Wednesday, 28 November 2012

AstroTarotChannel December 2012

Tiffany has a look at the monthly energy in her AstroTarotChannel...
Not for prediction but for understanding. Check out Mystic Mog's massive karmic swipe of her tail at the end - classic you've been framed! - Now what was that about never working with children or animals?! I do think she understands what I say you know and here's the proof! 

If you found this helpful  you can book Tiffany and Mystic for a private reading here:

Tiffany is the author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot which you can get from Amazon which is cheaper than getting it from Tiffany's site but she can sign those ones! ;)

Tiffany is known as one of the best psychic and tarot teachers around - see all her courses here:

Monday, 5 November 2012

AstroTarotChannel November 2012

Tiffany has a look at the monthly energy in her AstroTarotChannel...
Not for prediction but for understanding. If you like it you can book her for a private reading here:

Tiffany is the author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot which you can get from Amazon which is cheaper than getting it from Tiffany's site but she can sign those ones! ;)

Tiffany is known as one of the best psychic and tarot teachers around - see all her courses here:

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The Threefold Journey of Enlightenment Through The Fool

The Fool can easily be mistaken for the enlightened master.
The Fool can do what the powerful cannot.

Because it has no ego.

When there is no ego than the channel for spirit free flows.

Just like Froddo in Lord of The Rings.
Eckhart Tolle says even if we become 90% free of ego we can achieve the currently unachievable...

As a young child we have no ego, we don't make judgments on ourselves, on another, on our life.
We don't hold grudges from the past, we don't worry about tomorrow, the thought hasn't even occurred to us!
We are in the first stage of The Fool's Journey.

As we grow we develop the ego, we begin to care about how others see us, we start making judgments and changing our behaviour accordingly. Causing inner restriction, attachment, untruth and disconnection.
Instead of being free with our imagination, ego takes over our imagination and turns it into a fear mongering machine. 
At adolescence, the ego kicks in and we come out of the heart into the head, start making judgments on others, our lives, and ourselves.
We begin to feel the fear, causing the polarity of attachment and separation. We are becoming conscious, but unconsciously. 
This is the second stage of The Fool.

The task is to develop the third stage of The Fool.  We flow through the first is the child stage, when the child is open and unconditionally loving, and isn't conscious of it, but we tend to get stuck at the second stage, and it can take a lifetime’s work to feel free in ourselves, with no fear, no restriction, no attachment, heart-centred enough to match this quote -

“And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky.”


Everyone on the Earth is on their own Fool's Journey, yes, all of us.
But Tarot readers have an opportunity and a responsibility to be forerunners of consciousness on the journey of The Fool.

Tarot readers are guides for others through their own Fool's Journey. Which means to be at their best they must consciously work with the energy of The Fool, embrace the journey, wholeheartedly, and constantly check in with how they are doing.

How good is a Tarot reader if they care about looking like a fool? How can spirit work through them if they are so in fear about what others will think? How can they help anyone get to a place of freedom and love within, if they themselves are restricted, constricted, or in fear?

Perhaps you don't see the practice of Tarot as helping someone to get to a place of love and freedom within?

Perhaps you do, but Tarot has been associated with prediction for such a long time, I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t.

People don't say I am going to go to a Tarot session to find inner love and freedom! 
No! They say - 
I'm going to a reader to find out if I am going to get that job/man etc... 
     If they want to find inner love and freedom, they will go to a counsellor!

People come for a reading because they want the opposite of inner love and freedom! They want to identify with the mind, make judgments, get predictions, gain control of the uncontrollable and basically attach. Having a prediction causes an attachment. Either a desire for the prediction to come true, or a fear that it will or won't.
Either way it brings in the small egoic self of fear and control.
They don't realise this causes the opposite of freedom and self love of course - because they are in the second stage of The Fool.

But if we are in the third stage of The Fool then our Tarot practice changes, and we can begin to help people out of the need for control. Gently fostering more trust, love and freedom.

Incredible alignment happens.

People start fostering trust in themselves and the universe that all is as it should be. Restrictions fall away as they become comfortable with the truth, not moving to try and hide or fix it. And from that the biggest blessings happen…

They find themselves…

And the ripple effect is created, touching all those they come in contact with, helping humanity to move in the third stage of The Fool.  

So how do you know if you are at the third stage? 

You feel it.

In your life, your walk is free, your talk is free.

I'm not saying that you are conscious enlightened beings. But you will know when you are out of alignment. You will understand through your feelings that you have become restricted, attached, in fear or in control, and you will be able to look at what it is that is holding you to ransom and un-attach yourself.

In this way The Fool mirrors the process of The Hanged Man - that deep inner reflection for ultimate freedom - the archetype of the enlightened master.

So The Fool is the most powerful archetype there is, not because it's the only Major Arcana that found it's way into our playing cards, taking the place of the wild card, being able to go anywhere, do anything and be anything. 
Not only because it is the only archetype that is free enough to take the mickey out of royalty. 
But because it is truly free inside....
This is why it can be so free on the outside. 
And through holding that The Fool can journey through life, causing ripples of freedom for others.

Here’s a spread for seeing where you are at with your Fool

1)  Head consciousness - Example: The Hermit
2)  Heart consciousness- Example: The Two of Wands
3)  Ability to walk consciously- Example: The Ten of Swords
4) Your unconscious will - - Example: The King of Wands
5)  Your karma- Example: The Sun
6)  Your instinct - Example: Justice
7)  Your ability to let go - Example: The Fool

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Tarot – Talking Light, Busting Fear…

My name is Tiffany Crosara – which means “Epiphany from The Christian Faith” and I am a Tarot Reader! I am sure some christian’s will be turning in their grave at the supposed irony of my name. I say supposed – because really it’s not ironic at all.
The Tarot includes Christianity as well as Egyptian and Greek Mythology, Astrology, Numerology and Kabbalastic teachings in the symbology, and that’s the truth of the matter really! And that’s what I love about the Tarot – the pictures speak for themselves. On the occassions where a client says “i’m not sure I agree, can we do it again?” I say “yeah sure” – and once again the same cards come up and the look on their face is priceless. So much in the psychic field can’t be seen in the material world – but that doesn’t apply to Tarot.
So where does the fear come from? The fear is originally belongs to the church. The church’s fear was that people would find their own power through the Tarot and they managed to demonize the Tarot through it’s symbology of Death, The Devil and The Tower. But death only means release of the old and beginning of the new. And let’s take a look at The Devil, whose other name Lucifier means light bringer:
When The Devil comes up it doesn’t mean you are evil – just acting in an unconscious manner, but with that we are brought the opportunity to awaken, once we awaken we find ourselves in The Tower – which is the next card in the natural order of The Tarot. Most people fear The Tower so much that they subconsciously keep themselves stuck in the ignorance of The Devil. The quote I use in my book for The Tower is -
It is a great mystery that though the human heart longs for Truth,
in which alone it finds liberation and delight, the first reaction of
human beings to Truth is one of hostility and fear!
— Anthony De Mello
This is The Tower all over…. The Tower gives you a strike of enlightenment through your crown, a lightening bolt of truth waking you up and creating that of which you have secretly longed for. Maybe you moaned about being stuck in a dead end job and suddenly you are made redundant, or a relationship – that suddenly ends. Really its the beginning of the life you wanted. IF you can align yourself to it.
The next card in the natural order is The Star… Which everyone loves – overlooking that you actually need to have completely faced all your stuff, conquered your fears and decided to completely go for it in order to catch it sounds easy right?! Lol!
You have to make sure the restrictions of The Devil have been completely annihlated by The Tower so you can be that free to catch your Star. Mostly people just end up feeling completely overwhelmed by the lack of structure in their lives and just end up running back through The Tower to chain themselves to The Devil again – like just taking any job that comes along rather than following your wildest dreams, or getting back in a relationship because of the fear of going alone for example.
So hopefully from that little analogy you can start to see that there are no such things as good and bad cards. They all serve a purpose – of helping you on your way.
They are all little post it notes of the energy around for you to tap into for your empowerment – if you can remove the fear that has been so engrained. The fear of prediction is a big one, so lets look at that now.
The Tarot is a mirror. Humans are predictable beings. We follow our own little conditioned patterns. The Tarot reflects this back to us. That reflection can be used two ways:
1) The first way is to predict – which can be controversial and disempowering.
2) The second way is to reflect someone’s pattern back to them, as said earlier – the Tarot is little post it notes of proof. The same cards come up time and time again and people have to face the fact that their cards are laid out on the table right in front of their face. A good reader will help them see that this is just a mirror – and ask them if they feel they would like to change anything in the mirror and then work with the Tarot to help them gain information on different avenues so they can go home with an armful of x-rays about possible alternate ways of living, for them to feel clear and empowered in their choices.
There really is nothing to fear about the Tarot – apart from the person reading it. You want to make sure that person sees everything in life as working towards the highest good and is well trained in helping people to face what they need to, and also help them see the gift in the situation.
You will know when you have received a good reading as you will probably not have been told anything you don’t already know deep down, but you will feel so much clearer in yourself- as if someone just washed you clean of all the fear and confusion, and all you are left with is a feeling of confirmation an increased confidence in your own intuition. Now how empowering is that?
Tiffany Crosara
Author of The Transformational Truth of Tarot order your signed copy @
Join the group for free Tarot inspiration at
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For Twitter: transcendenttif

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Tiffany Crosara's Soul Contract Revelations Spread:

1) The soul purpose of the relationship (The Sun)

Then it splits in to two rows - A and B. decide who is A and who is B. 

2a) is what A thinks of B (Palace of Swords)

2b) is what B thinks of A (The Wheel)

3a) is the emotions that B stirs in A

3b) Is the emotions that A stirs in B (Queen of Cups)

4a) is what A projects onto B ( Seven of Cups)

4b) is what B projects onto A (The Moon)

5a) is the truth of the relationship for A (Five of Wands)

5b) is the truth if the relationship for B ( Ace of Cups)

6a) What A wants for the relationship (Six of Swords)

6b) What B wants for the relationship ( Four of Pentacles)

7) the best way forward ( Nine of Cups)

It is interesting to read the columns horizontally for each as well so you get to see very clearly what it's bringing up for each... Hope it helps!

Tiffany Crosara's Relationship To The World Spread

Cor dear me! Does anyone else feel like they are on a seasaw?! One day I'm feeling completely ecstatic the next I'm feeling floored! So I thought God how can today be The World?!       
But then I remembered the Astrotarotchannel said not giving a f*** was good for ascension and I can see I am ready to know the truth and I am totally done with any bulls***!!
So I adapted The World spread especially for relationships..

Top left is Friends and community - with mine you can see there is things here with communication being needed to clear projection ( Which is what I started at 3am this morn after deciding to send an email after a sleepless few hours).

Top right is relationships with intimate partners... (Looking really good for new level of growth based on the solid foundation we have built).

Bottom right is relationship with children or parents - there is a lot in mine about self worth and hard work on independence but emotions being self destructive.

Bottom left us relationships with clients - Cor! Lots of movement and business there- must take it one step at a time as not to get overwhelmed!

The middle is the current soul lesson - seems like its about being straight up, honest and kind. Awareness fell out so I put it there - this is The Chariot so The Chariot came out twice - which is my soul card.

This has been interesting. It's reflected what I already know... But I feel ready to look at each relationship in depth now to see the absolute truth and clear and let go of any past things that have been building up - so yes I guess that is The World for you! 
What does yours show? Anything you already know? Good to get confirmation?

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel August 2012

Tiffany Crosara’s AstroTarotChannel August 2012

by Robert Burns-

It was on a Lammas night,
When corn rigs are bonie,
Beneath the moon’s unclouded light,
I held away to Annie:

The time flew by, wi tentless heed,
Till ‘tween the late and early;
Wi’ sma’ persuasion she agreed
To see me thro’ the barley.

The sky was blue, the wind was still,
The moon was shining clearly;
I set her down, wi’ right good will,
Amang the rigs o’barley

I ken’t her heart was a’ my ain;
I lov’d her most sincerely;
I kissed her owre and owre again,
Among the rig o’ barley.

I locked her in my fond embrace;
Her heart was beating rarely:
My blessings on that happy place,
Amang the rigs o’barley.

But by the moon and stars so bright,
That shone that hour so clearly!
She ay shall bless that happy night,
Amang the rigs o’barley.

I hae been blythe wi’ Comrades dear;
I hae been merry drinking;
I hae been joyfu’ gath’rin gear;
I hae been happy thinking:

But a’ the pleasures e’er I saw,
Tho three times doubl’d fairley
That happy night was worth then a’.
Among the rig’s o’ barley.

Corn rigs, an’ barley rigs,
An’ corn rigs are bonie:
I’ll ne’er forget that happy night,
Among the rigs wi’ Annie.
We start the month of August as always with Lammas on the 1st, Lammas is the ancient Pagan harvest festival.  it is a very powerful time to think of all that you have harvested so far this year, taking at least a moment to send out thanks to the universe, people and of course not forgetting to pat yourself on the back too. You may want to make that into your own thanksgiving ritual.
This year Lammas is particularly strong as the second half of Lammas which is called Lunar Lughnasadh which happens at the full moon falls on the very next day with a full moon in Aquarius on 2nd at 4:27am, conjunct the lion-taming Aestroid Cyrene. Cyrene is the lady pictured opening a Lion’s jaw in The Strength card in the Tarot. Strength/Cyrene relates to Aquarius’s opposite sign of Leo, which is the sign the Sun is in this month. Its a great beginning  for helping us to tame our impulsive instincts so that we may gain more freedom – one of life’s little paradoxes!  See more about this on this month\’s Tarot part on YouTube
We also see a nice trine happening between the Moon and Jupiter in Gemini, strengthening the feeling that we could accomplish anything we set our minds to right now, because its relatively easy to get any self destructive themes in check and  gain conscious clarity of our own evolutionary path. WOW! Sounds like the moment we have been waiting for doesn’t it?
A week later on 8th we have Venus entering Cancer emphasising that home really is where the heart is, spending time with our nearest and dearest should bring us feelings of empathic bonds and emotional fulfilment. Its a time to give to those we love freely and effortlesslyMercury also goes direct on 8th but it doesn’t mean we are out of the water yet! In fact everything may not completely align until 22nd August . So generally  for the first half of this August it seems that it’s best to concentrate on honing our heads and our hearts and leaving the action to the universe until later on.

The new moon in Leo on 17th could signify that you are all eager to get off the starting block with your new creations and projects and this feels like a great thing – not one to be suppressed from what I said above, just dont let arrogance, or pride or an assumption of perfection straight off hold you back. Allow it to be that what it is, young creations, young creations take on a life of their own and can’t always be controlled, try nurturing the growth instead. There is a feeling of whatever you do this month – do it properly. It seems there is no messing, just gentle taming, its got a beautiful feeling of healthy growth all around.

When the Sun enters Virgo on 22nd and  illuminates areas where we feel the need to do better in our lives, for perhaps what may be the first time this year,  the long awaited green light finally switches on, and we can actually finally start  putting our plans into action and getting on with the work – with clarity. This will be backed up by Mars entering Scorpio on 23rd helping  us to fire up our determination for transformation and really find the courage to commit to our convictions.

And we finish this month Blue Moon in Pisces on 31st and Mercury moving into its own sign of Virgo. A great mix for reflection. How perfect does this month feel?! Blue Moon is the name given to a moon whenever there is a second full moon in a month. This is a rare occurrence and great for self reflection. The fact that this one is in Pisces strengthens that quality somewhat, particularly when it comes to our spiritual development. I can’t think of a way more perfect to end such a month. A month that asks us to begin with reflections upon that which we have sown, then gives us all we need to grow our crops exactly as we desire and then asks us to reflect and reassess how well intune that is with our spiritual path.

The more I write about this month, the more excited I become, I don’t think I have felt such a beautiful benevolence about a month in such a long time, and definitely not in 2012. We need a break, and it seems the planets might just be giving us a well deserved one. Either ways its a just desserts month, make sure you made yours with love…

I will leave you with the wise words of Eva Cassidy

Made with love,
Tiffany Crosara