’s ascension. In the throat. So many of you have become to afraid to speak. It is a big disconnection from truth. This is something the people from “God” who are not “God” know how to use to manipulate you and rob you of your power. Noting exists that isn’t said. The power of words can hurt or heal. They have been used to cause fear and separation and it has logged deeply into your solar, throat and heart chakras. However with the recent eclipses of June and July 2011 we worked hard on clearing your emotional centres to rise up to the throat, and yes it happened fast. Now WE RESIDE IN YOUR THROAT. Great out-spilling of uncontrollable words arise in your world and all is being released and realized. Use your throat, use it now…….ahhhhheeeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeeeeeeee. Aheo. Aheo…… to transform hurt in to heart. Do not worry what this means, do not see this as instruction if it does not feel right to you, use your own.

The Animals
Include the animals in your loving harmony, they need it, they feel sad at the disconnection all around. They want to re-connect with you in the way you used to share the planet. Beautifully, no matter what happened between you, the bond remained unspoken. This is something that exists that is unspoken. In matter. The bond is in the matter. Make the sounds of the animals. Animals use sounds to connect, you are one of them that is blessed to be able intone all their sounds, to connect with them all and connect them all together. You are the bridge for the animals to walk across. This is the new ark of ascension. Use it to harmonise the energies and support the bond for they will help you to your freedom. Time to care.

The Ascent of Humanity
13bc – 1600ad was the root, you can connect with the good energy at Mount Shasta.

14bc- 2300ad is the sacral, a work in progress, we need your love, peace, respect and harmonics at Lake Titicaca to rise, clear and harmonise the final vibrations.

17bc – 2400ad is the solar plexus – Drums at Uluru, will flow new life into you, strengthening your core through and through. The strength of the Aborigine and Australian is no mistake, the people lead by example. Strong and true mate. What you see is what you get. This is fate. If you are struggling with living your truth come here to help yourself activate your core strength. If you have found core strength come here to help replenish, strengthen and raise the shift of humanity. In sharing we strengthen.
19bc – 2430ad is the heart. The green green land of England, land of power, land of heart, land of the Lionheart. Brave and courageous, the Lion has lost it’s heart and it’s passion. It has been beaten and oppressed ’til weary and worn. We have been working at releasing the Lion, restoring it full of love. An intense period of this work was in June 2011. Intoning and singing is important to find the roar, the passion of the heart. Harmonic gatherings around the country, joining in sound all the same time will help to end the oppression and restriction of the heart. This is needed in England. Like the green green grass needs the rain. The heart is the very life force of being. England needs all the help it can get. Time to gather and sing your not so little hearts out. Link in with the Rainbow Serpent that connects Australia and England (St Michael’s Mount and Uluru), to increase the strength of the beat and emotional centres. Link in with each other wherever you are in the land. All at the same time, to harmonise your own harmonics and sing out your not so little truths from your not so little hearts. As you do this indigenous people from other countries will know and hear the call they have been waiting for and will join you in your path to liberating the heart.

1310ad -2012ad is the throat – the throat is Egypt. Liberation has begun and Egypt begun a wave of liberation that is being felt like ripples through the whole planet. This is the strength and power of the throat, of spoken expression. Ride the wave, feel the wave in your sound. Let the wave of change carry you. You do not need to be in Egypt to catch this wave. It is felt throughout the world. Egypt needs no physical help from you. By empowering itself it has began to empower the world. You do not need to be there. The power is helping you wherever you are. You can however send thoughts of love, gratitude, support and strength to Egypt for harmonic connection.

1694ad – 2100ad is the third eye, found within you. Wherever you are. Concentrate on Om, candle gazing and inner vision. Direct your vision up to liberation of Tibet, as this is when the shift and final ascension of humanity happens.

100-ad – 2900ad is the crown. For as long as Tibet remains restricted the ascent of humanity suffers. Heavy energies exist around Tibet, lower energies have seen the beauty, purity and ascension and their fear of being unworthy, that they cannot possible transcend into such light has meant they have caused oppression through fear of annihilation. See Tibet free to shine it’s pure light and amazing power. See it burst forth, unable to remain restricted. See it liberated.

Want to know how to develop your psychic self? Join Tiffany on her upcoming retreat:

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Dear Children of the Earth,

Over the last couple of months I had a series of synchronistic events that led to a wake up call about the Earth. It's an incredible story inspired by my daughter in spirit, my clients and friends in body and the film "Pay It Forward". And it has led to the birth of a global gathering for healing the Earth at 11:11uk time on 29th of May 2011.


Paying It forward- Healing Earth/Heart Through The Rainbow

“Earth is an Anagram of Heart” “Putting a Syndrome Right” “There’s Strength in Numbers”


Please please PLEASE- if you do anything good today- let it be this:

Instead of watching unconscious TV when you get home- look at this blog and watch the series of videos on the amazing story behind this event-WHAT IS HAPPENING AND WHAT WE CAN DO.

Then join us- join us by literally 'PAYING THIS FORWARD" click your forward to button to everyone on this planet. The success of this rests on that very action- we are all children of our mother- but the tables have turned now and she needs us- she needs some love, we all do! SO LETS DO THIS!!!


With immense love and gratitude xxxx

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Angelic Happenings Diary

Summer 2010

The hottest summer britain had seen in a good few years, in London people were fainting on the pavement, high above that I was teaching a class how to remove psychic cords from their aura, we were high and hot, psychic delusions/visions were running high.

All of a sudden I saw a very large, dark and armoured like angel behind one of the participants, the name “Metatron” resounds round my head as if a call was rebounding all around.

Metatron? That must be Archangel Metatron- not my bag- angels.

Find them to be a bit too light and fluffy for me so if I pick up on them then I know it's about my clients connection. But something was different here. For some reason I felt this was for me. Metatron did seem to me to be the least “fluffy' of all the angels after all.

After work I feel refreshed to be visiting my friend Simon on his boat.

He tells me has has just finished interviewing actor, author and sound healer Stewart Pearce and we sit down to watch it. Now Simon and I share a passion about truth and transparency, and at first I just didn't get why he was interviewing Stewart as to be honest all I could see was a very polished facade, my judgement came in and stopped me listening- until – I heard something in the background.

'My god! Can you hear that?'

I was hearing only what could be described as angels, I think only the lord knows what angels sound like but believe me if you heard it you would know what I mean!

Simon could hear it but said he did not hear it during the interview and that there was no music on in the background.

It made me listen a little bit more to Stewart and not be so sceptical about him or angels... Although I mean just a very little less...

November 2011.

Please read the badger blog for another important thread of this story, I have pasted it below:

The Badger Blog

November Sun and New Moon in Scorpio- just how eye opening, transformative and revealing can we get?!

On Tuesday 9th I was a student at a life coaching course, there we did a guided meditation which as you probably know or have guessed I am a sucker for :-)

During this one the most random (but normal for me) vision of a Badger appeared singing “Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light” which was rather amusing as well as assuring!

After which we were guided to a familiar place and I saw a guide who I have been aware of for about a month now- a Native American (I know I know!) called White Feather, (I know I know!) I was not then aware of why he had started working with me.

The badger was singing away to The Police and White Feather was drumming which made for a quite an amusing band.

Next we were guided to a box, mine was long and thin, and in true logical mind form I tried to make it a shape I thought a box should be e.g: shorter and flatter, and in true meditation gave up when it wouldn't happen!

Next we were told that the box contained our life's ideal work, and that it was time to open it.

As I did a beautiful black fountain pen the size of me revealed itself and I heard the words

It's achievable, you are already doing it, you are the pen, you will see, it's already happening”

After the meditation we discussed our findings in small groups, with books of signs to refer to.

As we looked up “Badger” the tile was called “Keeper of Stories.'

The group retorted that it was very clear that I should be writing a book. I replied I had been told this many times but just don't have the time, I then paused and said- “unless something shifts like it might do in April.'

One of the group said “ Did you get that from the book?” and showed me the next line (the only other line in bold) “Cycle of power for Badger late spring”

How blatant can a Badger be?

I then thought back over the past few months- about a badger that had taken up residence outside our house that I always saw with my husband , I had heard about it chasing my step daughter! I was convinced it was the power animal of either my husband or step-daughter and it had become a running joke in the family.

What a projection!

Ironically that session was about busting procrastination.

But I still did- I went home and ordered 'The Writers Handbook 2011” Something I had put off for two years! But now I am happy that I can prepare to read it for two months and still have a whole year ahead :-)

Then I thought about White Feather and thought “Aha! Quill!”

That night I was telling someone about a new site ( and they just randomly interrupted “have you ever thought of writing a book?” When I asked them why, they said “I don't know, it just popped into my head”

The next morning I got up to find post addressed to our last house on the doorstep- even though the redirection of post has ended!

The post was a business newsletter with a heading in mass type saying


Yes, that was my third sign..

21st Dec 2010

A powerful day of a lunar eclipse (deep subconsious stirring) occurring on the winter solstice, only happening once every 398 years, marking the end of the long dark tunnel and the return of the light. Once again I am teaching psychic development, but this time it's cold, icy and bright and I am surrounded by the incredible ancient magic thats strongly present in the lush fairyglen of the Lamorna valley.

(I have an angel teacher on this course- not someone who teaches angels but someone who teaches us angels! ) She is wearing a geometric shape round her neck which captures me.

We go into meditation to meet our guides and all I can see is this shape pulsating infront of me and "Metatron" being whispered to me quietly but powerfully clear. No room for chinese whispers here.

Afterwards we share experiences and I ask Carole

about the shape, she tells me (unsurprisingly) it's the shape of 'Archeaon Metatron”.

Later we open up our blindly painted art exercise done using random splodges and squashing – an angel figure is clearly identified in the middle, of him Carole recognizes him as yes no other than Mr Metatron.

Now I am starting to sit up and take notice of this angel stuff and take it seriously- especially as a week or so before a colleague of mine said

I am not sure about all this fluffiness around angels and some of these angel practitioners, angels are an aspect of god, the real thing is so powerful it can knock us of our feet, there is nothing fluffy about that.”

It got me thinking, just as Mr Metatron got me thinking. Not too much, but I was starting to wonder if a connection was beginning for me. I come round from that memory to hear Carole channeling that it was my time to connect and that this level of invite was rare.

I leave the door open for the angels.

Jan 2011

Stewart on the sofa with Simon (oo er) has gone live (but no 18 rating here).

Simon sent me the broadcast but as ever life just had other priorities, I awoke last Thursday to see a little poke from Simon amounting to “oi! Have you made time to watch this mrs?”

My head is filled with the amount of work I feel I need to get done before I leave the cornish lands for London in a handful of hours and think to myself “I will put it on in the background whilst I work away - that's better than nothing.”

As I work away I hear this strange ethereal noise getting stronger and stronger, it sounds like a “spiritual clan” (whatever that is ) gathering outside my window. I turn Stewart down to listen to what is going on “outside” as I do I can no longer hear the noise and as I turn it up I can hear it , perplexed for a brief moment before I remember “the angels!”

Now I stop and I make time to listen and I am so glad I did. I feel high, like I have received an angel healing. I get so high I plaster it over as many places as I can think over the net and I get replies from very astounded and touched people. It seems the angels reminded us to come out of judgement and listen to the deep truth that Stewart does for sure posses. Visit and click Stewart Pearce to experience the ultimate.

Now it's just a few minutes before I leave my hermit hole and start my transition to the limelight and I feel very high and ungrounded, it doesn't change as I hoist my very grounded packed wheely suitcase up the courtyard steps and up out onto the Mousehole streets.

The sea looks grey and menacing, the sky is bleak but refreshing as it brushes my face, “just like angels lifting me higher!” I think. Oh god! Where's that ground! I am all light and fluffy!

I greet the driver (as you do in Cornwall) and sit with my packed case for company (as you do in low season in Cornwall).

Suddenly my head is invaded by 'The Writers Handbook 2011” it's now 2011 and it hasn't had a look in. I see it sat in the drawer at home and hear it saying “come and get me”.

I ask the driver how long I have, she tells me three minutes, I dart off the bus leaving my suitcase and apple mac behind! I run home and send the book a mental message that I coming- yes mental!) Not only could the driver have driven off with all my belongings including my apple baby, but I would have even missed the train I make sure I never miss for fear of being out of £100 if I did.

Well I made it! Within three minutes I was back on the bus, with my apple baby, belongings and writers handbook, and off we went.

I arrive in London and it's the same old story- my feet don't touch the ground. Three days go past and every day I think about the handbook now lying in my bag or case instead of the drawer, still not getting a look in.

I look at the amount of emails flooding my blackberry calling for my earliest attention and as I get back on the train I think once more about my poor neglected handbook that seemed to have a wasted journey, and I think “what the hell was that about- surely I wasn't meant to just bring more heaviness with me?! Or was it part of the extra weight for grounding?! Oh well!”

I turn once more to the emails and start working back over the last few days when I see an email entitled “invite to book launch” from Sabi Hilmi. Sabi and I have have orbited around each others orbit for a few years now, only coming into contact once for 30 minutes. She is so full of love that during those 30 minutes I found my own human vibration could not cope with it and I had to ask her to step back! It seems now I had invited the angels in Sabi was back and I was more than ready to welcome her in now and sure enough she was incredibly welcoming back. Sabi's words herself to my reply were that the angels had literally stood back whilst I went through my growth and now it was time for them to come closer.

So I opened the invite to hear that her book 'Secrets of Angels” is getting published by Penguin! And that I am one of the chosen ones invited to come and celebrate along with Penguin! OMG!

I take one last look at my blackberry and take great pleasure in shutting it down.

My heart sings as I show “The Writers Handbook “ the long awaited light of day (well maybe not quite- artificial light of first great western maybe more like it but all feel's very light all of a sudden!) I don't even open it at the beginning, but for some reason randomly and my eyes land on:

Synopsis” to submit a book to a publisher you write a synopsis- here is how:

It went on to list how to write a synopsis and by the time I arrived back in Cornwall I had a finished synopsis. The book and I were happy. The mission was completed

I tell this story to my friend Ali- Ali and I have had parallel lives since we were born in the same hospital in Portsmouth, although at a distance- we have ended up following each other round the country, ending up in tiny Mousehole and yes- she is now embarking on her own writing path.

She tells me Metatron is about prioritising...

I think about white feather- and realise not only is it a quill, but an angel.

I wonder if penguins have fur or feathers and ask google, google replies that not only do penguins have feathers, they are the most feathered bird there is- with one hundred feathers in every square inch of their being.

For Sabi's incredibly loving message and book 'Secret's oF Angel Healing” or even if you want

to attend Sabi's Angelic Book Launch, you can be met at the pearly gates- as long as you have a golden ticket!- Get yours

For courses to initiate your spiritual self and soul see www.iniationworkshops.couk keep popping back to see if Sabi, Simon and the angels have arrived, at the moment they are waiting in the wings...