Tuesday, 17 June 2008

The End of an Era......

Last week, I had my coil removed. (Talk about airing my dirty laundry!)

I had one inserted since the loss of my daughter a decade ago and it had stopped my periods. Yes, I had no periods for ten years! "Great!- How do I get one?" I hear you say,and yes it was great, but over this decade my holistic and spiritual awareness has been gaining deeper and deeper awareness and I began to feel I needed to be in touch with my feminine nature, I began to see I had literally "plugged myself up" not great when you look at it that way. What about the proccess? The grieving process? Letting go? Let alone the fact that I work as a psychic & that is closely linked with feminine cycles...So I felt the time was nigh and I was interested to see what shifts may occur as a result...

The first night I had a nightmare that my black cat Mystic (Mystic Mog!) was being repeatedly killed in various gruesome ways and I was repeatedly finding her. I even recognised this style of dream and what it was about in the dream, it was so familiar. I had had it for for the first two years following the loss of my daughter.
I got up & went to work where I was immediately presented with a dying animal and asked to give it healing.

The next night I dreamt I was giving a couple a reading who had a link to Vancouver. That day I had a couple come to see me & I asked them if they had a link with Vancouver, to which they did, the ladies sister lived there.

That night I dreamt of animals being killed again, I woke to my mobile, my partner who had just left for work wanted to informed me a baby bird had fallen out of the nest in our roof into a bush and our other cat Tom, was trying to get it. I went down and shooed Tom away, then got into the shower. Upon arrival into my bedroom, Mystic was making little noises & pawing a lump under my nighty, she had brought the baby bird into the house! I gathered it into the nighty, and gave it Reiki whilst finding a good spot for it outside, but unfortunately it died, hopefully Reiki made the passing more peaceful

That night I dreamt I went to Bournemouth University & studied Forensic Science.
I had a reading first thing in the morning, she told me she felt stuck, I said "What about going to Bournemouth University & studying Forensic Science?"
She went white- she had never had a reading before- she told me she had studied Criminology & she wanted to study Forensic Science, that an ex boss now lived in Bournemouth & he had been asking her to cometo Bournemouth to study, that he had work lined up for her she could do whilst studying & a home...

That night I dreamt I was giving someone a Reiki attunement, when I heard the words "poor old Reiki Masters!" I t was my partner waking me up!

He continued to freak me out that day as I went to see my friend in Cornwall who I have the Mary Magdalene connection with to give her the book back (she the two Mary posts below, start with the one below the first one) and he asked me how she was, as he did so, he drew in the sand an exac replica of the ring they talk about in the bok, which is a planetary constellation, (something he knows nothing about, but then again he does have the moon in his first house)

The Moon: Responsible for the ebbing and rising of the seas, & as we are made of so much water, our moods, she rises at the night and governs our dreams, as well as the cycles of women...

1 comment:

Guardian said...

We are in awe of your talents, Tiff.

I'm glad you've taken this decision to restore your body, and I look forward to reading more of your adventures as your full feminine power is unleashed.

Much love,