Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Mary, the book, the babes and the bloodlines

WOW! (Newsletter dated 10/06/08)

Thankyou guys, for the amazing feedback! I felt I was taking a controversial gamble by hitting a send button loaded with Mary Ammunition, but all Igot was great feedback, so thankyou for your vote of confidence, the best being a lovely story I was sent by a lady who the newsletter had been forwarded on to saying how she felt Mary's presence so close to her whilst reading, that at the end she said her name three times and the energy became so defined it asked her what she wanted and they sat in diologue for half an hour. Perhaps you may want to try the same thing? Who knows what will happen as a result?!

So, yes thankyou B for taking the time to share that amazing experience, and thankyou T for forwarding, and thankyou to Mary for continuing to make her presence felt (Quite literally in B`s case), in more roundabout ways where i`m concerned, but take a look at this...

(You may remember in the last letter, I had said I was not sure of Mary's link to the Three Legged Toad, well I think I have got it now, just keep this sentance in mind as you read)

A week after sending the last newsletter my partner & I got some unexepcted last minute time together so we decided to go for a meal, as we sat conversing about the recent gobsmacking strength of communication from spirit a song started to play and Richard said "Tiffany, this song is for both of us, its both our genres, Reggae mixed with dance, we need to listen"
All we could make out was the chorus "History repeats itself in God's name" chanted repeatedly...Straight after, the staff put a Sugababes CD on and Rich said " Oh well that's the end of that then!" But I reminded him of how The Sugababes guided us to where we now live, (for those who don't remember there will be a refresher below),
the songs went in this order one after the other:

History repeats itself in God's name
Round Round
Who's That in The Red Dress? (The book I am reading about Mary places a lot of emphasis on her always being dressed in red)
That's Just The Shape of My Heart (The only song about The Tarot- those that know me know The Tarot plays an incredibly big part in my life)
Madman Situation (When we got in the car after veiwing where we now live we were agonising between two choices, we turned on the radio and heard these Sugababe words "Don't know which destination? It's a one way ticket to a Madman situation (we now live in Madron)

"From that moment the worries I had had around housing got intensified, there had been a lot of things going on, contracts, offers, & other big financial implications. Mortgages, Sick pay, holiday pay, pensions, or the lack of became poweful enough to destroy my otherwise happy existence. My payrise (due to The Legged Toad) was being swallowed up by a steep hike in train prices, & instead of thinking "Thank God & The Toad for the help to pay this." I was finding the negative gremlin had actually taken up residence in my head space.
My control issues span right out of control, to the point that I made myself and all around me thoroughly miserable, I got so sick of myself I got sick, my throat was sore with angry words & my voice went as I was so sick of hearing myself whine.
When the time for me came to go to London my partner expressed that he didn't feel I was well enough, but oh no I had to go and earn money! Besides my ticket was already booked, how could I justify wasting £50?!
As soon as I sat on the train I was gripped by a huge homesickness, which grabbed hold of my stomach and heart & gripped tighter and tightser as the rolling hills & endless ocean began to metamorphis into concrete hills & endless rooftops, (this definitely meant I was ill! I love London! It was so diffrent to how I normally felt I was shocked & I was so emotional the only ocean left was the one pouring down my face)
As soon as I arrived in London I was haunted by a poster all weekend wherever I went saying "DOUBT KILLS", it hit me like the double decker buses it was printed all over. I walked into Mysteries and a colleague asked me how I was, to which the ocean inside of me rose up & over. That day, I had four clients instead of the normal ten that day. ( The first one was called Gail, the slip she gave to say she had paid said on it Tiffany & Grail)
The Psychic who had originally informed me of The Mary link came sat with me and said to me to pull some cards about what this link with Mary Magdalene was.

Nine of Wands (guarding with stress, expecting the worst to happen)
The Four of Cups (The Holy Grail, inner child, nurture, inner security)
The Four of Wands (Outer structure, security, stability, acheivement)
The Six of Pentacles (money, control, unequal energy exchange, unfairness, poverty consciousness)

Boy, whoever said The Tarot was a mirror was not wrong! But what was interesting was this link between possesion and Mary Magdalene which was starting to become clear...

I left work to meet friend, that I had not seen for six months,he was running late, & I found myself out in the cold, waiting on the streets, hungry... I could see what I was manifesting.
When he arrived, I began to tell him what had been going on, I explained how strange it was because I had never been interested enough to read anything remotely biblical. He reported that strangely enough neither had he, but over the last ten days he had been studying Biblical text hard and had come to the conclusion that it all boiled down to possession of land. Interesting!

I went back to where I was staying and was left alone with my thoughts. I was still feeling really unwell and upset, I just wanted to run home into my partner's arms. I felt like a little child lost in a big scary city crying for it's mum, for love, for safety, for security, such a shock to my normal independent self.
I fell asleep, and dreamt that I was stuck on St Micheal's Mount (where the Micheal and Mary Leylines meet, visible from my house) the wind was trying it's hardest to blow me into the the wild sea that was crashing into the monastry, the sky was dark & stormy, & over on land was Richard in sunny old Marizion (The sun always shines in Marizion), partying happily & inviting me to join him. But I was so cut off from happiness by my emotions and swallowed by darkness I just couldn't move. Eventually I broke free & joined him, just before it was too late.
I awoke to find my eyes staring at an Edgar Cayce book, someone I have always wanted to read, but this was so big & I had to go to work, so I opened it randomly to read the following:

"Edgar Cayce often worried about money, even a great Psychic like him, often people didn't pay for their readings and he never chastised them. This time was one of the worst, Edgar prayed hard and God said "Stay true to me and you will see, watch what happens over the next thirty days"

Sure enough money came through the post everyday for thirty days, whether it was well meaning friends and relatives, creditors adjusting accounts, or people with sudden guilty conscience. Edgar vowed never to worry again, and he never did."Wow!" I thought to myself. "How funny I opened this 426 page book up on that page," & boy does it seem like spirit really hear your thoughts because boy did I hear them! Bang in my head clear as a bell, "Tiffany, why do you doubt us so much? Time and time again, when you are sick, you work, & then you ask us why nobody comes and we reply "because you are sick" and still you come, because you think you are self employed, but you are not, you are employed by us. We had to drag you here to hear, you are not here to give readings this week but to recieve them. It is not your life that is expensive, but your state of mind"
It was so strong it nearly knocked me over.You would think that would be enough? Oh no! By the end of another day of only three clients, the negativity had gripped hold. I overheard a student talk of her thirty thousand pound debt and my reactional unsympathetic thought process went on something like "yeah, well you gonna av a nice fat lovely salary to pay that with". Whack, spirit were back. "Tiffany, you are a student, you are a student of ours, but we have protected you from getting into debt, you have enough to keep a roof over your head and food in your belly, not only are you fed physically by what you do, but your head, heart, and soul are fed too, this is a starting point for you, it is not an indefinite destination that will never change, you too will be as abundant as that lady, but maybe even more so, for what makes you think she will be fed on the other levels?"

Okay! I finally got the message!On the train a lady asked if she could sit next to me, she made polite chitchat and asked what I did, to which I replied "I'm a Clairvoyant" she did not ask any further, but buried her head in her Micheal J Fox autobiography! I buried my head in my Mary Magdalene book, wishing I could lie when someone asks me that question!I could not get hold of Richard that day and I was reading about the crucifixtion, I was beginning to worry, eventually he rang and I explained this to him, at which point the woman next to me, put away her Micheal J Fox autobiography and brought out The Bible and a load of study books, she was on the Gospel of Mark. After I finished the call she asked me what I was reading, "Oh Goodness" I thought! "Here goes!". I told her it was a book about Mary Magdalene, and tried to counter it by asking her if she was studying Theology, to which she explained that she was a Christian who studied The Bible in her spare time, that she had done The Alpha course as she felt she was sitting on the fence with her faith and she was shown how The Bible contains an incredible amount of facts about Jesus. I said that I could not comment because I had never read it. She recommended I did so, I tried to explain that I can't learn things externally but I was struggling to explain and getting tounge-tied, when I jsut released and all of a sudden it was like spirit were talking through me"You and I bought a ticket to come on this journey, it was our intention that made this happen, but only because we need to do it to go forward & get to where we need to be, but once on the train, we don't know who the driver is, we cannot see him, but we know he is there, it is a faceless faithful journey"
The train stopped, literally as my sentance did, it was her stop. For three hours we had said nothing, for the past ten minutes we had finally honoured what the driver was wanting us to face, she made a noise as if to say she had regretted we had not spoke sooner, we exchanged pleasantaries and departed, I sked the book what she thought, the next line, on the last page said "The Gospel of Mark was the most damning to Mary Magdalene becasue of it's reference to Jesus casting seven devils out of Mary, people translated this as Mary being possessed or mentally ill, when really it was the name of the poison used on her"

I looked up to see one of my partner's workmates had got on at the stop so we ended up sitting together for the rest of the Journey. He showed me his art, all of Langedouc, Southern France. Exactly where the book was set.

I have my link between Mary and the Toad revealed... Mary is a misunderstood female related with maytrdom & unconditional love, (not unlike myself) the Toad is abundance, I feel Mary and the Toad are asking me to look at how my own judgements about myself & others judgements, keep me in a victim role & poverty consciousness, that unconditional love to the self and to others is the only way to be truly abundant.
The book has ended, an adventure in Langedouc is now beginning.

I returned the book to my Magdalene friend and then met my partner on the beach, he asked me how she was whilst he was mindlessly doodling in the sand, the mindless doodle was an exact replica of Mary's ring, a circle with a dot in the centre and nine dots unevenly circling the centre.

News........News.......News........News........News........News......News..I still have not found a way to jazz up the newsletters without turning it into The Da Vinci Code so hopefully the contents jazz you up enough! But I am on the case....

Mysteries...From July 4th I will be at Mysteries Friday & Saturday instead of Saturday & Sunday....

Many cheers for your ears and all the rest too!
Til next time, keep the faith

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