Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Mary Magdalene & The Three Legged Toad

The period since Easter has been very powerful... (originally an easter newsletter)

So powerful, even I am a little apprehensive around sharing this,
particularly as I have tried to write this twice before and twice before it turned into the Da Vinci Code at the point of sending. Very apt!

However I am a Leo with Taurus Ascendent, making me very headstrong and stubborn, sometimes I have hard lessons to learn because at times I will ignore the signs and go ahead anyway. This, I hope, is not one of those times, and tell myself the fact it turned into the Da Vinci Code twice was coincidental! Ha! As if I belive in coincedences!

So here goes, and if it turns into the Da Vinci code again, then I MAY reconconsider! (I have since found out it turns into the Da Vinci Code if I dress it up, so this is a very simple humble looking newsletter!)

At Easter time I came across a psychic who told me of a very powerful connection that my partner has to Jesus, I did not need telling, as it has been incredibly obvious to me from the outset, I often sit scratching my head, wondering why someone who has such a strong link to Jesus is with me? For I have not in the slightest! Now I was scratching my head even more as here was someone who did not know my partner channelling this information and getting highly emotional around it and telling me that I had a link to Mary Magdalene!

When I explained to her the above, she told me that I was in denial of my link!

The next day, I lost my engagment ring, I realised this at work, so I told my boss-
"I felt naked and looked down and thought where's my ring?!" to which he replied
"Oh Tiffany, you come across as such a Virgin Mary but really you are a right Mary Magdalene!" I left very white!...

I then rang me partner apprehensively to inform him of the loss, for if you think I read into everything, he makes me look cynical! I explained to him, that I felt this was a nudge from the universe. We had got engaged in August, but not made any plans as we had a lot on with the move to Cornwall, but we were coming into a time that we could dedicate to it.
I found my ring,in the bottom of my big travel ruksak as soon as we started planning.

I then gave a new friend of mine a reading, I picked up on a particular friendship of hers and she said that she was strongly connected to this friend through a Mary Magdalene link, again, I went white- in acknowledgement she said she had been given a book about Mary Magdelane and had nearly finished. She had been asking who to give it to and now she knew. I came home, to see that my partner had also been given a book- about Jesus.

Two weeks ago yesterday, was the most powerful. I get into work and the first thing I hear is a snippet of a conversation "and so my daughter asked me what I knew about The Last Supper, and I said that the bible says that Jesus drank from the Holy Grail at The Last Supper, but the painting doesn't picture The Holy Grail, only Mary Magdalene".

I went out to get a drink, the shop I walk into has a big promotion on for a new magazine, it fills the entire window with the words "Was Jesus married?".
I come out of that shop to be faced with graffitti of the initials "J.C, J.C". I had been reading my Mary Magdalene book and had got to the point that said Mary Magdalene draws her people together in a location, a very powerful psychic friend of mine said that the South West had a strong connection with Mary Magdalene, (both he and this other psychic are in London) So on this day every time I go into a shop, I see a leaflet for a psychic called Leela so eventually I gave in and called to book a reading.
I find out her name is Maggie. Catching a quiet five minutes after booking, spirit come over me in a playful energy and start singing round and round "maaaaggggiiieeee...llleeeelllllaa....maaggiiee..llleella...Leela...Maggie....Maggie.Leela...Maggieleela...Magdalena.
My partner comes home from work and as I begin to recount the story the cd player turns itself on and displays what looks like chapter and verse from the bible, we look it up, its a scene from the crucifixtion, the first line says "and there was Mary Magdelane"When I have my reading with Maggieleela, she does infact confirm to me that she also has the MaryMagdelane connection and that it is a group consciousness and that through synchronicity I will draw & recognise the people I am to be working with right now. She asks me how I intend to use the information, I said I was not clear enough to know, she said it is probably better that way!
On Monday, my partner gave me a crystal he had come across when he was at a psychic fair. He had asked to be shown a gift for me and the next thing he saw was this crystal. It is called Magdelana! The Magdalena crystal, works with you in three stages, the first feels like your feet are firmly embedded in the sea floor, you are surrounded in a density that envelopes you in darkness and you are unable to see the light.
In the second stage, your feet begin to loosen and you start to move through the depressed energy into clearer waters, you are more hopeful and comforted by the emergence of light.
In the third you come upto the surface, the sun is shining brightly on your face and you are one with universal energy.
I feel I have spent the last six months (which have been our first six months in Cornwall) in the first stage. I feel the second stage got activated at Easter, when we finally came across our three legged toad!
For months a friend had recommended we get one but we had not come across one anywhere. Strange seeming I work in the most established metaphysical store in Europe!
My partner and I had gone for a drive and stumbled across a glorious little picturesque fishing village called Mevagissy, we parked on the harbour to find a crisp five pound note perched delicately on the edge. Greatfully we recieved and went on our way to explore this delightful untouched by time cornish land- we ended up in a shop- full of three legged toads- for a fiver!

That week, A three month dispute with my phone company finally resolved meaning I could take on more work through another phone company, and my biggest income told me I was getting a payrise, they were giving me more time off, and they were also merging with this other company I was going to start working for over the phone, meaning whilst in Cornwall I can still get all my Mysteries clients and when in London I still get all my Startemple clients...And we get a new bed bought for us (sorely needed, believe me)
The next week I found my husband (after eight years) who said he would pay for the divorce.
We found the Barn we want to marry in and a dress and a cake for next to nothing, but all of these needs to be finalised (as I said, I am in the second stage)
Last week, the quickest transformation happened. My credit card company rang me to tell me that they had looked into my situation and could see it was a genuine mistake so they have refunded my balance to my account clearing anything that they said I owed and they will make sure any defaults against my name have been cancelled!
This week has been feeling a little merky again, but I shall persist to work with my Magdelana crystal now and hopefully trust that the third stage is on its way....Now for the boring news!- I now have a blog, so if you like my ramblings then go to http://www.mailmarketing.org.uk/mailer/users/link.php?UserID=32521&Newsletter=86&List=23&LinkType=Send&LinkID=173 and click on my root chakra and you will see there is plenty more where that came from! On Tuesdays I am available to read through The Celtic Tarot phoneline. On Wednesdays I am available for private face to face bookings for healing and reading at The Healing Star in Penzance or privately for phone readings.On Thursday from 9-2 I am now working for StarTemple (see http://www.mailmarketing.org.uk/mailer/users/link.php?UserID=32521&Newsletter=86&List=23&LinkType=Send&LinkID=174) and soon you will also be able to get me through the Mysteries phoneline at that time. See http://www.mailmarketing.org.uk/mailer/users/link.php?UserID=32521&Newsletter=86&List=23&LinkType=Send&LinkID=175. My pin number is 7723. On Saturdays and Sundays I am available at Mysteries in person or over the phone for readings.

If you would like to book for a group psychic workshop experience please call me on 07985249028I hope and trust this gave you something, if so why not spread the magic yourselves by forwarding on to anyone you feel the pull toMuch Magdalena energy to you all (unconditional love and revealation of mystery)

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